Chapter 154 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Those seeking to preserve the world
Will always be offset by forces
Seeking to destroy it.

* * * *
In the flicker of an eye blinking,
Ten thousand eternities pass.

* * * *
Going insane?  Or sane?

* * * *
Even if you don’t mean it.

* * * *
Washed out, you are, you are.

* * * *
All essence,

* * * *
Of provocative merit.

* * * *
Ironically amusing how twisted what we consider normal.

* * * *
How would Christians react
If Jesus did come back
And told them
They got it all wrong?

* * * *
Where the heck did those two hours go?

* * * *
Adventure in moderation.

* * * *
Dusty drama.

* * * *
As soon as you want it forever, it disappears.

* * * *
The reins of power may be
Harshly or wisely spent.

* * * *
Some things cannot be learned,
No matter how you try.

* * * *
Debts are a test of character.

* * * *
It all passes so quickly done.

* * * *
It just further verifies
What was long ago obvious.

* * * *
There are countless minds in the one mind.

* * * *
Digging through a muddled brain
Is not a pretty sight.

* * * *
Everything has its cost.

* * * *
What a mask landed on you.

* * * *
Big-view challenged.

* * * *
Opportunities generally diminish as you get older.

* * * *
Respect tends to deflect resentment.

* * * *
How flimsy and arbitrary like and dislike.

* * * *
Why crush a flower
For a few moments
Of twisted pleasure?

* * * *
No longer curious?

* * * *
Can power over others be handled wisely?
Only if the leader puts aside personal ambition.

* * * *
So much trivia to distract you.

* * * *
Do you seek out adventures,
Or do they just sort of happen?

* * * *
A safe, secure life?
What’s that?

* * * *
No matter
Whether you’re afraid of god or not,
It’s still going to kill you.

* * * *
In your dreams, baby, in your dreams.

* * * *
So often the role supercedes personal preference.

* * * *
True beauty needs little decoration.

* * * *
Kindness and cruelty:
Each finds its own ends.

* * * *
An interesting face.
Wonder if what’s behind it
Is really any different?

* * * *
What is boredom, anyway?

* * * *
An interesting challenge, eh what?

* * * *
Seen one moment, you’ve seen them all.

* * * *
So many fuck-ups to make this world what it has become.

* * * *
Adrift, you wander aiming nowhere.

* * * *
Amazing what some women think is attractive.

* * * *
Mind no one’s business but your own;
Easier said than done.

* * * *
“Tao of the Nineties”
Some streetwise fella
Named Ernest called it.

* * * *
The signs were probably there,
But you either weren’t paying attention
Or didn’t know how the read them.

* * * *
Is joy anything more than a concept for you?

* * * *
Occasionally the roof falls in on everyone.

* * * *
Sorrow haunts the corners of those eyes.

* * * *
Scattered to the wind,
The seeds of change
Find many destinies.

* * * *
Trees are just grass grown taller,
Mountains just ant hills of rock,
Oceans just puddles with fish.

* * * *
Planets and suns just dust
In a room with a view.

* * * *
You are a chemistry experiment.

* * * *
Something will keep happening
Until there’s nothing left to happen.

* * * *
Don’t be overwhelmed by the impermanence.
It isn’t real.

* * * *
Behind the façade, who knows?

* * * *
Desire tightens the breath.

* * * *
A commentary of life and death.

* * * *
Without desire, fear subsides.

* * * *
If you didn’t want so much,
You might even be content.

* * * *
In a time of no constraints,
Consciousness will play through.

* * * *
Were those ever really your expectations?

* * * *
Why did all this happen?
Why, to be you, of course.

* * * *
And what did you really gain amassing all that?

* * * *
Oh, nothing.

* * * *
It boggles the mind.

* * * *
In everything there is enlightenment.
Every part and particle is intrinsically free.

* * * *
Who would deny you?

* * * *
Free-roaming dust.

* * * *
Feign interest.

* * * *
Value is as value does.

* * * *
What do you mean by that?

* * * *
Negation is the key.

* * * *
Not your fate, thank god.

* * * *
Massive amounts of sugar
Do not for sweetness make.

* * * *
What a load of crap
The propaganda of history
Often feeds the masses.

* * * *
Inner quiet is a challenge
To which you must surrender.

* * * *
Purpose and meaning
Deflate like an exhaling balloon
When you die to live.

* * * *
Time blows by quickly
As you age like fine wine.

* * * *
What is truly amazing is that they really believe
They are practicing whatever their icon
Was actually talking about.

* * * *
A simple fate for the simple soul,
A complex fate for the complex soul,
And the rest everywhere between.

* * * *
Dress up as you please,
The core remains unchanged.

* * * *
History has a way of catching up with the visionaries.

* * * *
If all things are possible,
Perhaps all things are likely.

* * * *
If you see only the form,
The mask, the costume, the role,
Then you’ve in the end seen nothing at all.

* * * *
Posers all.

* * * *
Truth is all-inclusive.

* * * *
Aimlessly you wander
The indifferent pathlessness
Of time’s infinite matrix.

* * * *
Pray to Santa for a Merry Christmas in June.

* * * *
What rascals these mortals be.
Even demons play a vital tune.

* * * *
You, too, are food in some player’s dream.

* * * *
All gods fade, all myths are forgotten,
All legends die, all bones return to sand,
All dust merges back into what it never was.

* * * *
How easily happenstance
Turns to coincidence
And coincidence
Into enemy action.

* * * *
What is it you want to make with your life?
Anything goes.

* * * *
Driven by forces they cannot discern,
The chart courses into deeper water.

* * * *
You are the everything and the nothing,
A reflection of every passing mirror.

* * * *
The sound is silence.

* * * *
Why should you suffer any obligation?

* * * *
The Cheshire comes and goes
With little or no comment.

* * * *
We are all so full of imagination.

* * * *
Turn it off.

* * * *
What are you looking for?

* * * *
Dust the dust till it washes clean.

* * * *
Young people so often think themselves more clever
Than those who’ve seen and done it all,
And know exactly what’s up
Without even looking.

* * * *

The dragon sees all.
The gold, jewels and collectibles
Are only bedding
In which to slumber.

* * * *
Faith and hope are synonymous.

* * * *
Even gold is smoke.

* * * *
There is nothing standing still
But stillness its Self.

* * * *
The whole universe is at your feet.

* * * *
Leave me curious.

* * * *
Better to do a few things well
Than many poorly.

* * * *
Don't forget to play today.

* * * *
Morality is not getting caught.

* * * *
You were expecting the truth?

* * * *
So many thinking the world something
It has never been and can never be.

* * * *
Curiosity draws us all closer.

* * * *
If you want people to do something,
Tell them they cannot or should not.

* * * *
The god worth envisioning
Is not so vain
As to exclude anything.

* * * *
You can only know another's world
If you very clearly discern your own.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved