When every mask is yours,
Who can you condemn?
* * * *
When you forget yourself,
You will be your Self.
* * * *
Death becomes you.
* * * *
Your education is paid for in many ways.
* * * *
This moment
Must be destroyed
For this one to be created.
* * * *
For the future,
For what it’s worth.
* * * *
Lots more horror ahead.
* * * *
Don’t let the applause fool you.
* * * *
At the end of any given day,
What is more important than how much was accomplished,
Is the quality and attention with which it was done.
* * * *
Everybody hopes, speculates, prays, argues,
Wishes, claims, asserts, maintains,
But nobody knows.
* * * *
History is so much poof.
* * * *
The nonchalance of absoluteness is very clear.
* * * *
The first breath is the last,
And the last the first.
* * * *
Birth and death are just concepts.
* * * *
You aren’t leading if no one is following.
* * * *
Consciousness as it is known
Is a burden you need not bear.
* * * *
Wisdom is a product of time,
But is not bound by it.
* * * *
These thoughts sketch a perspective
In which there is no need for hope.
* * * *
What discipline does wind require?
* * * *
History’s division and rancor offers little peace.
* * * *
The male and female aspects
Are not eternally sacrosanct,
Merely mutations of a dreaming.
* * * *
You cling to all your memories
Because you consider time real.
Reality transforms into dreamtime
Once you see their relativity.
* * * *
Time does not exist until framed by consciousness
* * * *
A child’s state of mind is infinite awareness
Until bound by the limitations of language.
* * * *
The articulation of eternity is not eternity.
* * * *
You will endure your time-bound nature
Until consciousness stills its busy way.
* * * *
Just more diddlysquat.
* * * *
A naturalness that knows no bounds.
* * * *
Sorrow is sustained by attachment to what is untrue.
* * * *
So-called reincarnation
Is just another pointless point
In the same old eternal nowless now.
* * * *
Life is not a race.
* * * *
Organized religion is the idolatry of form and concept.
* * * *
Reality is without judgment.
* * * *
The time-bound space in which you reside
Is the same in every aspect of the essential universe.
It is the fathomless nature that is the source of your presence.
It is the beginning, duration, and end to all journeys,
The holy grail which many profess to seek,
Yet few are destined to discern.
* * * *
The witness you are is the infinity behind the eye.
* * * *
Some just have to take the most difficult route imaginable
Because their will is too strong for any less a journey.
* * * *
All concepts, all attributes, all distinctions, all nuances
Are born of an imaginative mind fabricated of time.
* * * *
The free do not enslave anyone or anything.
Their service is voluntary, without need of reward.
* * * *
Right action is born of righteous harmony with the source.
* * * *
Feel the throb of the universal presence.
Allow nothing deny its voice to radiate within.
Its denial is a soulless, pitiful existence.
* * * *
You are surrounded
By the minions of separation.
Do not barter your soul as they have.
* * * *
How much more sovereign we would all be
Without all the memes defining our every move.
* * * *
If you couch potato too long,
You may forget how to dance.
* * * *
When you really learn how to listen,
The cosmic symphony plays within.
* * * *
Whether instinctual or learned,
The desire for approval from the other
Creates every sort of absurdity.
* * * *
Your body is liquid nothingness.
* * * *
Think absolutely, act now.
* * * *
Hurl your Self through each moment.
* * * *
You create the problems you solve.
* * * *
You can only account for your own journey.
* * * *
It’s never too late
To attempt a change
Since that’s all it is anyway.
* * * *
How unfortunate for the garden
That wisdom has been pushed to the side.
* * * *
Success can breed the fear of failure.
* * * *
The conditioning is strong in all.
* * * *
Eternity begins now, ends now.
* * * *
If you insist upon worldly ideals, be your own.
There are plenty of hypocrites already.
* * * *
Break a note
Into as many beats
As you are able,
It is ever
The whole one.
* * * *
You want consistency?
Good luck.
* * * *
What is the rush?
See how much already happened
Before all your impatience.
* * * *
Feel the universe beckon your direction.
* * * *
The linear mind is an illusion
Caught in a loop of own limitation.
* * * *
You will ever come round to you.
* * * *
If you feel you must fear, fear.
If you feel you must hate, hate.
If you feel you must laugh, laugh.
If you feel you must dance, dance.
If you feel you must talk, talk.
If you feel you must sit, sit.
Do it all until you discern
It is really ever all the same,
And then do whatever needs doing
Again and again, until again is finally done.
* * * *
All your thoughts can never
Do more than disguise the space.
* * * *
All the passions
Have the same origin.
When their swell subsides,
The watchful discern the stillness
Of which all are born.
* * * *
* * * *
What change in consciousness must occur
For humanity realize what it truly is?
* * * *
What you are is goodness
Diluted into a manifest vibration,
But ever very much the original stuff.
* * * *
It is up to you to figure out
That you really cannot figure out
Much of anything.
* * * *
The more you accept your conditioned lot,
The less likely you will ever discern
What it is you really are.
Most are shackled
By whatever mythos
Is rooted in their mind.
* * * *
Do you even know what it is
To have a full breath
Unburdened by thought?
* * * *
The pettiness of ego is very challenging to transcend
When you are surrounded by the squalor
Of so much self-absorption.
* * * *
If you seek consistency,
You insist on a hellish journey.
* * * *
How ironic that we use weaponry
To enforce what we call peace.
* * * *
Perception locked into memory
Creates experience, habit and tradition,
Which eventually creates rigidity and destruction,
Ashes from which new forms of creativity inevitably arise.
* * * *
In fewer than 100 cycles of the earth around the sun,
It will not matter what anyone thought of you,
So why let it consume you so now?
* * * *
If you value the continuity of your seed,
You will need to change your way of thinking
To something far more adaptable.
* * * *
In the inner reaches,
You reach your Self.
* * * *
Our ferocity has paid off
Far too well for our own well-being.
This garden world, and whatever denizens remain,
Will not miss our self-absorbed reign.
* * * *
What sorrow can touch spaciousness?
* * * *
To comprehend what is being said herein,
You must see what you cannot see,
The obviousness of what is not.
* * * *
Why burden innocence
With the confusion and corruption
Of imagined time?
* * * *
What is the pleasure so many seem to get
Manipulating and torturing others?
* * * *
It is the solitude of kings and beggars.
* * * *
To be at peace in the midst of every sensory distraction,
And know it is all but the play of oneness,
Is the goal of the quest.
* * * *
The cave from which you wandered is but an anthill now.
* * * *
I think I am, therefore I must be That I Am.
* * * *
A moment ago is as distant
As any point you can imagine.
* * * *
Madmen saunter beyond all answers.
* * * *
Joining heaven and earth is not souly
A job for princes and carpenters.
* * * *
Your seed took root, expanded into time and space,
Accumulated imagined attributes, and here you are.
* * * *
Good and evil are imagined dualistic notions.
There is only oneness coated by ignorance.
* * * *
The mind devises so many distinctions.
Only in the momentary suspension
Of the stream of consciousness
Does the awareness discern
None was ever truly real.
* * * *
Thought is, by its very nature, divisive.
Without insight into the stillness from which it springs.
There can be no resolution to its many ripples.
* * * *
The breath is a vital component.
Without its in and out nature,
The dreaming would not be.
* * * *
You are the dreamer weaving gold into consciousness.
* * * *
Guilt, however it is played,
Is an insidious game of insecurity.
* * * *
How many would be better off
If they never saw their family again.
* * * *
How many meaningless ways
We have come up with to survive.
* * * *
The human species is not
Genetically engineered
To sanely come together
In cities as large as these.
* * * *
Everything has gone exponential,
And our capacity to deal with it rationally is nil.
We are doomed to ride out the storm of all our excesses.
Do not envy the future; it will not be pretty.
* * * *
The trouble with thick people
Is they often think everyone else
Is more thick than they.
* * * *
Solid is liquid.
Liquid is gas.
And gas is solid
Moving to happen.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved