Chapter 214 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


You continue to think the cotton candy real
When it is the sugary essence you must taste.

* * * *
This path you think so real
Disappears when time dissolves.

* * * *
To see this ultimate view,
Yet continue residing in the world of dreams,
Is like walking a razored tightrope.

* * * *
Washing away confusion and ignorance
Is your responsibility alone.

* * * *
Enlightenment is one thing, liberation another.
Discovering the witness within is much less arduous
Than giving its unlimited nature full reign.

* * * *
The seed of freedom is planted.
If or when it will bear fruit, who can now say.
But rest assured it will if we awaken into desiring it so.

* * * *
Morality may get you to a battlefield,
But has little to do with the outcome.

* * * *
A drop separated from its source
Must travel far to return home.

* * * *
The eternal is a merry drunk.
Tap the barrel for your full share.

* * * *
Reclaim the sovereignty at the root of your being.

* * * *
Do you desire life more than liberation?

* * * *
The coyote, thief, trickster, fool is you.

* * * *
All manifestation is ever humbled
By the grinding, gnashing, unyielding,
Ceaseless kaleidoscope of change.

* * * *
You are already free.
You just need to see it.

* * * *
You may want to always be innocent, honest, and true.
But all too often life just doesn't happen that way.
The game of existence demands many tolls.

* * * *
We probably all identify with one school, one herd,
One gaggle, one tribe or another at one time or another.

* * * *
Patience, patience.
It will all happen soon enough.

* * * *
The herd instinct drives us all to one degree or another.

* * * *
What delusionary denial so many experience.

* * * *
Do you choose your fate, or it you?

* * * *
Haven’t you tired of nationalism yet?
Isn’t your arm weak from all that flag waving?

* * * *
Yee gods, what kind of life
Would that be to live?

* * * *
Time happens,
And sometimes even clicks
In coincidental fashion.

* * * *
The biggest problem in this insane world
Is that so many idiots are running the show.

* * * *
What an insult to intelligence the human drama can be.

* * * *
Contemplation is one of life's greater gifts.

* * * *
You can't undo the past,
So why waste time regretting it?

* * * *
Try not to create a dilemma about sexuality.
It is a genetic urge, a pleasure, a habit,
A physical tension akin to hunger or thirst.
Give it its due as your will dictates, and carry on.
Perhaps one day it will simply cease being so important,
Perhaps not.
It really isn't an issue.

* * * *
What you really are is not lost,
Just temporarily cloaked with layers
Of unnecessary, even comical complexity.

* * * *
The mind-identity is ever incomplete.
Wholeness, unification, integration, intuition
Is beyond the capacity of limited, parochial thinking.

* * * *
When the clinging to identity ends
There is a return to childlike awareness.

* * * *
We all play one game or another.

* * * *

Breathe each breath as if it were the last.
Fully, fearlessly, without desire for more.

* * * *
The devil is probably far more interesting
Than most religious types, unless, of course,
They are one in the same.

* * * *
Even god probably couldn't sort this mess out.

* * * *
Ahh, the futility of result.

* * * *
Every form existence takes
Will someday in some way, die,
Whether by your hand or another's.

* * * *
Go ahead, take it personal, suffer.

* * * *
Go somewhere else if you want political correctness.

* * * * *
Nobody’s got right by the tail.

* * * *
Be as impractical as you want
Until necessity forces a pragmatic head.

* * * *
To experience many things,
Yet be content through all of them.

* * * *
Play your fate to the hilt.

* * * *
So many you once knew already fallen.

* * * *
Is any fate deserved?

* * * *
Just words, man, just words.

* * * *
What's the point of being kind to friends and strangers
If you abuse or neglect those you supposedly love?

* * * *
Playground grass.
Is it the same everywhere?

* * * *
Hard to bypass the offer
Of an eighteen year-old virgin beauty.
But it may be best for both of you down the road
If you were to somehow decline.

* * * *
Be outrageous, at least occasionally.

* * * *
Nirvana is in the breath.

* * * *
The rules of the game are unwritten,
Yet oh so obvious.

* * * *
You'll do it for as long as you need to.

* * * *
At the root of wisdom is the humility of ignorance.
There is no humility in pretending you know anything.

* * * *
You are.
Need you, can you know anything more?

* * * *
Power corrupts in many ways at many levels.

* * * *
If you did not hunger, thirst or lust,
How silly all this would seem.

* * * *
Here you are.
Wondering why is a pointless distraction.

* * * *
Is it all happening to you, or you to it?

* * * *
In every aspect of the web of bondage
Is the seed of liberation.

* * * *
It is a dream,
Seemingly a very real three-dimensional one,
But a dream nonetheless.

* * * *
Be aware of the mental effort exerted
Explaining and interpreting the unfolding dream.
Be still, realize it requires no interference.

* * * *
Money draws every sort of vulture.

* * * *
If you deal in probabilities,
Outcomes generally become
All too predictable.

* * * *
Time wears down pride,
Smooths the corners,
Softens the harshness,
Eliminates the delusions.

* * * *
Vanity, vanity, it’s all vanity,
But to what degree?

* * * *
What do you know all this for?

* * * *
White Rabbits endlessly pursue goal after goal
Through one moment after another
Toward other moments
That will elude them ever again
For the same manic, clock-bound reasons.

* * * *
Does a deep breath stop time?
Or merely pass through it
As it does every other moment?

* * * *
A journey into conscious perfection.

* * * *
Has death ever lost?

* * * *
Consciousness is all.
All is one.
Be one in consciousness.

* * * *
Who needs entertaining stories
Who needs tedious, windy discourses,
Once an aphorism has bagged the essence?

* * * *
All distinctions are fabrications
Created by the divisive mind.
They do not exist in themselves.

* * * *
The senses and mind see
Only what they are prepared to see.
Only with the so-called third eye of insight
Can you view beyond appearances.

* * * *
The absolute is without cause or effect.

* * * *
The ceremonial trappings of all religions
Are arbitrary man-made collusions.

* * * *
Be in awareness,
Conscious of mind and senses,
But without attachment.

* * * *
Identity is a burdensome coat.
Without it you walk so lightly.

* * * *
Merge consciously into the serenity of the eternal fabric.

* * * *
No, that’s not your fate either.

* * * *
It’s all the Big Uno in the sky.

* * * *
Some worry so about the other side.
The other side of what?

* * * *
Wander the existential void as you will.

* * * *
Welcome home.

* * * *
The vectors are changing.
Will life as we know it
Survive the turns?

* * * *
Much will happen in time yet to pass.
Be aware that many judgments
May someday sound for you.

* * * *
We’re all a little touched by godness.

* * * *
Can’t force it, can’t stop it.
Just happens.

* * * *
If you are open to all possibilities,
What can surprise you?

* * * *
Things can never be completely the way
You would prefer them to play out.
That might really be hell.

* * * *
Be as mysterious and composed as the unfathomable ocean,
Unconstrained by the many passions of its myriad tributaries,
Unbound by the endless plays of reflection upon its surface.

* * * *
How much useless data will it take
To appease your insatiable mind?

* * * *
Funny how so many meet your expectations.

* * * *
Cease pretending someone out there knows.
None can know anything but their own projection.

* * * *
Before knowledge, what can there be?
Ignorance is the womb of all creation.

* * * *
Words: labels, concepts and beliefs,
Are so very limiting.

* * * *
What is this intelligence
That awakens to the witness?
A question to which there is no answer.

* * * *
Being what you truly are
Requires a courage few muster.

* * * *
Watching the play,
Realize you are the play.

* * * *
Without you to ask them,
There could be no questions
About life, god and truth.

* * * *
To understand your essential nature,
You must discern what you are not.

* * * *
You are the center of a wheel that has no center,
The meaning of a dream without any meaning.
The point of an existence forever pointless.

* * * *
Do you think all this makes any sense at all?
Boy-o-boy, are you a fool on a hill, or what?

* * * *
Is it even a remote possibility
That everyone could ever
Agree on anything?

* * * *
You will not host the mind of godness
Until you are willing to surrender your own.

* * * *
To those who see money
As more than a medium of exchange,
There will never be enough to still the craving.
Greed is an absorbing competition,
A game no one really wins.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved