Chapter 81 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Oh sure, there’s plenty of room for all the silliness we concoct.
Plenty of empty space for every absurd possibility.
Dump upon our only home all we please.
The world can take our weight.
It’s all recycling right now.
But one day there will be a reckoning.
One day, humanity must redress its excesses.
One day, the scourge of humankind will face the bitter pill
That no species, no matter how adept, is above the rules of the game.

* * * *
Is thinking about god really any greater
Than any other conscious fixation?

* * * *
All your judgments seem to imply
You are somehow superior.
Hmmm …

* * * *
Peace is a full breath, a good shit
And a sated, empty mind.

* * * *
Is there anyone who does not at some point
Fabricate a rational for their existence?

* * * *
How amazing the power of suggestion.

* * * *
Of promises never kept,
We are so many.

* * * *
The I of which I speak
Will always be you.

* * * *
If you want even a breath,
You will know discontent.

* * * *
The body requires certain essentials
To function well: air, food, water.
The mind requires the same.
Both are the same one.

* * * *
Forget who you pretend to be,
At least occasionally.

* * * *
What is all this but an intellectual,
Emotional, manifest enticement
For the grand amusement of god.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

* * * *
Whose permission do you need?

* * * *
The ecstasy is taking up residence
In that which knows no other.
It is heaven on earth.

* * * *
Rather amazing how divisive one can be.

* * * *
Nothing has been held back.
All cards are on the table.

* * * *
One need not be bound
By any contrived perspective.
Judgment is the sport of otherness
Defining every conceivable difference.

* * * *
A gift for what it’s worth.

* * * *
What now!?

* * * *
We all function at different levels of ignorance.

* * * *
The meek will inherit the earth
Because they know how
To hide and watch.

* * * *
In the biggest picture who is anybody’s
Mother or father, daughter or son.

* * * *
Day and night the human drama plays out its insignificance.

* * * *
Remember when large was large and small, small.
When right was right and wrong, wrong.
When so many things were innocently assumed.

* * * *
Our ability to manipulate technologies
Has etched the illusory even deeper
On the psyche borne of delusion.

* * * *
We placate our bruised psyches
In so many twisted fashions.

* * * *
Explore the many barriers to complete surrender all you please.
It is always the same no matter how many masks call it different.

* * * *
The devil you are is quite the tool.

* * * *
Discerning the news, and maintaining
An edge of defiance and delusion
Has made for all  this copy.
Total surrender at its inception
Would have been such a blissful drunk
The scribe might never have sobered up enough
To proclaim the vision for all you others.

* * * *
All this is written through the banter of experience,
The interactions of life’s many dramas in its river flow.

* * * *
It is a harsh, cruel world with oases of kindness.

* * * *
So many approaches created,
So many passages to eternity,
All equal in the ultimate sense.

* * * *
That vague lack of confidence in each of us
Creates so much vain, silly restlessness.

* * * *
The world is filled with so many human beings,
Most of which lack a far-sighted vision
Of where their world is headed.
Six billion plus or minus mind frames,
So many in opposition, fragmented and divisive,
Competing, thieving, lying, cheating, stealing and manipulating,
Conquering and scamming in every conceivable manner.
The cancer of consciousness chews on its paw
In a pitfall of its own invention.

* * * *
The time is coming when we must put up
Or we will be shut up.

* * * *
Mammon has always won out in this world.
Give Caesar the value he values
And discern the only gold worth its weight.

* * * *
How many words will we destroy before the drumbeat,
The rhythm of time ceases its mysterious sound?

* * * *
In dualistic notion, there are always
At least two sides to every mask.

* * * *
Interest cannot be forced or feigned well.

* * * *
Where might you now be
If you had been more disciplined?

* * * *
Oh lord, another twisted, sick form of godness.

* * * *
How many ways there are to state the same one.
How many ways there are to see the same one.
How many ways there are to be the same one.

* * * *
You might as well go mad.
Surely, it wouldn’t be any more insane
Than what’s already happening.

* * * *
And Krishna waded into the fray,
Spurring the chariot into the mad brawl,
The ferocity of agony, death and destruction,
And through it all, musing it as unreal as any genesis.

* * * *
Your pattern is as carved as an etching in stone.

* * * *
Pleasure will twist you in every way
You are predestined to imagine.

* * * *
What is the world-wide web
But a billboard at every screen?

* * * *
How much information must we collect
Before we see it is understanding
We so desperately need?

* * * *
What last toy, what last experience,
What last pleasure will you seek out
Before you exhale that last breath?

* * * *
Who writes history?
The victors, the scholars, the survivors.

* * * *
Re: free will, little dab'll do ya.

* * * *
Can you say no to anything?

* * * *
How large can a balloon grow
Before the elasticity ends?

* * * *
As you walk your own path to glory,
Just make sure you don’t trample on mine.

* * * *
Now leader can lead without a group to follow.

* * * *
Free will is a contradiction of terms.

* * * *
How hard do you work to fit
Into some perception of history?

* * * *
There being no justice in this vain world,
We create a god to administer it in some other.

* * * *
Why concern yourself with a trail of previous lives?
Now is where the tire hits the road, honeybunch.

* * * *
Whoa unto the stranger who enters your castle uninvited.

* * * *
Innocence is twisted into the human drama in each of us.

* * * *
A child is a potential sage.
A sage is the child’s potential realized.

* * * *
The return to wonder fathoms no bounds.

* * * *
How many lessons we must learn
Over and over and over again.

* * * *
What’s to remember?

* * * *
You are a seed come to life,
Born to unearth heaven.

* * * *
Ignorance is really the only excuse.

* * * *
The effort to surrender
Is only vain conflagration
As long as you make it one,
Or is it until you make it one?

* * * *
Somebody has to write this sort of thing, I suppose.
But why me?  I didn’t  supplicate for this, believe you me.
If I’d known what I was seeking, I’d of tried a little less harder.

* * * *
Do not confuse attack with victory,
Nor retreat with surrender.

* * * *
Interesting how the weakest
Seem to fabricate the greatest pride.

* * * *
What makes anyone believe you were ever loyal?

* * * *
As broad as you may think your world,
It is inevitably quite narrow.

* * * *
God must love soap.

* * * *
Peel away the surface of your desire and see what you think then.
Romance is defined and confined by form, function by function.
Neither treads forever but through dualistic and vain notion.

* * * *
What a maddening world.
One must learn detachment
To one degree or another.

* * * *
To wear one’s wealth too boldly
Risks its being stolen by envy or need.

* * * *
Karma is a subjective notion,
Unnecessary once you see
The one and only point of it all.

* * * *
Have you breached death?

* * * *
Is there a god?
If there was, who would it be?
What identity would it abide
But the one you project?

* * * *
Don’t wave your flag ‘till you’ve got the glory.

* * * *
You are defined by capacity and limitation,
By desire and fear, by dualistic inclinations,
By maya’s infinite talent for the measurement
Of delusion in its incessant denial of ignorance.

* * * *
How difficult it is for beautiful women
Who want attention but not stares.

* * * *
Pay attention to the rope
In the knot’s tying and untying

* * * *
Why imagine a god outside yourself?

* * * *
Consistently inconsistent the unprincipled one.

* * * *
Why do you look around?
To see others or to see if they see you?
Is your self-esteem founded upon inner or outer vision?
The answer is the lady or tiger of your existence.

* * * *
You thought you were piloting the craft,
But one day realized you had to surrender
The control you never truly possessed.

* * * *
We are moths to flame in our cosmopolitan flame.

* * * *
To the young:  Get past adulthood as quickly as you can.

* * * *
Peel any face and it’s all the same beneath.

* * * *
What line to tow?

* * * *
It is all uniquely the same.

* * * *
You will not save the world.
You may, however, aid in invoking a change.

* * * *
Power does not come to the meek in this world.

* * * *
Peace is not a negotiable item.
Peace is in the heart.

* * * *
The potential for harmony is chipped away
By focusing on the unending array of differences.

* * * *
Oneness is so great a vision as to leave you disincorporated.

* * * *
God, don’t you hate being on a pedestal.

* * * *
What makes women think they are so attractive
Once their mammaries are sagging and their crotches
Smell more and more like decomposing fish?
The hypnotic nature of maya runs thin
When the pile of chips runs low.
Best have place them in a good heart
Or you may end up a wretched, scolding hag.

* * * *
Who really cares how you are remembered?

* * * *
What makes you like or dislike another
Often depends how they respond
To your self-imagined play.

* * * *
Who knows what really ever existed?

* * * *
Look to you own deficiencies
Before you disparage another’s.

* * * *
Another layer of dust in an ever-changing universe.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved