Wander about as you will through the so-called darkness of evil.
Clearly discern the interweaving of desire and fear,
And you will transcend its imaginary grip.
* * * *
And what of those unfortunate times
When you inexplicably said and/or did things
That inadvertently propelled other lives in directions
That you would not have wished upon anyone.
* * * *
Move beyond Buddha.
* * * *
But, but, but …
* * * *
Eliminate all doubt.
* * * *
What is there to really dread?
What was never born can never die.
The taste of immortality is yours to discern.
* * * *
Do not hold back, do not hesitate, to be what you truly are.
* * * *
Minds bent on calculation and manipulation
Are minds locked in the great fear of nothing.
* * * *
Ignorance should probably never ever contemplate this sort of exploration,
Lest it dare rise into greater heights, or risk falling into even greater depths.
* * * *
When thought stills into awareness, you witness creation center stage.
* * * *
There is always a middleman on the hunt for a fool.
* * * *
The universe is your teacher, and you its creator.
A most curious paradox, if ever there was one.
* * * *
You are not the seed, nor its life, nor its death.
* * * *
This is all about you waking up to your Self, as expansive as the given insight will allow.
* * * *
Be friend to those who will allow it, and teacher to those who will not.
* * * *
Are you really the face in the mirror?
* * * *
That is it, no brag, just fact.
* * * *
What is any container but a brief harbor for awareness.
* * * *
Every day, so many measure their little piles of gold.
Some days it is bigger, some days it is smaller.
The real issue is obsession, not wealth.
* * * *
Touch the sun, wander hell, imagine heaven.
Discern the true reality, be as free as the wind,
And party on until the music fades into silence.
* * * *
Just because we killed off the many peoples
Who were still residing in the garden
Does not make us superior.
* * * *
Just because you imagine something does not make it real or true.
* * * *
Another legend in its own mind.
* * * *
Shit's shit, no matter the asshole.
* * * *
One bad guy bites the dust; another one rises from it.
* * * *
In the theater of man, it is ultimately a "we" thing.
* * * *
In everything, there are layers of subtlety and nuance.
* * * *
You may know everything, you may know nothing.
But from beginning to end, the latter trumps the former.
* * * *
Until the war ends, or you are dead, whichever comes first.
* * * *
A bit of everything, as most things are.
* * * *
The historical context in which consciousness streams is an ever-changing epoch
Born of imagination's delusion of free will and its boundless array of dualistic notions.
The irony is that the human drama could have played out an entirely different paradigm
Had it been capable of restraining its me-myself-I avarice for the insatiable more.
* * * *
All the little bubbles eventually go … pop! pop! pop!
* * * *
You are just a breath away from dissolution.
* * * *
Dissatisfaction is the cancer of the mind that inspires the ironic inanity of our kind.
* * * *
I Am: the Way, the Truth, the Life.
* * * *
Boggling the inane things we endure for all our lust.
* * * *
Wafting in biological necessity.
* * * *
Time is now, now is timeless; together they weave mystery eternal.
* * * *
Will you be ready?
* * * *
Be kind to your Self.
* * * *
Them that need suffering find suffering; them that need joy find joy.
* * * *
An awful lot of attachment going on here.
* * * *
Humanity has long since crossed its Rubicon.
The collapse, however quick or slow, is underway.
* * * *
The peace of awareness comes to those who transcend attachment to time and space.
* * * *
Identity is a ruse played upon your Self.
* * * *
Did you really need to know all this?
* * * *
Want nothing.
* * * *
Everyone dies; it is just a matter of who buries who.
* * * *
Discern you perfection, and abide in its original bliss.
* * * *
Every moment, history unfolds for as long as it is remembered.
* * * *
Sometimes the most obvious things take the longest to clearly see.
* * * *
The subtleties of any given language are easily lost upon the literal-minded.
* * * *
You need not study anything to know you are whatever it is.
Once you truly hear it, the truth of it unfolds of its own accord.
* * * *
A toast to darkness for the many things it teaches those who prefer lighter lighting.
* * * *
There are far worse things about which to go mad.
* * * *
There is neither him nor her in the grand isness.
* * * *
What havoc twisted lives do weave.
* * * *
All things are without, within, and within, without.
* * * *
Extreme idealism only pendulums into an equal and opposite cynicism.
* * * *
To believe, or not to believe, that is the only question.
* * * *
‘Tis the feast of reality.
* * * *
From complex to profound, simplicity tacks the course.
* * * *
You were given vision that you might learn to see.
* * * *
It is pain and suffering that sculpts life’s meaning.
* * * *
Ignorance plugs away at another day.
* * * *
Sometimes there is no choice but to change your mind.
* * * *
Despite all appearances to the contrary, I am the you in me that is the me in you.
There is naught but the same indivisible, indelible absolute in all things great to small.
* * * *
Yes, yes, yes, life is meaningless, deal with it, get over it, enjoy it as best ye may.
* * * *
We are all equally the Way, we are all equally the Truth, we are all equally the Life.
Believe it or not, discern it or not, like it or not, endure it or not, that is the way it is.
* * * *
Things change, choices change, nothing stays the same.
* * * *
It matters less what you are doing than the attention with which you do it.
* * * *
Technology cannot forever save us from ourselves.
* * * *
Curious how so many feel so sure about things about which they truly know so little.
* * * *
Mere mortals will never fathom the vision of those rare few who grasp the eternal.
* * * *
It would be nice if we all got along, but it does not matter one iota in the ultimate sense.
* * * *
It is the one satisfied with the fewest toys who really wins.
* * * *
The mirage of continuity makes for strong delusion.
* * * *
There is no god, there is no devil, there is only you,
And how you interact with your version of the cosmos.
* * * *
Maybe your conclusion needs a little expanding.
* * * *
A curious thing all the people so troubled by what others think of them.
* * * *
You are what you are, you have done what you have done,
And you are likely not going to change in any significant way.
* * * *
Every mind its own paradigm.
* * * *
Life dissolves into dust, and springs up again.
Time does not die, the circle is not round.
* * * *
Yet another pathetic enterprise.
* * * *
No matter the time, no matter the space, so many lies always painted true.
* * * *
You need not attach any significance
To thunderstorms playing out in the brain.
Simply be the awareness prior to consciousness,
Unbound by the world born of the sensory mind in time.
* * * *
This given mind you call yours
Is jam-packed with so many reflections.
Are any of them truly the real you?
* * * *
Highly adept at detachment is that one.
* * * *
Such a vivid imagination you have.
* * * *
Good to the last drop.
* * * *
To want nothing is to fear nothing.
* * * *
Guardianship for the world does not appear to be a role
To which humankind as a whole is capable of subscribing.
* * * *
Definition of cancer:
The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
* * * *
If we behave like a cancer, we will be treated like one.
* * * *
Every relationship between you
And any other, or any others, or the world in general,
Is a matchless blending, a witches brew, a quantum swirl in time and space.
* * * *
Gaze out into the vast, indifferent universe
With the same dispassionate eyes
Through which it sees you.
* * * *
Seen one universe, you have seen ‘em all.
Form is form, light is light, mind is mind, time is time,
There is no other, whatever the dimension.
* * * *
There are no leaders, no followers, in this game.
Seek and you alone shall find what there is to find.
* * * *
At some point there is a ceiling beyond which no question can discern answer.
* * * *
We all suffer.
What is curious is how so many others
Seem so motivated to cause so many others to suffer so much more.
* * * *
It is all yours if you really want it.
* * * *
Nuclear energy harnessed? Well, that would be you.
* * * *
How many ways there are to be entertained.
* * * *
A separate god is the collusive, delusional concoction
Of a very large number of lonely, fear-ridden human beings
In most every geography, in most every mindset across the world.
* * * *
Abide in transience.
* * * *
Dare to know; dare to not know.
* * * *
Peering out from a face never seen, a universe never known.
* * * *
Absolute power does not corrupt the absolute.
* * * *
Live desirelessly, live fearlessly.
* * * *
The practice is death while living.
* * * *
Don’t know what I am, but I am surely not anything I think.
* * * *
The things we take for granted likely fill many a single-spaced page.
* * * *
The silliness of time is the silliness of mind.
* * * *
True science has no agenda but truth.
* * * *
The mystery is but a mystery is but a mystery.
* * * *
As I am, so are you.
* * * *
The end of desire is the end of fear.
* * * *
The dowry of life is suffering and death.
* * * *
The permutations of greed are relatively predictable.
* * * *
Chances are your nose looks best on your own face.
* * * *
Beauty parlors, what a joke; more like a daily dose of Halloween.
* * * *
So, how’s life in the feed lot? Looks like you’re still eating well.
* * * *
The illusions of the flesh are of but relatively short duration.
* * * *
Half-baked or well done, the potato is the same.
* * * *
Another day in the genitalia wars.
* * * *
Look to your awareness to see the truth of you in all.
* * * *
As if it matters.
* * * *
Is it cheating if you are playing a different game?
* * * *
Whether you recline, sit, stand, walk, or run, it all passes the same.
* * * *
What a great deal of work it takes to do nothing well.
* * * *
Every living creature is a genius in its own niche.
Cousins of the same puddle; survivors since life’s origin.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved