What concepts do you really need but bitter and sweet.
* * * *
You are not the dream, the dream is not you.
* * * *
To state you have discovered the eternal truth
Means you are living its presence.
Truth is the nowness.
* * * *
Time to wake up and smell the quantum.
* * * *
What to do when you fully discern it?
Whatever the moment calls for,
As best your will discerns.
* * * *
There is no formula when the last question is without answer.
* * * *
Run! You fools! Run!
* * * *
Peace is a state of mind; it is all you really need.
* * * *
Every now is the same; only the dreaming changes.
* * * *
It is all true at any given point in time.
* * * *
Many things have been said, many things have been done.
All timeless drops in the ever-streaming river of Self-discovery.
No rights or wrongs in the quest for the ultimate awakening.
* * * *
In every now, subjective perceptions are recorded on one neuron trail or another.
From the indecipherable mystery of awareness, the relativity of consciousness.
* * * *
A determined resolve for peaceful coexistence
Would be the first step to an enlightened paradigm.
By all accounts, not something happening anytime soon.
* * * *
You will be reborn again and again until you die to what is not real.
* * * *
Let sleeping vampires die.
* * * *
Om, baby, Om.
* * * *
That which is obvious will be obvious again.
* * * *
Not too hot, not too cold,
Not too fast, not too slow,
Not too hard, not too soft,
The balance of all things.
* * * *
The paradigm is paradox and irony.
* * * *
Every one is different from every other; no one is different from any other.
* * * *
Something happened, and that is the rub.
* * * *
The surest way to harmony and contentment
Is to partake the moment without expectation.
* * * *
Goodness, virtuousness, righteousness,
Morality, integrity, dignity, rectitude, honor, decency,
Respectability, nobility, worthiness, purity, principles, and ethics.
* * * *
Challenging to see light in the dark, and dark in the light,
But the perennial seeds of each are ever in the other.
* * * *
The indivisibility of nothingness is, indeed, a most challenging concept to grasp.
* * * *
Be anonymous except to thy Self.
* * * *
I am, the lie that time born of mind built.
* * * *
Hey, who cares, really?
* * * *
Grokked again.
* * * *
Look for your Self.
* * * *
No more religions, cults, or other deranged placebos, please.
* * * *
At the quantum level, is the immortality you seek,
The indivisibility for which you earnestly long.
* * * *
The river finds its way in its own good time.
* * * *
The sanity of Self-absorption is bounded by right action.
* * * *
Seems like you have to be martyred, do something seriously outrageous,
Or perhaps actually be skillful at something important,
To be noticed by the willful herd.
* * * *
Re-align with the planet, or it will re-align you.
* * * *
Why do you keep doing this to your Self?
* * * *
You are bound to the indivisible, no matter what you believe.
* * * *
Each and every moment, you re-create the universe of your imaginary dreamtime.
* * * *
Oh, the madness and suffering that will come to pass for the next
Who-knows-how-many hundreds, perchance thousands of years.
* * * *
The fear, the dread, of all things
That bring mayhem, destruction, and death
Is a state of mind worth shedding.
* * * *
It being a god-eat-god world, means that any deity on high
Is really a cannibal in every way, in every shape, in every form.
* * * *
Curious that the truth sounds so absurd
To those who only believe what they see and hear and touch and taste and smell.
To the many who lack the intuitive insight to discern, to perceive,
The ultimate reality prior to consciousness.
* * * *
To be so blatantly, insufferably, absurdly insane,
As to ceaselessly, maliciously harm one another,
Is, indeed, an amazingly dismal reality of our kind.
* * * *
Another nibble of knowledge, that will no doubt also be forgotten in the mists of time.
* * * *
The surest cure for fear or any other passion is a long, full breath.
* * * *
When you are inwardly still,
The slate is clear, tabula rasa.
The eternal journey is ever anew.
The return to wonder ever afoot.
* * * *
To be immortal in a mortal container, is, indeed, more than a little challenging.
* * * *
It is okay to not want anything.
* * * *
Sometimes lazily, eerily still,
Other times quickly dissipated by an insistent wind.
Ephemerally-eternal all the same.
* * * *
We all inhabit different jungles
In which we learn to survive the winds of time
In the innumerable ways in which nature and nurture play out.
* * * *
Simplistic explanations and derogatory labels
Snare the ignorant and inattentive into believing
The scripted propaganda of narrow, divisive views.
* * * *
That to which few are called in any given epoch.
* * * *
Alas, you must die that you may live.
* * * *
Even the mightiest god is but another grain of sand, an ant, to the ocean of isness.
* * * *
You pray only five times a day?
* * * *
What you believe you are,
And That which you truly are,
Are two very different perceptions.
* * * *
You come in buck naked and innocent and free,
And likely depart worn and tattered and exhausted,
Or hamburger if you do not manage to get off the tracks.
* * * *
Like live bait, we cast our spawn into an unenviable future.
* * * *
Odds are the way you wish it to be, is not the way it is.
* * * *
Probably everybody thinks they are normal, whatever that is.
* * * *
Ignorance may rule the world, but it need not overrun your mind.
* * * *
Subscribe to whatever conclusion you will,
It is all ultimately of the same essential source.
Dreams are dreams, no matter their time or space.
* * * *
Why you continue to play out your mortal form is the telling of your tale.
* * * *
Everything is connected
Except in minds ripped asunder
By every imaginable division and strife.
* * * *
The creative moment is its own reward.
* * * *
It is again witnessed to be so.
* * * *
Oh ye of little doubt.
* * * *
Go easy on your Self; no need suffering more than mortality requires.
* * * *
To truly discern another, you must first discern your Self.
* * * *
Wisdom translates into all languages for those with the yearning and capacity
To appreciate the many insights offered up across the dream of space and time.
* * * *
Convince your self of your Self.
* * * *
How else do you think the indivisibility
Is going to create and preserve and destroy all this
But through the ever-present, indelible mystery of your awareness.
* * * *
So many things you would neither want nor need to do again, and the list daily longer.
* * * *
To be complete in this realm, and any others, as well, is the highest calling.
* * * *
Just something else that does not require much, if any, serious attention.
* * * *
Like it or not, this is your brief role upon the stage of this given window of time.
* * * *
You are the immortal infinity, temporarily caught up in a dream of time.
A streaming ray of light reflecting in a temporal prism of flesh and bones.
* * * *
All claims to the contrary, Darwin’s theory is not a theory,
And Mother Nature will not much longer abide
Our brief, foolish flurry of ignorance.
* * * *
Neurological patterning does not for reality make.
* * * *
Assert whatever you will, what is, is, ever was, and will ever be.
* * * *
A higher level of perception, of attention, is required.
But what with the monkey-mind being the willy-nilly creation that it is,
It is, indeed challenging to remain ever-observant, ever in a completely awakened state.
Many are called, few are chosen, deal with it.
* * * *
Deluded again.
* * * *
Witness this.
* * * *
Do not look to any other to accept, to confirm, to approve what you know to be true.
* * * *
Cheap is good, free is better.
* * * *
The attention to nowness, the nowness of attention.
* * * *
Whether you discern it or not, you are the indivisibility, you are That I Am.
It is only your lack of doubt and insight, that assures your continued snooze.
* * * *
The will of the exclusionary herd compels ignorance in the individual.
The sovereign absoluteness of indivisibility does not exclude any other.
* * * *
You are missing the point if you make it an ego thing.
* * * *
Every dream, a cotton candy puff of nothing.
* * * *
Passé, oh clever one, passé.
* * * *
Prior to all patterning, what else could you be?
* * * *
Oh well, you got yours.
* * * *
Drift alone, sovereign.
* * * *
You tire your Self.
* * * *
It is all you; you are the one.
* * * *
Ready to disincorporate?
* * * *
Is there anything more taxing
Than someone who has not yet realized
How much they have left to both learn and unlearn?
* * * *
How many caresses of the brush does it take to create a masterpiece?
* * * *
You can follow another’s rules, or your own.
There may, however, be grim consequences
If your shillelagh lacks might to enforce its right.
* * * *
How many zeroes will it take?
* * * *
What is any life but the flashes of perception we call memory.
* * * *
Look who’s in charge now.
* * * *
Gaia is coming unhinged. Oh woe to the future.
* * * *
What is the world, the universe, but a quantum dream ever consuming itself.
* * * *
Intuition may get the ball rolling, but logical, rational thinking will plumb true.
* * * *
Indifference is its own reward.
* * * *
To truly know nothing is a wondrous state of mindfulness.
* * * *
To find, one must seek, but what do when the quest is complete?
* * * *
It is only in the finite that infinity can frolic.
* * * *
The seeker of peace has to be pretty detached to get by in this world.
* * * *
Everything’s the same, and nothing’s the same.
* * * *
The Hypocrisy! The Hypocrisy!
* * * *
What bother to carry a world, a universe, around in your wee noggin.
* * * *
There are killer bees, and there are idiot bees.
* * * *
Infinitesimal, finite, infinite, what difference, really?
* * * *
Does it all have to be so predictable?
* * * *
You puny little identity in your puny little body is not what you truly are.
* * * *
The quantum rhapsody must be played alone.
* * * *
The entire human paradigm is a collusion of delusion.
* * * *
God must be very small to be rattling around in so many heads.
* * * *
To be content with nothing is a rare calling.
* * * *
To be absolute, or not to be absolute, that is the question.
* * * *
You are born in this given mind-body only once.
How can you resist the opportunity not to do everything,
Not to investigate anything the given sensory illusion might offer.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved