Chapter 153 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


What is beauty’s purpose, if not temptation.

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A promise which may not be kept.

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Why do you blame others so much?

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A woman’s beauty provides something
Her mind often fails to deliver.

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Loyal to all and none.

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What makes you think anyone wants to be free?

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Surrender your mind to heaven.

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If you think it will hurt, it probably will.

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It’s all the essential you.

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You never feel old inside.

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Funny how we like to present
A certain face to our space.

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Not paying attention again, I see.

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A wordsmith for all time.

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You would limit my love for your greedy purpose.

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What makes you think I care?

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Can’t find it where it’s not.

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How often what is called justice is merely revenge.

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Do you seek truth or just another lie?

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The conquest of this vain universe is nothing
Compared to the comprehension of one’s soul.

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Contrast makes the world go round.

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But what does it mean?

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Give it any name under the sun,
It is still the same.

* * * *
We are without bounds, but only see it different.
We are without bounds, but only feel it different.
We are without bounds, but only hear it different.
We are without bounds, but only taste it different.
We are without bounds, but only smell it different.
We are without bounds, but only think it different.

* * * *
Life is just a temporary set of options.

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Brilliant in your own fashion.

* * * *
Another book never written.

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Always more than you need to know.

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The discipline of spontaneity.

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Funny how the things
You learn in on now
Contribute to another.

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History is so quickly forgotten.

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A breath away from oblivion.

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If a man’s brain weren’t in his dick,
Do you think he’d put up with such behavior?

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What is time?
No more than you imagine it to be.

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The advent of another dreary line of bullshit.

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The world is endless source of ironical material
For all the jokester curmudgeons a-wandering.

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There’s nothing to do.

* * * *
Ground zero.

* * * *
Once again vanity carries the day.

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Stolen fair and square.

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There are no followers where you come from.

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Each breath an ocean wave.

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Politically correct is what gets you laid.

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Now you know what I have to live with.

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Madness unplugged.

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You tryst with god.

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You, too, will whither and die.

* * * *
God created humanity
Because he didn’t want
To keep track of the details.

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The value of anything is a function
Of its perceived utility and/or aesthetic.

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The web is open for business.

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Life ain’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

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Surrender to the river.

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You do not need to explain yourself.

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The whole thing a concoction of sound.

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Your business is none of my business.

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To understand anything
You must give yourself over to it.
You must become it.

* * * *
Compassion arrives naturally
From understanding another.

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Can I win and you not lose?

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We’ve seen so much and still the search
For something never done before.

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Hope is not a very realistic option.

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Sorry, young lady,
But there’s a little more proportion required
Before I submit to your feminine charms.

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That !#@#!Psysiphean list.

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Have always wanted to do that
For at least the last two seconds.

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Take stock of your political positioning in the group dynamic.
Never use all your chips unless absolutely necessary.
Never burn a bridge if it can remain standing.
Create no unnecessary opponents.
Do not place yourself higher than anyone else.

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Evil is just live spelled backwards.

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You expect me to buy into your mirage?

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You cannot know or do
What you haven’t taken the time to learn.

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We are all it together.

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Just another neurological set.

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Does cyberspace even have a dimension?

* * * *
It has the meaning and purpose
Your state of mind gives it.

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Be gentle with yourself.
Stop looking for pain.

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To be courageous,
You must choose courage.

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So many analogies taken far, far too literally.

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You may criticize it, ridicule it, deride it,
But you must inevitably succumb to it.

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Every creature has admirable and unadmirable traits.

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How many things that were once so pleasurable
Become more bother than they’re worth.

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Darwin’s theory about the strong surviving
Explains why so many people are stupid.

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Any god who would accept some
So-called Christians in heaven
Is no god worth praying to.

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Some things bear repeating,
So many really don’t.

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The ground is the only way to go.

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So much struggle for so little return.

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If Jesus were to return,
And only god knows why he would,
His followers would see him, hear him, touch him,
And then they would kill and eat him again.
He’s not of much use to them alive.

* * * *
It would be nice to blame it on one demonic entity,
But in reality, hell is simply a synergy of consciousness.

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It could be so much more for everyone
If self-interest and seemingly endless craving
Weren’t such predictably inherent traits.

* * * *
But that would be very boring,
And boring is not very cool
Unless you’re content.

* * * *
Begging is sure getting popular.

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What is hidden has mystery,
And mystery entices imagination
Into the incessant weavings of fantasy.

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In a school of moving fish,
The individual is not easily seen.

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What point, stillness?

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Applause stokes vanity’s intent.

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Wanting so much until you have it.

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Successful propaganda
Works best on the gullible
Who never question deeply
The primary assumption.

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Organized religion convinces the pawns
They will some day achieve meaning and purpose,
And perhaps be loved, even saved,
By their imaginary friend.

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Only the mind loses its innocence.

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How shallow the differences.

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Amazing the draw of flesh
And the masks it weaves.

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Justifiable homicide.

* * * *
Is that your soul written on your face?

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So many trying so hard to be somebody.

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So where did all that youthful enthusiasm go?

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Romance cannot discern the violence coming.

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Each generation moves further and further from the law of nature.
So far, in fact, that one day it will backhand them
In ways we can only now guess.

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Looking for your lost tribe?

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What point in being bitter?
Find the ironic humor in it all.

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The mind is the playing field of time.

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What does that pile of gold really say about you?

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Begin anew each day, each moment possible.

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Sure it’s all been said and done before,
But not by you.

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Another footnote in history’s imaginary reality.

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Easter Island says it all.

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We all have our routines.

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Questions of a thousand dreams.

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And what does that mean, anyway?

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So rude, so rude.

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Right now, I don’t want to, thanks.

* * * *
Are you still babbling?

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Amid the denizens of Planet Earth,
Your disguise is perfect, Mein Herr.

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Insanity is the order of the day.

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Interesting how history is twisted to so many ends.

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Try relaxing for a change.

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Hot, hot, hot or cold, cold, cold.
So many ceaselessly whining about both,
Always wishing for the other until it inevitably arrives.

* * * *
Stop looking
For what no other can offer.
Be Self-contained.

* * * *
Grandfather, father, son, grandson,
Grandmother, mother, daughter, granddaughter,
And all those who came before, and all who will come henceforth,
What different worlds each generation blossoms into.
Any garden abides the ground it is given.

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The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved