Chapter 151 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


We are all bound by our form, our time,
And our subjective perception of their weaving.
Like any seed ever woven, we are birthed of mystery,
And play it out to the varied ends of all seeds.
From dust to dust, dust all the while.

* * * *
Must be tough watching that pretty face sag.

* * * *
Spoiled rotten.

* * * *
Heart smart.

* * * *
It’s all optional.

* * * *
From the street, a discourse on reality.

* * * *
No hierarchy of thought can contain it.

* * * *
Pursue excellence in everything you do.

* * * *
It’s all propaganda.

* * * *
The revolution is a paradigm shift
Prior to any point of reckoning.

* * * *
Call it prior, during or after,
It is all the same.

* * * *
It is not for the tame to discover.

* * * *
Cut to the chase.

* * * *
You’re going to have to let go of it sooner or later.
May as well get used to it now.

* * * *
Revenge exacts a heady price.

* * * *
Conquest and pillage
Are just larger degrees of theft and murder
Often cloaked in nationalism.

* * * *
I give you nothing,
And your challenge is that it be enough.

* * * *
Nothing will just have to do.

* * * *
Mediocre minds recreate a mediocre world.

* * * *

* * * *
When were you ever not in the agape of it all?

* * * *
Love is just a sound
Like all the other sounds.
None can grasp it but through
Complete, unutterable surrender.

* * * *
Not easy to do in the day-to-day.

* * * *
Seek out those who do not pose.
The real folk born of the cosmic tribe.

* * * *
The much-heralded life of poverty
Is simply not wanting all that much
From a world which offers so much.

* * * *
Heaven is an inexpensive promise
And hell a convenient threat.
No collateral required.
Words are nice that way.

* * * *
Wipe away all arguments.

* * * *
The peace of kings.

* * * *
What words will.

* * * *
Translations can never match the original language.

* * * *
Turn it into bliss.

* * * *
What better fate would you imagine?

* * * *
Always a quip ready.

* * * *
Do you feel the dread?

* * * *
Self-righteousness suits you.

* * * *
So damned predictable.

* * * *
At the whim of the universe this life lived.

* * * *
A world run by politicians, lawyers, accountants, doctors
Engineers, scientists, bean-counting bureaucrats, and priests
Is not a world destined to do well for long.

* * * *
Wandering through old haunts, unseen,
A ghost of a previous time,
You see it anew with the eyes of age.

* * * *
How lazy and soft wealth makes so many.

* * * *
Normal relative to what.

* * * *
Know who, what, where, when,
But not why.

* * * *
We told them to question authority,
And they do.

* * * *
Same old game, just another day.

* * * *
I am,
Therefore I putter.

* * * *
You swallowed it hook, line, sinker and pole, baby.

* * * *
The big bang was probably just the first hit
In a eternal contest of billiards
Or the dice set rolling
In a cosmic game of craps.

* * * *
They just think you’re insane.
You know we all are.

* * * *
Every mythos imprints the rules of its game
Upon the gullibility of innocence.

* * * *
How we play upon each others’ vanity.

* * * *
Every technology plays boon and bane
Based on its creative and destructive aspects.
Discerning the true impact of any
Requires wisdom
We have not begun to fathom.

* * * *
Happiness is a quality of nowness,
Not the result of outward projection.

* * * *
All attributes
Are temporary patterns,
Habits born of time.

* * * *
The memories of body and mind,
The continuity they fabricate
Carry on the suffering.

* * * *
Birthless living knows no other.

* * * *
Will is necessary,
But to what end
Is the question.

* * * *
The leap of faith has no other side.

* * * *
Is what humanity manifests now
Much different than it has ever been?
Greed, violence, prejudice and ignorance
Have changed in appearance only.

* * * *
Enjoy your breath, your presence,
As much or more than you do your thoughts.

* * * *
Take responsibility for you part of the unfolding.
That light will contribute in ways you may never know.

* * * *
Consciousness labeled
Is consciousness divisively muddled.

* * * *
Life will be the death of you yet.

* * * *
Sovereignty requires neither approval or disapproval.

* * * *
Life is the practice.

* * * *
What’s cocky today is worm’s meet tomorrow.

* * * *
Question sanity.

* * * *
In the field of reality,
You are.

* * * *
It’s moth instinct
That keeps us fluttering
Through the lights of the night.

* * * *
Amazing what stupidity can arise
From a little intelligence.

* * * *
What an interesting experience death will be.
Who really knows what is ahead.

* * * *
The usual delusions.

* * * *
How can you be responsible for things
Over which you have no control.

* * * *
The universe spins round and round
Masking one into the countless others,
Evaporating as do drops into clouds,
Raining down into another round.

* * * *
You don’t need to have
A big fancy castle or mansion.
A cave will do.

* * * *
Mask the aloneness however you will.
Tis ever there, tis ever there.

* * * *
A question for which there is no answer.

* * * *
How tiring to be measured
Through every round of life.
Do cattle have it any worse?

* * * *
It’s the caring, the attachment
Which creates the suffering.

* * * *
Out in the forest, nature rules.
In the city, mankind’s mind rules.
Without rules we would not function,
Yet beneath all the asphalt and cement,
Nature is still and will ever be all.

* * * *
You were expecting flowers?

* * * *
Look in the mirror
And you will see
Gravity gets final say.

* * * *
How long would any automobile run
If sugar, alcohol, caffeine, drugs and other
Were mixed with the gas and oil?
If we treated our bodies
As well as w do our vehicles,
How much different things might be.

* * * *
So tiring trying
To appease people
Who wouldn’t be satisfied
If you donated every drop of blood
In your lifeless corpse.

* * * *
The god most people proselytize
Is as vain and petty as they.

* * * *
In the sea of relativity,
Conditioning is the security blanket
To which we cling.

* * * *
Collusion is the outcome of any meeting of two or more people.
Whether love or war, positive or negative, agreement or disagreement
It is still a collusion.

* * * *
Life is a set of phases.
Some have few, others many.

* * * *
You can’t do it all,
Nor is there any reason to try.

* * * *
What common ground can there be in opinion?

* * * *
Step back occasionally
To get a clear reading
Of any given situation.

* * * *
A limited god is a limited you.

* * * *
It’s not that you’re fearless;
You just don’t fear
What they do.

* * * *
You are the relationship.

* * * *
Does giving over all your fear, guilt and anger to Jesus
Just put off taking responsibility for your own mind?

* * * *
Karmic lessons can be hard-earned.

* * * *
Hopefully, you have a little more to offer the world
Than a pretty face or rippled set of muscles.

* * * *
Discrimination is an important part of any education.

* * * *
Well, you’ve earned your 15 minutes.
Now no one will forget you till tomorrow.

* * * *
Pretty hard not to fail anyone
Who has expectations of you.

* * * *
Modern medicine will probably
Always be derided by the future.

* * * *
Imagination is the source of all pleasure and pain.

* * * *
There is peril in not attending to the body.
To be lost in the time of the mind is to miss the now
In which the physical nature abides.

* * * *
Are these thought uncommon to many?

* * * *
We said to the young,
“Question authority,”
And now they do.

* * * *
At the same time, any given moment
Is as infinitely small as it is infinitely large.

* * * *
What madness.

* * * *
Judge not and blame will end.

* * * *
You can never know when someone
Will grow weary of their world
And begin slowly drifting
Toward the farthest shore.

* * * *
How arbitrary all language is.

* * * *
Education is an interesting game,
Much of which has little relationship
With what one will need in the real world.

* * * *
If humanity were living
In accordance with natural law,
Much would be drop-kicked into oblivion.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved