Been waiting for that hundredth monkey, and there still ain’t hide nor hair of him.
* * * *
Beyond like and dislike, there is an all-encompassing vision.
* * * *
Sometimes you just have to survive without the thrive.
* * * *
What legacy are you leaving the vanity of time?
* * * *
How can the indefinable be defined?
* * * *
It is pride that keeps anyone from being a true human being.
* * * *
Embrace it or not, the faceless is.
* * * *
Alas, for some you can never say the right thing.
* * * *
Setting you free, and you cannot even step outside the coop.
* * * *
Nothing has ever really been amiss but through the muddle of imagination.
* * * *
Civilization sort of works in its own pitiable, chug-a-lug way,
As long as the basic consumerocracy necessities are aplenty.
* * * *
Where would you be without all your pain?
If you must suffer, do it fully, do it well.
* * * *
More from the land of wishful thinking.
* * * *
Keep you delusions to your Self.
* * * *
Blindness is a state, a quality of mind.
* * * *
Life is a grand meditation.
* * * *
He just wants you to know that he will love you forever, or for sure at least for the night.
* * * *
Your universe is what you think it is; how else could it be, unless it is not.
* * * *
Well, it sure sounds good, anyway.
* * * *
Everyone has a bag of problems.
Even you, alas, have your fair share.
Living is not for the meek of spirit.
* * * *
Democracy versus dictatorship: Which you prefer, which you support,
Depends on the blend of politics and ethics to which you aspire to survive.
* * * *
The time through which eternity manifests any given moment is the only real glory.
* * * *
Samadhi is the reward for a life well done.
* * * *
Yes, you are the only one, but you are most definitely not the only one who discerns it.
* * * *
The keystone to inner freedom is to want nothing from any other.
* * * *
If you are going to love, then do it unconditionally; if not, call it something else.
* * * *
Normal, is there such a thing?
* * * *
Savor every moment in whatever way you will.
* * * *
Have you not followed enough?
* * * *
Such a game, as only eternity can play.
* * * *
The most obvious conclusion imaginable.
* * * *
Total detachment is a singular state of mind.
* * * *
Life is too short to put up with unhealthy relationships.
* * * *
Keep on skipping around until you find whatever calls to you.
* * * *
The spontaneity of eternity allows all plays to play out as they will,
In whatever way the quantum physics of manifest time permits.
* * * *
Discern the difference between the literal and the figurative,
And fathom which is which, which is both, which is neither.
* * * *
Another Hallmark holiday dazing us all away.
* * * *
Who said that anyway? On the eternal stageless, plagiarism is not an issue.
* * * *
Light and sound manifest about the abyss in bursts of genesis.
* * * *
So many clinging to this or that, never discerning
This or that are ultimately the same quantum essence.
* * * *
Illusion implies imagination, fabrication,
Make-believe, pretend, made-up, invention,
False, sham, put on, affect, profess, simulate,
Feign, act as if, play, make believe, manufactured,
Lie, production, untruth, falsehood, cock-and-bull story,
Trumped-up story, forgery, construction, assembly, deception,
Fabrication, concoction, and whatever other sundry fibs come to mind.
* * * *
All of life’s emotions are imprinted in the given body
Like rings of drought and plenty in a tree.
Every moment another layer.
* * * *
To see only flowers and jewels
Is to miss out on the weeds and rocks
Rooted just as equally in the essential ground.
* * * *
Men only turn gray on the outside.
* * * *
Telle est la vie est la mort; such is the life is death.
* * * *
Your turn.
* * * *
To see another though their eyes is to know your Self.
* * * *
To see that all ways are The Way is to wander immortal amidst all.
* * * *
Any given behavior is a choice, despite all delusion to the contrary.
* * * *
Of one thing we can all be very sure,
Something will always happen
Until the last wheezing breath exhales
Carrying the neural smoke of consciousness
Back into the stillness of oblivion that is home to all.
* * * *
All the wants, all the don’t-wants; innumerable permutations across the board.
* * * *
Curious how the wealthiest,
Most powerful Rome this world has ever seen
Has not created a health care system that will care for its citizenry,
Nor an educational system that will teach them
To think and act intelligently.
Futility reigns.
* * * *
Label games, label games, it is all in the naming.
* * * *
The innumerable quantum minds spawned of the one quantum mind
Play out every conceivable permutation to which imagination aspires.
* * * *
Awareness without movement is swimmingly effortless.
* * * *
Carte blanche, until the bills start to pile tower high.
* * * *
Who do you think?
* * * *
All the belief and faith in the world does not make something false true.
* * * *
Give the mystery a name if you must,
But in truth, none stick for long.
Talk about Teflon coating.
* * * *
Wisdom often comes at a hard price on oneself, and often many others, as well.
* * * *
What a sorry load of crap we are daily dealt
By those who care little or nothing about anyone
But for their adulation, their submissiveness, their tithing.
Seriously, folks, are you really that gullible?
* * * *
You to not need to let the context control you.
Complete and utter detachment is the keystone.
* * * *
We have seriously twisted up this garden world,
Damning us, and all to come, to a nightmare
Beyond Hollywood’s wildest screenplays.
* * * *
Herein you are offered nothing, and given everything.
* * * *
You call this evolution?
* * * *
How many times do you have to be bent over to finally wake up?
* * * *
Faith: An excuse for delusion to carry any day it chooses.
* * * *
Attention, give it you must, to be.
* * * *
If you truly discern your immortal nature, you will never fear life, or death, again.
* * * *
Seeds without good ground and water and sunlight
Cannot grow, cannot achieve, their greatest potential.
* * * *
If you call leadership leading the little folk
Down a wayward path of despair and destruction,
Then, in general, our kind has it down pretty darned well.
* * * *
What is all this seemingly infinite craving really about?
At what point is more than enough really enough?
* * * *
If you breed sheep, you get sheep: domestication is the forte of civilization.
Breed truth, and you get intelligence willing to deal with things as they are.
* * * *
Curious how often the word love,
So easily, even cheaply expressed,
Fails to act out in action or deed.
* * * *
The Soul is without attributes.
* * * *
So many things made out to be much more important than they have any reason to be.
* * * *
Maybe reincarnation is some sort of remedial, corrective thing
For those many who cannot seem to figure it out
In the first few billion lives or so.
* * * *
Your personality is not the Soul.
It is merely the spin of nature-nurture
Woven into the vast lottery of consciousness.
* * * *
We are all at the center of our own universes, bumping into others at every turn.
How disturbing to realize your extremely meager perception is relative
Within an extremely enormous and dynamic theater.
* * * *
The snowball is rolling larger and larger down the mountain.
An unhappy time ahead for those destined to endure its wrath.
* * * *
In those eyes, a promise that can never be kept.
* * * *
Do not know where you have your head buried,
But how do you manage to keep it there?
* * * *
Only in the nowness can you discern this.
* * * *
How unique every existence.
* * * *
Love one, love all.
* * * *
Into the deep end once again.
* * * *
What is any given life, any given mind-body,
But a temporary collection of memories,
An ever-changing set of perceptions.
* * * *
Blood ties can only carry any given day so far.
* * * *
Disregard the personal if you wish to abide in reality.
* * * *
Want nothing, want for nothing.
* * * *
There are just some things that are better left unknown.
* * * *
Is whatever you are getting out of this or that worth the bother?
* * * *
The universe of the given mind is both teacher and un-teacher.
* * * *
Is there really anything to discover that you do not already discern?
* * * *
Just because others cannot comprehend it
Does not mean you should hold your Self back.
* * * *
To awaken to totality is to rise from the sleep of the dead.
* * * *
You do not require the world’s permission to awaken; it is entirely up to you.
* * * *
Wherever you go, whenever you go,
Something is bound to happen.
What an amazing dream.
* * * *
Re: The One and Only Real and True Dreamtime Mystery:
Nobody is privy to anything that you cannot discern for you Self.
* * * *
All the same clay playing out any given day in every arbitrary way.
* * * *
Is cynicism anything more than an inescapable weariness with the predictability of it all.
* * * *
Listen to or read directly what any given thinker has said or written.
Do not give great weight to middlemen and interpreters and groupies.
* * * *
Layers of subtlety are the hallmark of a sage’s thinking.
* * * *
What is death but a dream forever extinguished.
* * * *
Desire will carry on for as long as you are driven mad by its siren call.
* * * *
You are the quantum breeze.
* * * *
Is that all? Seriously!?
* * * *
And what do you hunger for today?
* * * *
Consciousness an insatiable beast that will not easily die.
* * * *
No projection of imagination, no matter how lucid, how fearless, has ever been real.
* * * *
Do not be usurped by gossip, and by the way, it is all gossip.
* * * *
Truth or delusion, you decide.
* * * *
There are no followers in this game; only those who see and those who do not.
* * * *
There are always statistical exceptions, standard deviations, that prove bell curves true.
* * * *
Beware any individual or group that has a big idea looking for true believers.
* * * *
Pleasure and pain serve the same master.
* * * *
If you cannot save your self, how can you save anyone else?
* * * *
Pleasure and pain spawn different outcomes in their cause and effect spins.
* * * *
Another day of Animal Farm redux, idem, ibidem, et cetera, ad infinitum.
* * * *
How much more do you desperately not need?
* * * *
Party on, the Reaper is but a breath away.
* * * *
* * * *
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really does not matter,
Matter being what it is, and what it is not.
* * * *
Life is a marathon, not a sprint, or at least not all the time.
* * * *
Only so much anyone can do to waylay the inevitable.
* * * *
What is any given cosmos but a sensory body, a brain, and a mind imagining it so.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved