Chapter 95 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Not an easy thing to wander through the world
Unfragmented by the confusion of ignorance.

* * * *
What media-worthy disaster, plague, war,
Tidbit of information, useless piece of gossip,
Or comedy of errors will titillate us today?

* * * *
So much attachment blinds you.

* * * *
Looking ahead I see nirvana.
Looking back I offer the dream everything
Which comes to this active mind.
Use it as you will.

* * * *
Cultivate absolute disinterest
In whether you live or die.

* * * *
Here we go again.

* * * *
Disinterest is the key to unlimited awareness.

* * * *
Allowing the mind to come to rest
Of its own accord is the trick.

* * * *
How strange memories are.
Remnants of perceptions of time
Given the imaginary weight of  reality,
A patchwork both real and unreal
Casting its cloudy shadows
Into every moment’s
Eternal passing.

* * * *
True intelligence hath no bounds.

* * * *
Who was ever born?

* * * *
Your need not agree
With everything scrawled here.
It a jumbled bag of confusion and clarity,
A work in progress, always snagged
By the limitations of the world
In which it has played.

* * * *
A sense of anonymity
Brings such freedom.

* * * *
Just don’t don’t blame or whine to god
When that sewer you’ve created
Starts to really overflow.

* * * *
What to do when you can no longer feel the need
To discern or bother about difference anymore?

* * * *
Those of little stature
Are those who lack it within.

* * * *
What a collection of losers.

* * * *
Those who can’t handle a shovel
When the dikes are leaking
Are pretty useless.

* * * *
Do you stick around because
Of amusement, curiosity, obligation, fear
Or some other sweet enticement this garden offers?

* * * *
Life is a short term loan.

* * * *
The whole thing is past caring.

* * * *
What’s done is done.

* * * *
A curious fate.

* * * *
Who would want to walk on water?

* * * *
Regret?  Hope?  Why bother?

* * * *
Nature is absolute.

* * * *
The spring won’t stop
Till the mountain no longer sustains it.

* * * *
Born in the land of the muddy river.

* * * *
So you’ve woken up, now what?

* * * *
Excess in every direction.
Where’s the balance.

* * * *
Maybe you’ve already figured it out.
Maybe you don’t have to strive anymore
To be something you’ve always been.

* * * *
No bureaucrat should be allowed
To issue any rule or procedure
Unless its been trial-tested
Through personal experience.

* * * *
Get your own act together
Before you try to change another’s

* * * *
People coming from a harsher world
Are generally much more willing and able
To world much harder for much less
Than the well-fed natives.

* * * *
Avoid babbling.

* * * *
Why would anyone want to be around
A bunch of ass-kissing sycophants?

* * * *
Contrary minds breed contrary results.

* * * *
God-damned clocks.

* * * *
The twists and turns of attachment are ceaseless.

* * * *
Fool’s hell.

* * * *
Since when has freedom
Ever had a name?

* * * *
Ah, the gullibility of people
Who believe anything written is true.

* * * *
Die well.

* * * *
In greatness there is smallness.
In smallness there is greatness.

* * * *
Your past creates the present.
Your present creates your future.
Is there free will?

* * * *
It can get a lot worse.

* * * *
Reside in the stars.
There human travail assumes
A very distant and meaningless space.

* * * *
Written for all time to come.

* * * *
If you chose to be here,
That would mean you were god.
If you didn’t, where is this greater other?
Prove the pudding.

* * * *
The hard wiring is only attachment
To the consciousness of genetic design.
Any blueprint can tell you as much.

* * * *
Why start anything
You don’t plan to see through?

* * * *
Can the hub know itself?

* * * *
Cherish your dreamtime as best ye may,
But let go easily when the last breath’s done.

* * * *
Time is illusion, but still
There are clocks everywhere
With which you must daily contend.

* * * *
How can any knowledge be transmitted,
But through whatever foundation
The teacher knows?

* * * *
We are so obviously destroying everything
We might hope for the future.

* * * *
What a fabulous process
Mutation has taken one.

* * * *
Flesh and blood.
That’s all it is.

* * * *
Be sure
To spend some of that retirement money
Before you die, you insecure beast.

* * * *
You enjoy the articulation
More than you do reality.

* * * *
What kind of life
Shuffling paper through a cubicle.

* * * *
Those who see are the flowers of Eden.

* * * *
What put yourself through all this doubt?

* * * *
Eternity washes away all memory.

* * * *
Does one flower concern itself
With any other?

* * * *
Sooner or later you will leave them all behind.
You cannot take anything or anyone with you.

* * * *
Who is that behind all those words?

* * * *
You are essence come to life.

* * * *
The universe is as mortal as the mind.

* * * *
You will do what you have the courage to do.

* * * *
They will forget again and again and again.

* * * *
Anyone is vulnerable to calculation.

* * * *
If there is going to be any relationship between us,
It will be as equals.

* * * *
Let the wraiths and demons pass by.
They are teachers in their own manner.
None can be saved from their fate.

* * * *
Missiles and bombs break your bones,
But words will never hurt you.
Yeah, right.

* * * *
Wealth is relative.

* * * *
Always measuring.

* * * *
How much is someone you can depend on worth?

* * * *
Where would you be without measurement?

* * * *
Embrace the ladder,
Then kick off into oblivion.

* * * *
How sweet this world would be
If only every need and want
Required no price to pay.

* * * *
We grow weary of our boredom.

* * * *
Intimidation is not a great motivator.

* * * *
Last night, another notebook completed.
What a well this mind hath been dug.

* * * *
The cave beckons.

* * * *
Life is a vortex sucking you
Through time’s display.

* * * *
Is anybody out there listening?

* * * *
We find so many ways to tempt fate.

* * * *
Still looking for something, aren’t you?

* * * *
Your are attached to a chemical-electrical process.

* * * *
Chances are no one is looking for you,
Nor will you be long-remembered.

* * * *
If you think it’s just nice or supposed to be,
Life’s reality may catch you unaware
In the grip of non-compliance.

* * * *
If a description is all you’ve got,
You’ve got squat.

* * * *
Duality is the prerequisite
For there to be existence.

* * * *
The whole fucking thing is about attachment.

* * * *
How can someone who’s stupid enough to follow
Going to be smart enough to pick someone worth following?

* * * *
What exactly did you see?

* * * *
One man’s beast is another’s angel.

* * * *
The only one who needs
To feel right about your existence is you.
No one else matters when time takes its final accounting.

* * * *
Did you write all this, or did it write through you?

* * * *
They’re really all just like you.
They just think they’re different.

* * * *
Like it or not, you are one
With your favorite demon.

* * * *
The winds of fate harvest all.

* * * *
What a mini-series the human drama.

* * * *
Just an ordinary eccentric.

* * * *
Interesting how so many people
Need to be worshipped.

* * * *
In the way of the seed,
Time will do its own works.

* * * *
To thine own voice be true.

* * * *
You say you want truth,
But it annihilates you.

* * * *
The mind craves the security
Of its conceptual pattern.

* * * *
Men of war become great peacemakers.

* * * *
You will be free when there is no longer choice.

* * * *
We enjoy making it more complex than it is.

* * * *
What as life like before sound became concept?

* * * *
Assholes come in all colors, sizes and shapes.

* * * *
All parts are equal but for the smokescreens.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved