Give it up, boys and girls.
Mother Nature's oblivious iceberg
Has already ripped a gash through the hull,
And humankind's flawed paradigm, with all its false gold
And beyond-the-pale absurdities, is sliding into the great realignment.
Even the most dynamic effort cannot save the crew
Nor its sleeping passengers.
Party on,
Or find a lifeboat, if you can.
* * * *
The mind that is you, that is me, that is we, that are all together One.
* * * *
The middleman cometh … Pass the plate.
* * * *
Drift silent, drift deep.
* * * *
Hah, the joke’s on you, my friend.
* * * *
All will become apparently one if it is your time to awaken.
* * * *
Madness is as madness does
For reasons only irony and paradox
May perchance in random bursts ascertain.
* * * *
Are you prepared to just be the awareness of the you that is the ultimate reality?
The awareness that will expand you to the farthest reaches, to the farthest shores.
The awareness that is the indivisibility prior to all quantum dreams great to small.
* * * *
Try not to want anything from another that they really do not care to give.
* * * *
Trodding on others over and over again is a curious human phenomenon.
Makes cats picking on helpless mice and other critters look downright merciful.
* * * *
Another now a-whizzin’ by; ho hum, amazing, to be sure.
* * * *
Anonymous is as anonymous does.
* * * *
Unionize within and without.
* * * *
Breathe in, pause.
Breathe out, pause.
Breathe in, pause.
Breathe out, pause.
Breathe in, pause.
Breathe out, pause.
Breathe in …
* * * *
A thinking mind is no less hedonistic, no less decadent, than any other pleasure dome.
* * * *
Trust the mystery to make a go at killing itself again and again,
For as long as the eternity of manifest time has the sway to play.
* * * *
Perhaps God created women that men might someday hanker
For a complete set of ribs, and women as set of their own.
* * * *
However you may come to it, seek out the stillness before time,
And discern the peace, the salvation, prior to all mortal theater.
* * * *
The dust of the quantum nothingness is the bitter sweetness of all creation.
* * * *
An experiencing of the deepest sort, only contemplated fully by the eternal mind.
* * * *
Infinity, divinity, spininity,
Call it whatever sound imagination may devise,
All that is, is ultimately the same.
* * * *
Koans, riddles, idle thoughts, and more, step right up, folks, step right here.
* * * *
Your Self, toying with your Self, as would a cat a mouse.
Would that the Marquis de Cat had reached you first.
* * * *
Fate, such as it is, and is not.
* * * *
So many ways to die; hard to pick just one.
* * * *
In the theater of consciousness, who can say what will, or will not be?
* * * *
Study hard, study well, study true.
If your sails are trimly rigged, your bearing set,
Your quest on course into the mystery that awaits reckoning,
You will without doubt discern reality’s timeless right-here-right-now presence
Out beyond the farthest reaches of that which is, and is not.
* * * *
Even if you somehow possessed every answer
To every question imaginable, what would it truly matter?
Knowledge, wisdom, foolishness, ignorance, what difference, really?
You will ever be you, very much alone, very much absolute, no matter the theater.
* * * *
There is really no reason for argument.
This is the wonder of it: All is One.
To maintain any lesser truth
Is but dogmatic notion
Born of smoke and mirrors.
* * * *
It is all the same, really, truly; cross your heart and hope to die.
* * * *
Those who quest to discern the truth of that which reality is, will only stop at nothing.
* * * *
What greater calling could there possibly be than to discern the source within all?
* * * *
Surely, the potential that others might discern what is real and true,
Is worth some portion of the given time in any awakened life.
But the questions become, are there really any others out there?
And does it really matter if anyone, anywhere, ever awakens to the truth?
Reality will ever be the same eternal moment no matter what any dream conspires.
* * * *
Beyond the basics of food and drink and other necessities,
Is the sizable array of every variety of narcissistic craving.
* * * *
A gift for those whose destiny it is to wander a given path
To that indivisible quantum ground where all paths end.
* * * *
Heaven and hell, defined herein both the same,
For in what truth could there be such division?
* * * *
You are a chameleon, pretending just enough
To play out this fleeting, imaginary role
In the dreamtime of your mind.
* * * *
All those wee little piles of gold
Gathered from the pillage of an amazing garden world.
Merchants of death and destruction.
All for what?
Wee little piles of gold.
* * * *
Across this garden planet, so many young folk breeding like gnats in a Mason jar,
All the while smiling, laughing, so sweetly, so naively, as all youth do.
Completely, amazingly blind to the pain and suffering
Their genetic inclination is spawning.
Which seed lines will survive the cataclysm,
And what will be the state of the world they inherit?
* * * *
Ethics is the luxury of excess.
* * * *
Be circumspect about accepting things that are illogical, irrational, ridiculous.
Things that lack the resonance of truth, things that are adrift in the sea of delusion.
* * * *
All the drugs in the world cannot heal what truly ails you.
* * * *
Too little, too late, so sorry.
* * * *
Just some rational feedback to the myriad collusions swirling across the world.
* * * *
So many minds a-muddled in time.
* * * *
So deluded by others as to relinquish even a simple look-see for your Self.
* * * *
Sitting in a weed patch of Eden, patiently watching, waiting.
* * * *
Gravity has a way of keeping the playing ground level.
* * * *
Across this garden sphere, minds cling in every manner
To the ignorance of thought’s countless divisions.
Witness the many biases, great and small,
Rational and irrational, good and evil,
Subtle and gross, sweet and bitter,
Intelligent and senseless, wise and foolish.
Discern the common essence within all imaginary differences,
And wield them together into the infinite singularity from which all illusion is created.
* * * *
Freedom is your essential nature,
Yours to be, or not to be.
A sweet antidote for what ails you,
If you have the wit and courage to make it so.
* * * *
Choices have a way of evaporating over time.
* * * *
See it or not, it is we, kiddo, we all the way.
* * * *
Although often a temptation,
Gifts given to those
Who cannot appreciate them,
Can berather useless, meaningless gestures.
Pearls to swine, so to speak.
* * * *
If you have something to hide, the best place is the one least likely to be noticed.
* * * *
The most valuable lessons any historical even has to offer,
Can be challenging to perceive and fathom deeply,
And are all too often quickly forgotten, anyway.
* * * *
Errors of judgment, errors of inattention,
Are sure ways to bring about major changes,
Often filled with a lifetime of suffering and remorse.
* * * *
Why would it be in any way insane, in anyway irrational,
To no longer wish to participate in the madness,
To no longer have any desire, any craving,
To continue being an inmate in this insane asylum?
* * * *
Mortality is for those who believe their mind-body real.
* * * *
Odds are most would not even begin
To want to know all the things
This mind has fathomed.
* * * *
Anything really only matters to those who believe it matters.
* * * *
Awareness is neither merciful nor unmerciful.
The rules of the game are quite clear
To those who pay attention.
* * * *
If you teach children to follow, they will follow.
If you teach children to awaken, they will awaken.
We are all outcomes of whatever environment
The winds of the genetic lottery cast us.
The salvation of all this delusion
Is not in any way required.
* * * *
Mother Nature does not give a flutter of a tinker’s damn about you.
Your name, your race, your gender, your health, your opinions, your status,
Or any other part of your self-absorbed, imaginary quantum theater means nothing.
It is entirely up to you, and you alone, to abide for as long as your fate allows.
* * * *
The eternal mind, captivated by the sensory dreamtime,
Ceaselessly identifies with its meat-machine’s temporal role.
* * * *
Most would rather suckle the beast than know the unadorned reality of truth.
Truth is roughest on those whose angst does not allow them to wander far afield.
* * * *
Understand that the absolute is at the core, not the periphery.
* * * *
Always more to see, for what it is worth.
* * * *
Correlate the universe of data, and you will discern the obvious truth:
That I am you, you are me, and we are all together of the same quantum.
* * * *
Far better to be a noble savage
Than a blithering sycophant,
An apathetic bureaucrat,
A pandering politician,
Or a shady lobbyist.
* * * *
Science is only as clear as the mind wielding the technology.
* * * *
Justice is revenge spelled sideways-inside-out-backwards.
* * * *
Best make time now if you do not want to pay a higher price later.
* * * *
History does not care.
* * * *
The subtlety of forgiveness is its inward healing.
* * * *
Yet another slab of meat with a lavish slathering of vanity.
* * * *
So, who are you using to get your emotional fix these daze?
* * * *
All differences are ultimately not real.
* * * *
Consume until there is no tomorrow.
* * * *
What point to mortal existence if you have no health to partake it?
* * * *
Let the reptiles have it back.
* * * *
What goes up must come down, the joy of statistical certitude.
* * * *
Born free, die free.
* * * *
What would Jesus do? Well, not come back, obviously.
* * * *
Same old shit no matter how well you eat.
* * * *
You are a no-other in my universe, and I am a no-other in yours.
* * * *
True personal power requires no assertion.
* * * *
Very forgettable, indeed.
* * * *
Hell is in the details, and there are plenty to go around.
* * * *
Bring in the clowns.
* * * *
It is a dream, and then it is not.
* * * *
You might kill the body, but you can never kill your Self.
* * * *
Royal flush or zip, play what you got best you can.
* * * *
God is a concept; you are not.
* * * *
You are the only you that is, has ever been, will ever be.
* * * *
What is the body but a cadaver that is still moving.
* * * *
You are that to which you aspire, but only until you are not.
* * * *
If you are trying to be powerful at the expense of others, you are not.
* * * *
Pay attention, you might live longer.
* * * *
There they go again, mucking about in all their imaginary differences.
* * * *
Sometimes it is best to let the missing sheep go.
* * * *
All emotional notions are nothing more than human poppycock.
* * * *
No harm, no foul.
* * * *
One voice, or many, you decide.
* * * *
The most simple truths have a resonating elegance.
* * * *
Supreme being, what does that mean, anyway?
* * * *
Only the dead have seen the end of absurdity.
* * * *
* * * *
Why is it so many have such a need to label everything?
* * * *
Absurdity will out.
* * * *
You are the mystery personified.
* * * *
All that gluttony and you’re still hungry!?
* * * *
You cannot learn well what you do not wish to know well.
* * * *
How many synonyms describe the absurdity:
Preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, stupid, laughable,
Daft, farcical, risible, foolish, silly, inane, imbecilic, insane, harebrained,
Cockamamie, unreasonable, irrational, illogical, nonsensical,
Incongruous, pointless, senseless, crazy, idiotic,
To utter, thesaurus in hand, but a few.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved