Chapter 172 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


You are born of the original seed.

* * * *
Grasp that the identified you
Is not the you playing out
This spontaneous lightshow.

* * * *
Seek nothing but union,
And consciousness will take care of the player.

* * * *
Judgment is separation.

* * * *
Goals require desire,
And when desire diminishes,
All goals become clear and simple.

* * * *
Part of humility
Is a grace and equanimity
In moments both harsh and blessed.

* * * *
Love is a one-way street.

* * * *
We madly stampede toward the cliffs,
Violently clawing at one another,
Creating a hellish nightmare
Without any reckoning
Except utter destruction.
Both appalling and amusing.
Lemmings ain’t got nothing on us.

* * * *
We have loaded so much in our heads.
There is little room for serenity,
Good will and wisdom.

* * * *
Do you only care about the many because they are anonymous?
Do you think they care about you for any different reason?

* * * *
Habit is a precursor to inattention.

* * * *
Things might be much easier
If you would only remember to breathe.
The brain requires plenty of oxygen
And air’s other components.

* * * *
What will this world be like
When ten billion human beings
Are scrambling, clawing to survive?

* * * *
Not so Self-evident as one might think.

* * * *
How weary one becomes of all the wanting.

* * * *
To think it’s more than it is,
Is just more of the same old vanity.

* * * *
Now, if you’d been paying attention,
You’d know it weren’t time
For that particular thing to happen.

* * * *
You’ll have your feast, my friends, but not today.

* * * *
Deep down, we’re all Soul mates.

* * * *
Too infinite, really, to be called anything.

* * * *
Time can make or break any relationship.

* * * *
One twisted soul, two twisted souls,
Three twisted souls, four…
Who knows how many more?

* * * *
Gratuitous romance.

* * * *
Humility is the art of not thinking
About your many vanities all the time.

* * * *
Huff and puff all you please,
This house won’t be
Coming down anytime soon.

* * * *
Muggles everywhere.

* * * *
Unceasingly amazing
How stupid people can be
About so-called religion.

* * * *
Good thing you’re not in charge.

* * * *
Life is the creative evolution of the mystery.

* * * *
Ah, my fine pretty, the only reason
Your insolence is forgiven so readily
Is the irony of your superficial beauty.
Exhaust that, and you’ll discover
All those suitors really think.

* * * *
What we call news is just glorified gossip
With pictures and expert commentary.

* * * *
Knock, knock, knocking on the devil’s door.

* * * *
If you are insane, it is the world
That made you that way.

* * * *
What’s hotter than hot and colder than cold?

* * * *
You are the stuff of which godness is made.

* * * *
Boredom slows the clock,
Which can be nice as you age.

* * * *
It’s that old theory/reality irony again.

* * * *
Sometimes you hurt yourself more
By trying to stay in shape
Than you would
If you just took it a little easier.

* * * *
Oh boy, another stoplight.

* * * *
Emotion is overrated.

* * * *
Everything so quickly done.
Nothing you can do except let go,
And keep rolling on till death do you part.

* * * *
The concept of hell was created
By the guy who got beat up by the playground bully,
And wanted to exact some sense of revenge.

* * * *
Be considerate when possible,
And ruthless when you must.

* * * *
Just playing out your piece of eternity.

* * * *
Field notes
From a madman
Back from the sun,
Wax wings intact.

* * * *
They worship their desire and their fear and their suffering.

* * * *
The unspoilable dynamic.

* * * *
Rushing from one moment to the next,
They miss all of it.

* * * *
Sometimes the most open is the least obvious.

* * * *
Is there anyone who doesn’t one day wonder
Of sickness, injury, illness and dying:
How is this happening to me?

* * * *
When it comes to the control-nicks,
The trick is to stay beneath the radar.

* * * *
2000 years…and counting.

* * * *
Amazing how patient delusion makes some people.

* * * *
Unlikely any translation
Can ever completely grasp
Any given author’s exact meaning.

* * * *
Liver’s a lot cheaper.

* * * *
Suffering is a lack of presence
Coupled with denial of process.

* * * *
Time melds, time melts

* * * *
Do you really care, or do you just pretend to?

* * * *
Does the bee attend a dried-up rose?

* * * *
It’s more a matter of what you don’t want to do anymore.

* * * *
Justifying yourself is one of those Sisyphean tasks.
Chances are no one will ever totally accept you as you are.

* * * *
The joy of a true cynic
Is outraging another cynic.

* * * *
Pundits like to show off how little they know.

* * * *
You believe what you need to believe
In order to function in your world.

* * * *
An island in the storm.

* * * *
What is there in any word to believe?

* * * *
What you’re really looking for is a state of mind.

* * * *
So many things you’ll never know.

* * * *
All a state of mind.

* * * *
Another day and no form to go in the madness.

* * * *
If you don’t care, why should anyone else?

* * * *
If there was only pleasure,
There would be no pain
To unmask the unmaskable.

* * * *
From form to formless
And back again,
Water is so unattached.

* * * *
Only in consciousness
Is there pleasure and pain.

* * * *
What evidence do you have that it excludes you?

* * * *
Life is harsh,
But need we make it harsher?

* * * *
Why let emotions dictate your life?

* * * *
Not an easy fate.

* * * *
Be wary of believing any propaganda.

* * * *
Hollywood endings are not reality.

* * * *
Living for another
Will always leave one lonely
Sooner or later.

* * * *
Life is a disease
To which death is the remedy.

* * * *
It’s all about attrition.

* * * *
Everyone a linguist in their own fashion.

* * * *
Are you anyone’s promise?

* * * *
Not so hungry as you used to be, are ya?

* * * *
Any given mind is a unique mix of capacity and limitation.

* * * *
I am that I Am
You are that I Am
She is that I Am
He is that I Am
It is that I Am
We are that I Am
They are that I Am
There is nothing that is not
That I Am.

* * * *
So driven.

* * * *
Some days you’re estranged.
Some days you’re involved
Nature of the beast,

* * * *
Language is just the communication between universes.

* * * *
Can you really change your mind?

* * * *
Is religion really any more than
A tattered security blanket?

* * * *
The biggest bother about growing older
Is attending all those funerals.
And you thought weddings were bad.

* * * *
Credit banks on a future yet unknown.

* * * *
Another imaginary crusade
To save the world from itself.

* * * *
Build a field,
And they might come.

* * * *
Cars passing, passing, passing.
Passengers watching, watching, watching…
What are we all seeing through the windows of our eyes?

* * * *
Surrender the many to the one.

* * * *
It’s as infinite inside as it is outside.

* * * *
It really doesn’t make sense
That some god would create you,
Then judge you for how you play a game
In which there are no clear rules.

* * * *
Plagiarists all.

* * * *
What’s the point of decaf coffee
And non-alcoholic beer?

* * * *
What evidence of a personal god does anyone have?
Believing something does not make it so.

* * * *
Fear of some speculation is a waste of breath.

* * * *
Am I supposed to be bothered
By what you think of me?

* * * *
Looking for a bigger picture.

* * * *
Does it always have to make sense?

* * * *
Better you than me.

* * * *
To be at peace is a choiceless state of mind.

* * * *
So simple that only the most simple can see it.

* * * *
What is this thing called time?

* * * *
Pretty easy to get along with people
If you play out a reflection they can tolerate.

* * * *
If only god would finally give
All these Christians their imaginary heaven.
Now, that would be good news.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved