Chapter 141 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


How easy it is to lose track and forget
As the veil again and again materializes.
Timeless recollection is very arduous.

* * * *
Those who seek truth
Will find me in one form or another
Patiently pointing to the way beyond all ways.

* * * *
What’s the rush?

* * * *
As deed after deed passes into memory,
You find you have less claim on it
Than you once believed.

* * * *
Life is about awareness,
And the awareness of awareness.

* * * *
Only the rare have the option, the drive
To pursue reality until it consumes them.

* * * *
You can tell when someone is ready to go the distance
By their willingness to look, examine, and engage.

* * * *
The mind creates order from chaos

* * * *
All are summoned to awaken,
But only a few seem to hear the call,
And fewer still clearly enough
To surrender entirely.

* * * *
It would make sense
If it was your time.

* * * *
It really doesn’t do much good to see all this.
You still have to play out this silly world’s time-bound epic
In whatever way your fate calls, practicing detachment all the while.

* * * *
There’s nothing which needs to be done,
Nothing which will not be done
In the mix of illusions.

* * * *
Who knows what adventures
You will witness before your portion
Of the dream comes to its end.

* * * *
Bitter or sweet,
Twill be done as done is.

* * * *
Whatever masked costume you wear,
Whatever language you speak,
Whatever body you reflect,
Within it is the same.

* * * *
Ideals seem to often be used
To fend off their actualization.

* * * *
How can an imperfect container
Be more perfect than it is?

* * * *
Ultimate reality is unconcerned
With the dream you dream.

* * * *
Why apologize to anyone
For the beingness you manifest?

* * * *
What is pride but a dream of glory
Unfounded by anything but imagination.

* * * *
If it comes down to survival,
Perhaps humanity will someday
Learn to abandon its pride.

* * * *
You do not really know
What it is that you are seeking
But there is this unquenchable thirst
Which no dreamy concoction can satiate.

* * * *
It is so,
Because there
Can truly be no other.

* * * *
You must go inward to touch that
Which can never be touched.

* * * *
Believing the reflection causes every form
Of heartbreak, despair, and madness.
Clear your mind of all attachment.
Breathe, stay true to the heart.
Seek the serenity of inner union.

* * * *
Past and future are ever here and now.

* * * *
Pride created the rise of man,
And it will be its downfall.

* * * *
Be here now.
Be now here.

* * * *
The willful pageantry has set in motion a parade
Which time will resolve in its own timeless way.

* * * *
Most minds dwell in the superficial,
Satisfied with imagery and shallow insight.
Few discern the inner vision to plumb the depths
Of that which can never be seen or fathomed.

* * * *
You cannot really help
But play the role
You were born to play.

* * * *
That is acceptable.

* * * *
Passion fuels the human drama.

* * * *
To believe your children belong to you
Is such a silly, delusional, ignorant game.

* * * *
Few individuals and groups in this world
Do not lay primary claim to god and righteousness,
And hurl against all who would deny them
Their pride-filled arrogance.
What vanity lies in the delusion of collusion.

* * * *
What security can there be in anything transient?

* * * *
What is this game you play?

* * * *
Maintaining an anchor in the eternal
Is a challenge requiring great detachment.

* * * *
You must breathe, eat, sleep, and perform
To survive in this dreamy existence.
Only in how you do it is there
Any sense of choice.

* * * *
Chew fully.
The universe is unfolding
In the destruction of your gnashing teeth.

* * * *
All time returns to the sea.
It is the course of any river.

* * * *
What happiness can another bring you
If you were not happy before their arrival?

* * * *
The end of time approaches as the pace
Of human ignorance and denial quickens.

* * * *
Today’s waste is tomorrow’s feast.

* * * *
Creation and destruction
Recycle themselves
In the whirling
Of the eternal moment.

* * * *
The building blocks are indestructible.
Only the forms change.

* * * *
Your journey is sanctioned
By the inherent sovereignty.

* * * *
When you can fall asleep in a graveyard,
And sleep the sleep of the dead,
You will be home.

* * * *
You are stardust breathing
Playing time for a short duration.

* * * *
To engage without attachment is the path of serenity.

* * * *
When power, wealth and status are idolatrized,
The mischief accelerates at an unabatable pace.

* * * *
There is no end to the many false gods.

* * * *
How much you allow time and space
To rule your brief existence.

* * * *
How will you choose to exercise free will
In the choiceless ocean in which you swim.

* * * *
Worry less about the splinter in another’s eye
And pay attention to the timber in your own.

* * * *
As you free up, compassion tends to replace judgment.

* * * *
Forever is not a time thing.
It is now eternally.

* * * *
You are much older,
And at the same time younger,
Than any seed.

* * * *
Which came first,
The chicken or the egg?

* * * *
Your attempts to deny your vanity
Are just as vain.

* * * *
There is nothing more to become
Than what you already are.

* * * *
Even wisdom is a futile gesture.

* * * *
Reject all form.
Reject all non-form.
Move beyond all concept.
Your destiny can never be smothered
By the whimsical quicksand of consciousness.

* * * *
You will one day pretend to die,
But what was never born
Can never die.

* * * *
You will do whatever you feel drawn to do.
Your life, if it is to be called yours,
Will be a timeless painting
Born of consciousness,
A sandy sculpture
Which will pass
As only you can witness it.

* * * *
If you must wish for anything,
Be careful to include some boundaries.
Too much of anything can be the avenue to hell.

* * * *
Take these words for example.

* * * *
Each finds his own way of fulfilling
The pain of consciousness.

* * * *
When the minds stills, time ends,
And you become a witness
To the unwavering eye
Scanning its creation.

* * * *
All who truly seek godness will find it within.

* * * *
Only that born of time dies.

* * * *
To comprehend what is said here,
You must be able to set aside
The screen of assertions
You maintain as your identity.

* * * *
Can it be said to be
Your consciousness or mine?
Only in the limited theatre of ignorance.

* * * *
All your identifications
Merely amplify the deep insecurity
Of consciousness and the false duality it sustains.

* * * *
To claim there is only one Christ
Shows how little you have examined
Mystical literature from around the world.

* * * *
Invoke the timeless times
That cannot be remembered.

* * * *
You cling to your make-believe
As stubbornly as any child.

* * * *
How mistaken you are.
If you believe the evolving nature
Of this garden world to be near an endpoint.
Eden will spawn many new forms
Before its time is done.

* * * *
How do you approach
The enigma through time?
Eliminate the question.

* * * *
Even the flaws are perfect.

* * * *
It is all imagined.

* * * *
Do it your way.

* * * *
The veil is the mask of godness,
The imageless root
Of the dream of existence.

* * * *
Far Side amoebas everywhere.

* * * *
Your senses deceive you.

* * * *
To discern the tabula rasa
That which is prior to consciousness,
Negate the scribble upon it.

* * * *
Once reality has become clear,
Holding onto consciousness
As it is played in limitation
Is like carrying a ladder
Around on the roof.

* * * *
A wait in line or a slow journey in traffic
Is a wonderful opportunity to spend
A little timeless beyond the veil.

* * * *
Look with the eye that sees no other.

* * * *
What need have you to endure the passion of time?

* * * *
How can you feel anything but compassion
For those bound up in the veil?

* * * *
What longings have you for this transient world?
Do they not all lack taste?
Do they not all fail to satiate the hunger?
Are not all no more graspable than fine power in a whirlwind?
The incompleteness of separate, undiscerning existence
Becomes all too apparent to those born to see.

* * * *
All but the most discriminating souls
Are blown about by the winds of passion.
Rare are those who have finished with craving,
And live out their time in moderation and contentment.

* * * *
A bargain made in hell is no bargain at all.

* * * *
What is it about the human mind
That seems to need a story
To hear a truth?

* * * *
Be bold in your quest for truth.
Allow no other to keep you
From your birthright.

* * * *
Without visions such as these written throughout time,
The human condition loses all hope
Of ever flowering
Into its unmanifest potential.

* * * *
Plenty of people trying to save the world
Doesn’t appear to be changing much, so far.
Kind of like trying to stop an avalanche.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved