The Return to Wonder - Chapter 284


Taking the world upon your shoulders
Only makes the shoulders and heart weary.
No saving that which cannot save itself.

* * * *
Who is the who, who cares about anything?

* * * *
Bean counting does not for truth make.

* * * *
It sure seemed to hurt at the time.

* * * *
When did you learn to fear?

* * * *
Discern your face if you can, but be advised no one ever has yet.

* * * *
Relative absolutism.

* * * *
Define rich.

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Add –ing to any verb, to any noun, and that is what you are witnessing.

* * * *
How can any court jester wear just one hat?

* * * *
Only the ignorant claim to know things they cannot and never will.

* * * *
Everything the parochial mind imagines it knows played over and over and over again.

* * * *
It is only fate that did not make you king or queen.

* * * *
We are all just imaginary differences born of the same mysterious origin.

* * * *
You do not have to play it harsh.

* * * *
Bored with wonder, are we?

* * * *
Why didn’t you call?  Why didn’t you write?
All the lonely people here, there, everywhere.

* * * *
You are perfect in every way, every moment of every day.

* * * *
In what way are you really so different from anyone or anything else?

* * * *
Destruction and mayhem; humankind’s gift to the world.

* * * *
Running, walking, standing, sitting, breathing … on empty.

* * * *
For every birth, a death sure to follow.

* * * *
Love does not give a damn.

* * * *
For all, but not for all.

* * * *
The narrative is different, but the plot is the same.

* * * *
You came, you saw, you puttered.

* * * *
Narcissus only had a pool of water to reflect his vanity.
What would he have done with mirrors and selfies and Youtube
And Instagram and Twitter and Facebook and whatever else is out there?

* * * *
It is challenging to love unconditionally when your teeth are getting kicked in.

* * * *
Discern that which no mortal can discern.

* * * *
All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ?
How absurdly ludicrous is that line of thinking?

* * * *
Do you really need to believe in anything anymore?

* * * *
What will happen to Eden when industry and technology finally fall short,
And the dominos, the house of cards, the Grand Ponzi Scheme,
Finally snowballs into the inevitable decline and fall?

* * * *
How passé the wonder and innocence of childhood too quickly becomes.

* * * *
Those who so easily spew lies may even know the truth.

* * * *
You can call reality whatever you please, but, in truth, it is prior to all naming.

* * * *
Not … accessing file … again …

* * * *
Not so different before all.

* * * *
Many are called, but few answer; kind of like being a telemarketer.

* * * *
And, meanwhile, they all believe this mirage will continue forever.
Alas, what fools these mortals be.

* * * *
It could be a much happier world
If we actually understood communism,
And had the capacity for such selflessness.

* * * *
Look left, look right, look ahead, look back,
And then, perhaps, do it yet again, just to be sure.
You never really know what might be coming right at you.

* * * *
So obvious as to be obscured by every possible distraction.

* * * *
Solitude can bring to the surface many demons.

* * * *
The mystery is not an either/or proposition.
Of course it evolved through creation,
And created through evolution.

* * * *
If you are open to everything, there is neither need nor room for judgment.

* * * *
How much easier to surrender to another than to one’s Self.

* * * *
Perhaps your god is as kind and selfless as you.

* * * *
Tiger mouse.

* * * *
Once again … if you can remember.

* * * *
Step right up! See it now! The one and only … You!

* * * *
What can you tell another if they are not interested in, or capable of, understanding?

* * * *
You have always been the Great Spirit’s sun.

* * * *
When it comes to exploring the ultimate quantum reality,
What need could there possibly be for another’s permission?

* * * *
Joy is a heart and mind one-two knockout punch.

* * * *
Perhaps all this has happened – this kaleidoscoping magical mystery tour –
In order that you might be fated to discover the witness within.
The eyes of the maker are yours, one in the same.

* * * *
The quantum you exists forever now,
For death can never enter that which is immortal,
That which was never born, never dies.

* * * *
Your mind is not what you think; the chatter of the world is not you.

* * * *
In every context, there is a different way of responding to the discernment.

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Whatever you may think of your persona, you are, indeed, worthy of the Self love.

* * * *
Watching the human drama in these our times
Is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

* * * *
For those who discern the call,
The only thing that ultimately matters
Is that they wake up in whatever way possible.

* * * *
Do you create the pattern, or does it create you?
Or have you, in the dreamtime, created each other?

* * * *
Why do you so naively accept and believe what you your Self have never experienced?

* * * *
Practice benevolence, kindness,
Compassion, generosity, munificence
And goodwill whenever possible.
Or not, if that is your way.

* * * *
You own nothing, you own everything.

* * * *
Never deny your Self.

* * * *
It’s just dust, man, just dust.

* * * *
There is nothing you need to do in order to see the whole of it.

* * * *
When even the universe is not much bigger than a gnat,
Where do you stand to take a whiz, or sit to take a shit?

* * * *
What is the sound of one star clapping?

* * * *
Drifting along, playing yet another part in the grand symphony of the Song of Godness.

* * * *
If you really did not care, would the assertion even occur to you?

* * * *
One minute, one year, one century, one millennium … What difference, really?

* * * *
Indiscriminate breeding creates an indiscriminant world.

* * * *
The fingerprints of consciousness will without doubt disappear
Without manifest existence to sustain its ephemeral presence.

* * * *
To cling or not to cling, that is the question.

* * * *
The I Amness is your friend and lover; it is you as agape that love is possible.

* * * *
Simple, carefree detachment is the road to tranquility and grace.

* * * *
Let that guilt go; there is nothing to regret if it is what got you to here and now.

* * * *
Figure it out, or go extinct.

* * * *
A higher degree of Selfishness.

* * * *
Obvious … what is ... truly obvious.

* * * *
It is all about what you choose to articulate.

* * * *
If you must covet something, covet nothingness.

* * * *
So many regrets, compounded daily, only dull the blade of discernment.
Apologize within, and move on.

* * * *
What a gift it is to exist; how amazing what trivial pursuits blind us to the wonder of it.

* * * *
All, in a dream.

* * * *
Allow all to happen; do not betray your Self.

* * * *
What is possible? And what is not possible?
The who, who discerns the real question
Is the seed crystal to the answer.

* * * *
We are all just imaginary differences born of the same mysterious origin.

* * * *
It will all be quantum dust again, soon enough.

* * * *
No resolution to the chaos unfolding but to ride it out as one does any storm.

* * * *
Democracy might be nice if it was really possible.

* * * *
Existence is an opportunity to discern, to awaken,
To the reality that you are of the quantum indivisibility.
It is the highest calling in that quest most pointless.

* * * *
How can any jester wear just one hat?

* * * *
Whether rock, temple, shrine, statue, scripture, or personality,
Idolatry is idolatry is idolatry no matter the dogma game.

* * * *
Karma is merely another vain concept
Born of the notion of a continuity
That has never been real.

* * * *
Time to unfurl.

* * * *
A bull ride ahead, to be sure, indeed, indeed, I say, indeed.

* * * *
To muster to a lesser vision is a lesser potential, a lesser existence.

* * * *
Is it not amazing enough that one exists, without worrying about how long.

* * * *
You are free to do whatever you are drawn to handle.

* * * *
Running on an empty tank has its own fullness.
Who is the who, who cares about anything at all?

* * * *
What sense of both freedom and imprisonment imagination can be.

* * * *
What vision can there be for the blind, what sound for the deaf?

* * * *
It is the mind that differentiates all things, not you.

* * * *
The truth all have in common is within.

* * * *
You are as you think … or not.

* * * *
Do not mind.

* * * *
Do nothing well.

* * * *
So beyond any control.

* * * *
The perceiver is in all, and all are in it.

* * * *
You are that from which all creation is made manifest.

* * * *
Perhaps some of the most profound thoughts have yet to be written.

* * * *
If some confining dogma suits you better than truth, so be it.

* * * *
Letting pride sit the back seat is likely rarely a bad idea.

* * * *
Each drop must evaporate to again become whole.

* * * *
You do, indeed, have a fondness for blaspheme.

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A rich life can be had on a dime.

* * * *
How much is too much, and how little is too little, there’s the rub, indeed.

* * * *
What is reality?  You.

* * * *
Zounds!  It's true!

* * * *
What in any god's name is there to be afraid of?

* * * *
How wearing to care about so many things that have never really mattered.

* * * *
If you had any other moment, when would it, could it, possibly be?

* * * *
Why do you deny your Self, when it is your only reality?

* * * *
Join together in the ground within.

* * * *
God loves dice, Mr. Einstein.

* * * *
Settle for lies, and that is more than likely what you will get.

* * * *
You observe them, and they you, but likely not in quite the same way.

* * * *
If you knew what you know now, if you were reborn full of wisdom,
How would you play it you were young and full of spunk again?

* * * *
A quantum dream of creation and preservation and destruction,
From which the only exit is death, and then what, nobody really knows.
And why even worry, why be at all uneasy about the inexorable?
If there is more, there is more, if there is not, there is not.
Meh and pfft are as good a response as any.

* * * * * * * * * *

The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved