Chapter 43 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


As long as you doubt your Self,
You will return to your imagined world.

* * * *
Maya blinds and deafens the senses
Without compunction, shame or guilt.

* * * *
The universe is our audience and we its.

* * * *
All are their own law,
But to act in consideration
Is mastery of this manifest plane.

* * * *
You play the part
You have made yourself
Available to play.

* * * *
To those seeing this,
There is a difference,
Yet there is no difference.

* * * *
Godness is the play of light and shadow
And the knower knows both avenues well.
Neither light nor dark sways the knower of Self.

* * * *
The true student of life crosses every boundary
To discern the truth that all is of the oneness.

* * * *
Those who are ready will find the mirrors they need.

* * * *
The merger of otherness into oneness
Is as undeniable as a bolt of lightning.

* * * *
Only when they are completely done
With the world and all other manifest forms
Do the rare few merge into the absolute nature.

* * * *
Share, without persuasion or force,
The awareness this ultimate knowing manifests.
It is the good news only the discerning have ears to hear.

* * * *
Piss, shit, cunt, fuck, and other such words
Bring out a particular response or reaction
Based upon the conceptual context within.

* * * *
Ponder that you are the field
And the knowing of the field.

* * * *
The play of words,
So simple, yet so profound.

* * * *
The question whether or not humanity
As a species can transcend its political nature
Remains to be seen in a future we will never know.

* * * *
For you to be reading this,
One wonders if you really have a choice.
For your interest in realization is leading more and more
Toward that surrender where all choice ends.

* * * *
This is the time of humanity,
The briefest spontaneous opportunity
To play out manifest theater
In whatever way we will.
What wisdom will be gleaned
Is at yet unknown at this reckoning.
History is generally written after the fact.

* * * *
How sorry I am that it all turned out this way.
The suffering transcends every boundary imaginable.
How unnecessary all of it seems, yet how difficult it is to let go.

* * * *
Look beyond birth and death
And see you never were and never will.

* * * *
If you are blessed you will have the capacity
To discern the ocean of the eternal infinity within,
That all otherness is imagined by the mind and senses,
The maya born of desire to experience separation,
Made possible only through the patterning
Woven of the magic dust of godness.

* * * *
You really never left the womb.

* * * *
What part of a breath can you hold onto?

* * * *
What have you ever feared but an unruly imagination?

* * * *
What interests you now may not forever.

* * * *
What is the world
But clay and water
Sloshing back and forth?

* * * *
Pierce the veil of individuality.

* * * *
You really have no one else to blame
For the state of consciousness you are in.

* * * *
You enjoy the drama too much to let go of it.

* * * *
Megalomania is the path to glory ridden hard.

* * * *
Conquest has had its day in every geography
At one time or another in whatever fashion
Motivation, resources and technology combined.
The aggressive rise and fall of any group is nothing new.

* * * *
Only the maya of your own mind burdens you
With believing the masks have any reality.

* * * *
You keep trying to make sense of it,
But it never will be more than speculation.

* * * *
Concepts take you out of your origin,
Creating an intellectual screen,
A veil few peer beyond.

* * * *
Working so hard to remember that so easily forgotten.

* * * *
You are the witness, the portal, the awareness,
Consciously witnessing a personal existence
Within the stillness of the impersonal infinity.

* * * *
From the vast emptiness of the atom
Beyond the farthest reaches of the universe,
You are .

* * * *
What is there, really, to hope for?

* * * *
Humble yourself to your true greatness.

* * * *
A true scientist does not pretend
Separation between subject and object
Is even the most remote possibility.

* * * *
Instead of asking if everyone else is capable
Of changing the world, find out if you are.

* * * *
Everything you take personally
Is the illusive eternal play of time and space,
Merely temporal reflections of your true impersonal reality.

* * * *
The many who see the way is truly one
Find many avenues to share the good news.

* * * *
Individualized consciousness
Lacking indivisibility
Is the suffering.

* * * *
The names have changed
But the plot is still the same.

* * * *
To say “follow me” in this inquiry
Does not mean in a physical sense.

* * * *
If you have played as well as you can,
Then you can never lose.

* * * *
Before god you are equal.

* * * *
Shallow inattentive breathing
May be your greatest demon.

* * * *
The future of human consciousness
Is bound to the unfolding histories
In which each now finds its Self.

* * * *
Desire is limited by your fear or disdain.

* * * *
Owning your sovereignty free and clear
Requires unimaginable courage.

* * * *
The bliss of stillness
Is too much for those attached
To the hell-bound pain of so many thoughts.

* * * *
There is no right or wrong way,
Simply a way which does not exist.

* * * *
Dogma distorts truth’s reflection
To its own twisting ends.

* * * *
Sorrow is seeing
You cannot hold onto anything.
Serenity is not trying.

* * * *
Stay with the tide of each breath
And the in-the-moment awareness
Is, simply put, the kiss of the eternal.

* * * *
If you do not have time for a breath
You have too much time.

* * * *
Language is the root of all duality.
Without its subject-object nature,
Eden would not have been lost.

* * * *
Problems are rarely the problem
As we imagine them to be.

* * * *
Oxygen deprivation may be a leading cause of bad karma

* * * *
You are a synapse of the universal mind.

* * * *
Become the lightning of the thunder perfect mind.

* * * *
The eternalness of hell in consciousness
Is the mind’s delusion of continuity.
All problems will cease to exist
When the clinging stops.

* * * *
To not value the diversity seals the fate of all.

* * * *
Use the breath to wash away time.

* * * *
Where is the river? Where is the sea?
Wherever you are, whenever you are.

* * * *
Humanity is becoming the victim
Of its self-absorbed adaptation.

* * * *
Who is this “I” who wants so much?

* * * *
There is more bliss in a full breath
Than there ever can be in a concept.

* * * *
How often the introspective mind
Must face the wrath of its own creation.

* * * *
So many concepts so many bandy about
As if they have any comprehension
What most of them truly imply.

* * * *
What a maskless wonder you really are.

* * * *
You hold onto so much
Which has no real value whatsoever.

* * * *
You will find you have journeyed in hell
More times than you ever imagined possible.

* * * *
A true leader is a true human being.
A true human being sees there is no other
And thus treats others as he would be treated:
With consideration, fairness and equality.

* * * *
Find the courage to take a full breath.
Discern the dragon nature at its depths.

* * * *
Negation is not another form of becoming.
It requires no effort.

* * * *
You really only imagine you want anything.

* * * *
Why bring a child into this world
If you cannot or do not intend
To offer them a life worth living?

* * * *
You exist because of me
And I because of you.

* * * *
Again and again and again,
You paint yourself into rainbows
With a vivid imagination.

* * * *
Is your god merely a concept
Or is it an undeniable reality within?

* * * *
Be watchful of the enticing arrogance
This knowing can bring about.

* * * *
Creation, process and destruction
Exist only in the illusory weavings of your mind.

* * * *
Full you are yourself
Empty you are your Self.

* * * *
Love is not something
Which can be taught.

* * * *
Take back your mind
From those who took away
Your child nature, your birthright.

* * * *
Make a friend of the devil in you.
It is more harmless than you know.

* * * *
You fell from grace,
But can climb back into it
At any point in time.

* * * *
Most human beings
Are simply not as intelligent
As many would like to believe.
It is the nature of the beast.

* * * *
Traditions, rituals and symbols
Are products of mind’s vain attempt
To attain a security it never can.
Someone creates something
And the following moments
Are trapped in imitation.

* * * *
When you think you want something,
Who is asking?

* * * *
I have nothing to offer you.

* * * *
One thing in any devil’s favor
Is that it usually knows how hell works.
It is a bit tougher on those trying to figure out
How to get their wings working.

* * * *
All your anger and fear, your many pains,
Are chemistry seething and swirling
Within your ever-changing form,
And the mind’s attachment
To their imagined play.

* * * *
So much potential wasted
On so much avarice and hate.

* * * *
Play out your part as it is offered.
Resistance only intensifies the suffering.

* * * *
I am That I am.
You are That I am.
Everything is That I Am.

* * * *
Godness is merger into the infinite.
Maya the impressing of a limiting mold.
See it or not, you and all others
Are of that greater infinity.

* * * *
It is all your creation.
You are the source, the genesis,
Of your sensory interpretation of the universe.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved