Chapter 119 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Just another testament, another oracle,
Another seer, another of so many others
Come and gone, and still yet to come.

* * * *
Alone together, all one, despite ourselves.

* * * *
Sometimes you wonder why you continue.
Other times you just can’t get enough.

* * * *
Only the mind creates disparity.

* * * *
Isn’t it all rather obvious?

* * * *
Sit eternally, and you’ll forget everything.

* * * *
Perhaps if enough people can come
To an agreement on something truly fundamental,
They can at least tolerate the countless imagined differences.

* * * *
Who are the good guys, anyway?

* * * *
You’ll have your own conclusion.
You won’t need the scribe to idolize.

* * * *
Laws may be the blackest black
Or the whitest white, but life
Is all the gray in between.

* * * *
Another one captivated by the delusion
That s/he is really a human being.

* * * *
What was I going to jot down.
Darn, I can’t remember.

* * * *
Cycles within cycles within cycles
Ebb and flow, rise and fall, crest and dip,
And you witness to their histories
And projected futures.

* * * *
You statistician, you.

* * * *
From where do all beginnings come?
To where do all endings go?

* * * *
How can every now help but be exactly the same?

* * * *
What is contentment?
Is it a thought? Is it even attainable?
Does it exist as anything more than a surrender
To the unfolding ever- present moment?

* * * *
How can so many human beings
Ever hope to co-exist peacefully
Given the rivalry over so many
Unreconcilable differences?
We seem destined to clash
Until there is nothing left
Worth the squabbling.

* * * *
How many languages,
How many schools of thought
Are there mesmerizing our minds?
Humanity has excelled in so many forums,
Yet we are really no different than our ancestors.
Human receivers may be appear increasingly intricate,
But are ever gathering, collating, comparing and interpreting
In the same passionate, willful manner as any other, in any other time.

* * * *
The amazing thing is how much you will forget,
As well as how much you must forget to remember.

* * * *
You may be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient,
But you still have to put one leg at a time into those pants.

* * * *
From now, life springs eternal.

* * * *
Who chose you to be an authority?
It is the same arrogance that has
Infected the entire human drama.
Pride blossoms before all great falls.

* * * *
The dust contrives countless forms
And consumes itself in every way.

* * * *
Play it again and again
In whatever context you choose,
It is ever the same you, the same one,
Witnessing all things acting out
The Song of Godness.

* * * *
Tall order, not likely,
But it amuses the witness
To contemplate the architecture
Of a dreamy possibility.

* * * *
Romantic ideals are meaningless.

* * * *
For this human drama to somehow make
The paradigm shift survival requires,
Each must discern a light within,
Reconcile the confusion, and then act
Upon its vision in a manner which works for all.

* * * *
We are all children of godness.
There are none who are not,
But for their insistent denial
In both thought and deed.

* * * *
The good gardener does not hesitate
To destroy to in order to create.

* * * *
Go ahead, blame god.
In part, you are right.

* * * *
What parasites critics are.
Where do people get the audacity
To criticize something they cannot even do?

* * * *
God’s vanity is no less foolish than your own.

* * * *
Armies, gangs, what is the difference, really?

* * * *
Observe your dread, your resistance, your denial.
Try looking forward to something for a change.

* * * *
The way it is as the scribe sees it,
Communicated as clearly as he can
With the concepts of his native tongue.
And expansive vision built upon limitation.

* * * *
Ridiculously so.

* * * *
When are you truly ready to look,
You will take the time, you will find
Your desert, river or bodi tree, and sit
Walk or run until it all becomes obvious.

* * * *
Leaders need followers, followers need leaders.
What synergies they weave is the story of man.

* * * *
Give your politically correct spiel
To someone who cares.

* * * *
If you have to ask,
You obviously don’t get it.

* * * *
You are that which is godness,
But must clear away all delusions
To comprehend its reality fully.

* * * *
What is the quality of mind
Unclouded by context?

* * * *
Thank, but no thanks.

* * * *
The challenge knowing you are godness
Is pretending you are a human being.

* * * *
Sustaining vanity takes a great deal of effort.

* * * *
Let Caesar have back his coin
When you are done with it.

* * * *
Hokum and bullshit,
Neck-deep and deep-fried.

* * * *
Our technological promiscuity
Has proliferated far  beyond
Our ability to use it wisely.

* * * *
Like a potato absorbing salt,
You will eat, drink and breathe
The poisons of your time.

* * * *
You cannot hear until you are ready to remember.

* * * *
Will you ever forgive yourself completely
For your huge bag of imagined flaws?

* * * *
Space-time continuum?
Or space-time confabulation?
Or perhaps a space-time collusion?
Or maybe even a space-time conspiracy?

* * * *
So many things matter to us
That do no really matter at all.

* * * *
Just spending my time writing words
That don’t even pretend to rhyme.

* * * *
Those dots in front of your eyes
Offer proof of your electrical nature
As does a hit on the funny bone
Or even a jab at the right spot
With an acupuncture needle.

* * * *
Get past yourself.
Hang out about three miles
Above the garden.

* * * *
There are too many false gods to bother counting.

* * * *
Consciousness cannot do more than
Skim the surface with its own knowledge.
It can never really fathom the depths
Of the immeasurable expanse.

* * * *
The lock to the Soul is your mind.

* * * *
The eternal step is the one forever.

* * * *
Each has a story that even
They cannot know completely.

* * * *
Seers have planted many thoughts throughout time
That their brethren might realize the same insight.
Can any see that have no inclination to light?
How could they but for that fate’s destiny?
Many are called but few are chosen.

* * * *
The ladder only takes you to the edge of the roof.

* * * *
It is the resistance to outcomes
Which offers the deepest sleep.

* * * *
That tiny splinter in your eye
Can appear to be very large.

* * * *
We are all eternally wedded
The the time and space illusion.

* * * *
Once you discern a train of logic,
Any conceptual edifice falls
To your knowing.

* * * *
How enamored we are with the artificial.

* * * *
Who can lead you out of this morass but your Self?

* * * *
Will the last human being be god aware,
Or just a pathetic sampling of what
We all too often see today?

* * * *
Expand your vision of history until it includes
And transcends the before and after of all creation.

* * * *
Kick the other out of your mind.
You are Soul law, Soul creator
Of the universe blooming within.

* * * *
We are all legends in our own mind,
Futile paths to glory born of imagination.

* * * *
Why allow your dream to be a nightmare?

* * * *
Each moment is as fresh as you aware it to be.

* * * *
The demon seeks his mirror.
That which is godness
Is all mirrors.

* * * *
Living forever is not what you think.
You have never existed as you think.

* * * *
Every answer
Is in the question.
Discern where it is not,
And the insight will appear.

* * * *
Choose to car, to participate or not.
Choices, choices, nothing but choices
In this choiceless manifest dream.

* * * *
Eternity is reached through time,
But is not a product of its nature.

* * * *
From the body to systems to organs to cells
To atoms to that within all which is not,
That is the source of all creation.

* * * *
Every life form has a part to play
To judge another seed for the role it is given
Is to misunderstand how little say you have in your own.

* * * *
Sometimes it may be a good idea
To at least take a quick glance
At the gift horse’s mouth.

* * * *
Withdraw from all assumption.

* * * *
Drift along or strive about.
What difference, really?

* * * *
Time is fleeting because it can offer nothing
But dreams of pretense and passion.

* * * *
A vampire is anyone who abuses
Another in mind, body or spirit
For any reason imaginable.

* * * *
Can anyone really help but see
What they see, do what they do,
Or play out the fate life creates?

* * * *
One lie usually weaves many more.

* * * *
From the forgetting comes the remembering,
And to its immutable oblivion, all form returns.

* * * *
We all have a sword upon which we eventually fall.

* * * *
Lots and lots and lots of things
To which only pretense clings.

* * * *
To think you are anything is to act out a delusion.
All identification is a lie, not matter how subtle.

* * * *
The book of oneness.

* * * *
How quickly sweetness turns bitter,
And bitterness, sweet.

* * * *
Consciousness toys in so many ways.

* * * *
Try making all your body’s tension
Into a restful bliss of its own.
State of mind, attitude, is all it is.

* * * *
Seek sustenance from the origin.
Everything since is only transitory
To those reckoning upon eternity.

* * * *
Do you eat when full,
Drink when you have no thirst,
Sleep more than your body requires,
Busy yourself when there’s nothing to do,
And do too little when there is?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved