Chapter 167 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Hopefully, there is not a god sitting in judgment.
You might have to kick his sorry, misaligned ass.

* * * *
Don’t we all think what we believe is true and right?

* * * *
How many ways we poison ourselves.

* * * *
Just another bummer in a long stream of bummers.

* * * *
One group consensus is another’s conspiracy.

* * * *
Ambitious and incompetent.
S/he will go far.

* * * *
A certain amount of forgiveness
Eases the burden of rage.

* * * *
You need not carry the demons of your imagination.

* * * *
Another celebration of vanity.

* * * *
Still dredging the dead, I see.

* * * *
There’s really nothing much to say about it.

* * * *
Shift to another paradigm?
Yeah, right.
See you in hell first, amigo.

* * * *
How grand to be totally unknown.

* * * *
Try not looking for the familiar.

* * * *
Death is the door to immortality.

* * * *
Witness the nowingness.

* * * *
It’s been obvious for a long time.
You obviously aren’t the first to see it,
And, just as obviously, will not be the last.

* * * *
You’ve been unfaithful from the beginning.

* * * *
The reason people go mad
Is because they keep trying to fit in
To a universe that others force upon them.

* * * *
Vision is the only sense that separates.
Your universe dances upon your eyes.

* * * *
Simple observations.
That’s all theses are.

* * * *
There’s nobody you really want to know here.

* * * *
If you closely examine anyone’s life,
You’ll understand.

* * * *
Be the newborn babe.

* * * *
Babble is as babble does.

* * * *
You only identify with exteriors.
Do you identify with the inside of your
Mouth, nose, liver or left ventricle?

* * * *
Being important denies the humility of it all.

* * * *
Why should you fear death?
It is the unsheathing of immortality.

* * * *
Who’s winning the human race?

* * * *
Why should anything surprise you?

* * * *
You don’t have to play the game.

* * * *
Hard to enlighten the whole crowd.

* * * *
The world sucked you into its vast drama,
And now you must extricate yourself
If you want it to continue.

* * * *
Blunt and to the point.

* * * *
What’s most important
In the learning process
Is the wanting to learn.

* * * *
We might prefer not knowing each other.

* * * *
Appeal to vanity and you’ll have lots of friends.

* * * *
At least you won’t sell your soul for a piece of ass.

* * * *
Trying so hard to be profound
Only leads to greater confusion.

* * * *
Don’t lose sight of the fact
That at least 99.999999 percent
Of all life forms including human ones,
Don’t give a flying fuck what you say or do,
Or what happens to you.

* * * *
The shade has overtaken your day in the sun.

* * * *
The metabolism is slowing down, but not the hunger.

* * * *
The vanity to which we cling has so little merit.

* * * *
More problems ahead.
Your breath assures it.

* * * *
On zee nose.

* * * *
Science is very good at measuring things it kills.

* * * *
We have become that which we fear most.

* * * *
As life moves on,
You can keep on regurgitating
Ye old same old same old
Or you can move on
To new ground.

* * * *
To whom or what need you be accountable?

* * * *
Think of your Self as water.

* * * *
Do you conform to the world,
Or the world into you?
A bit of both?
Or a bit of neither?

* * * *
Life is not a science.

* * * *
Along comes a friend or a stranger,
And a new adventure begins.

* * * *
Not really of much use, I’m afraid.

* * * *
Why cling to that which cannot be held?

* * * *
To be truly carefree, as effortless as it really is,
Is far, far too simple, and not nearly as easy
As you’d like to deceive yourself into believing.

* * * *
Be amused with it all.

* * * *
It’s everything and everybody,
Including you.

* * * *
What makes you sure you’re the grownup?

* * * *
You didn’t really come here to be enslaved
By some ideological mindset, did you?

* * * *
If sound is vibration,
Then what is soundlessness?

* * * *
So serious!

* * * *
Be wary your wrath,
For it’s target is inevitably your Self.

* * * *
Go ahead, make a spectacle of yourself.
It must be what you need to do.

* * * *
Everything you say of another,
Say of yourself as well.

* * * *
What dark creatures some become.

* * * *
Oh, say can you see?

* * * *
So ridiculous to die for so little.

* * * *
Another moment of another day
Caught in the net of words.
Doesn’t life write well?

* * * *
Try not to get rattled by your mind.

* * * *
Been there, done that.
Don’t need to do it again.

* * * *
Is truth relative or precise?
Is it something vague or very exact?
Or is it the paradox of both ends
And everything between?

* * * *
An eclectic approach allows no bounds.

* * * *
Do you make the theory fit the world
Or the world fit the theory?

* * * *
Hope is an amusingly ironic word.

* * * *
Be cautious what you plug into.

* * * *
The mind is like a cloud
And thought the thunder and lightning
Which imagines the cloud real.

* * * *
Bean counters.

* * * *
School is about learning to learn.
Learning does not end when school is out.

* * * *
If you really want peace, just breathe.

* * * *
Sometimes it’s just kind of pleasant
To put your head in the sand.

* * * *
Priesthood happens.

* * * *
Are we creating history?
Or is history creating us?

* * * *
Be cautious… What you tear apart today
May someday need to be put back together again.
Burnt bridges are difficult to cross.

* * * *
How much time do you waste
Wondering what others think of you?

* * * *
You don’t have to wait for the experts to catch on.

* * * *
The ivory tower folks certainly have a preoccupation with lists.

* * * *
So here you are.
Who would have ever guessed?

* * * *
The human drama,
So enthralling at first,
Gradually loses its sheen.

* * * *
Posers all.

* * * *
All that superiority, all that inferiority;
Both miss the equality of all.

* * * *
Thoughts of a mundane nature.

* * * *
To be free, you must cast out everything.
Every thought, every contortion of the mind
Must be supplanted by a quiet, still attentiveness.

* * * *
Reality is not concerned what you want it to be.

* * * *
If it has to be explained,
Then it’s pretty likely
You aren’t going to get it.

* * * *
What a mountain of death each of us resides upon.

* * * *
We are cousins to the scavengers of the world.
Cockroaches, hyenas, buzzards…
Ain’t go nothing on us.

* * * *
Alas, your twist on life doesn’t interest me.

* * * *
In any conflict, the winner
Does not long entertain
Thoughts of defeat.

* * * *
Another moment to treasure
And make no attempt to repeat.

* * * *
To be eternally free, to know all that is to be known,
To see the perfection in which all forms dance,
To discern that which immortal and true,
All you must do is completely let go.

* * * *
Free will?…Hah!
The joke is on you.

* * * *
You cannot help your original nature.
You can, however, through strength of spirit,
And discernment of mind, overcome any challenge,
Any adversity, even unto death’s inevitable, final greeting.

* * * *
When the world no longer entices you,
Your life unfolds as it will, and you will accomplish it
With an eternal grace the gods will applaud.

* * * *
Undiscerning sloth is the fate
Of those worshipping mammon
At the value of their assessment.

* * * *
If participants truly long for peaceful co-existence,
Somewhere in the back and forth of revenge
There must be an enduring forgiveness.

* * * *
These words cast themselves onto paper without effort.
To what ends only imagination’s speculation can foretell.

* * * *
You have witnessed the limits to which
Governments, corporations and religions aspire,
And the false glories they temporally attain.

* * * *
Do you discern the eternal difference
Between mortal and immortal death?

* * * *
We have all these words, all these ideals,
Yet there can be no peace in them
Lest you wrought it.

* * * *
Time is the trap created by consciousness,
And to die to it is to perish in time.

* * * *
We are all impressions temporarily sculpted
In the swirling wonder of space and time.

* * * *
Eternal life is when
All you think you are is a dream.
All memories are illusory.
Be done with them.

* * * *
Be cautious that you do not merely only think you see,
For the intellect creates many enticing view before all fall away.
In absoluteness there are no distinctions, no changes.
It is the first and last harbor, the foundation,
To which genesis must ever return.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved