Chapter 201 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Humility is without judgment.

* * * *
How much of any given day do you spend
Wandering from one judgment to another?

* * * *
Bury your arrogance.

* * * *
What confusion so many stories harvest.

* * * *
Women so badly want to believe
In a world that has never existed.

* * * *
Flies don’t care
How their meat is served,
Do they, love?

* * * *
When the facades of all romance are removed,
What a savage, remorseless the garden becomes.

* * * *
When time ends,
Only stillness remains.

* * * *
To comprehend it is all for naught
Is not for any mind to easily discern.

* * * *
Peace requires vulnerability, care, trust, and faith.
In a world of betrayal, treachery, and ill will,
Who dares take the first step?

* * * *
The war is no longer with nature
As much as it is against ourselves.

* * * *
The end…again.

* * * *
One can certainly argue
That a world unconsumed
Is a world gone to waste.

* * * *
Respect nature as you would any loyal opposition.

* * * *
The smoke of your beingness will be long gone
Before another enters the room
On par with you.

* * * *
You’d have hoped our brief soiree
With knowledge and all it implies
Would have come to more than this.

* * * *
The joke will be on you
If you allow your vanity
To get the better of you.

* * * *
For what is it be smoke and mirrors, anyway?

* * * *
Who does not worthy of an acting award
For whatever part they have played
In this manifest garden stage.

* * * *
Imagine all this dribbling out
For whatever time is left.
Jesus Fucking Christ.

* * * *
The human drama is in an orbit
Which it cannot long survive.

* * * *
It’s all about competing mindsets from now on.

* * * *
No matter what he tries to do,
If he did come back, there’s no way
Poor old Jesus is going to make anyone
All that happy in this sorry world.
I would stay away, too.

* * * *
A world of difference
Between being a human being
And a humanitarian.

* * * *
The niceties of civilization are all forgotten
When the good times head south.

* * * *
To toy with the Darwinian equation
Is unutterable, insanely vain folly.

* * * *
Where would you be
Without an audience
To dictate your reality?

* * * *
Accidents tend to quickly forge unexpected detours.

* * * *
What would be the hunter’s state of mind
Were he suddenly the unarmed hunted?

* * * *
Ironic how so many brilliant ideas
Articulate into death and destruction.

* * * *
The absurdity,
The absurdity.

* * * *
Safeties are designed for lapses in discipline.

* * * *
Brave, curious deer do not survive many seasons.

* * * *
Make the best
Of what fate offers,
And you will be content.

* * * *
The essence is all the same.
Only in the eye of the beholder
Are differences maintained.

* * * *
Imagination machines is what we are, methinks.

* * * *
Sometimes you just need to veg.

* * * *
No boubt adout it.

* * * *
Doing the unexpected keeps the world on its toes.

* * * *
Illusions never change into something real.

* * * *
Due to its time-bound, moving, seeking nature,
Consciousness itself can never be truly content.
It can believe itself so, but the thought lasts only
Until the next diversion drifts into awareness.
True contentment is the not knowingness,
Which does not require the incessant
Checking of the conscious pulse.
Not for those seeking comfort
In this world or any other.

* * * *
Women want so badly to find a man
Who will find their prattle interesting.

* * * *
Fill it empty.

* * * *
What a rutted road any given mind becomes.

* * * *
Madness is a many-layered state
Of delusion’s enterprising potential.

* * * *
The mystery of all time is That I Am.

* * * *
You keep on forgetting to remember.
C’est la vie.

* * * *
About that which you can never know,
Do not speculate.

* * * *
Judge it not
For it is all you.

* * * *
There ain’t no dark
To thems that sees.

* * * *
Every life form
Plays out the universe
Born of the patterning it is given.

* * * *
A Prince of Nothingness.

* * * *
The heart may be dark or light,
The former a state of pride,
The latter of surrender.

* * * *
Avoid drama queens whenever possible.

* * * *
Forget who you believe you are.
It is nothing more than the make-believe
Of delusion’s endless penchant for imagination.

* * * *
Dwell in the oneness of all diversity.

* * * *
Irony is the ultimate anarchy.

* * * *
Time washes away all creation.

* * * *
History is the fabrication of words,
And words are the smoke of time.

* * * *
Dwell in the oneness of all diversity.

* * * *
Paths are the time-bound routes
Traveled by seekers as yet unable to discern
They are truly walking on the smoky veils of nothingness.

* * * *
Beware of the figurative
Being translated literally.

* * * *
Good lord, more irony.
Will it never end?

* * * *
The only thing we have to fear is imagination itself.

* * * *
As cruel as birth, as kind as death.

* * * *
An exponent of absolute madness.

* * * *
That little tickle on the back of your neck
Is death’s guillotine taking aim.

* * * *
Doubt everything, especially
That you ever even existed.

* * * *
Yes, yes, I know.
You still want to believe it matters.
Only to you, only to you.

* * * *
It is really of no concern of anyone else
What you choose to do with your life.
It is ironically both gift and curse
For you to play out as you will.

* * * *
As it is for all of us.

* * * *
What a masochist godness is.

* * * *
It is the only thing you can imagine real.

* * * *
Doubt so completely
That you see through it all.

* * * *
Dying to self is not a sorrowful act.

* * * *
Only the blind fear death.

* * * *
What point is there in any judgment?

* * * *
Resume infinity.

Pain is as real as your imagination.

* * * *
Children see the unfolding moment clearly
Until their minds are muddied by history.

* * * *
Free will is what you can choose to do with your fate.

* * * *
All your passion and fear
Weave through your body and mind
Like a glue that hardens with each day’s passing.

* * * *
Burnt to the last drop.

* * * *
Desire temporarily alleviates
The agony of solitude and dread.
It is the source of all confusion.

* * * *
So incredibly simple.
You are That I Am.
All else is distraction.

* * * *
You are told to believe so much.
Why should you tolerate it?

* * * *
A different sort of activism
Is available only to those who see.

* * * *
An everything and nothing sort of Way.

* * * *
Death will take you any way it chooses.
Deal with it.

* * * *
Death is merely the matrix reloading.

* * * *
Religion is just another variation of vanity.

* * * *
If god is so merciful,
Why were you ever born?

* * * *
Life is like a crap table,
And you are the ever-rolling dice
Permutating across its mysterious face.

* * * *
Use any metaphor, any analogy
The mind might possibly conceive,
It is ever absorbed by its given limitation.

* * * *
What you would do for nothing is your passion.

* * * *
The relativity of all points is beyond argument.

* * * *
Only the innocent can afford idealistic notions.

* * * *
A now temporarily preserved in time.

* * * *
It’s always been the same.

* * * *
If you had never been given self-concept,
What would you be?

* * * *
If you had never viewed your face,
If you had never been burdened
With the vanity of self-concept,
What would you, could you be?

* * * *
We are all the one.

* * * *
Godness is as dynamic
And ever-changing as you are.
Reality is the unchanging from which
All illusionary delusions spring.

* * * *
Even wisdom gets old.

* * * *
Sacrificing Christmas trees
Is easier on the ears than sheep.

* * * *
How many others have you used
For your happiness and gratification?

* * * *
What dreams are these of mice and men?

* * * *
What is a day to the universe?
And do seven of them really have much meaning?
And how many days, pray tell, have passed since the so-called genesis?

* * * *
The mind need not imitate what it creates.

* * * *
Prayer is just a condoned way of talking to your Self.

* * * *
In any time there are
Any given number of trade-offs
We must all make in order to continue.

* * * *
We are all just monkeys
In jungles of our own making.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved