An uncarved block, a sitting monk,
Have within an infinity of potentials.
* * * *
The senses blindly swirl in chaos
Until consciousness finds its way.
* * * *
The degree you judge yourself
Will reflect upon the world,
And that will in turn
Reflect back
* * * *
Doubt all meaning and purpose
Until meaning and purpose
Become absolutely clear.
* * * *
To end the strife of striving,
To be at peace within,
End the desire.
Detach from all other.
* * * *
Free to buy, buy, buy,
And then buy some more.
* * * *
Go there as often as it suits you.
* * * *
Life is a curious meandering
Through a kaleidoscoping decoupage
Of inanely insane proportion.
* * * *
A curious thing that even highly intelligent, educated human beings
Would rather continue subscription with their original conditioning
Than realize their entire universe is utterly finite and temporary.
* * * *
Praise the lord god we will probably,
Hopefully, never get off this garden planet
To harvest our madness elsewhere.
* * * *
To find meaning in time’s play is a journey
Of agony and ecstasy intimately intertwined.
* * * *
The more accepting you are
Of whatever blessing and curses life offers,
The less painful it will be.
* * * *
Out there is everything, in there is nothing.
The everything and the nothing,
The surreal and the real.
* * * *
Which is which?
What is what?
* * * *
Still looking for meaning and purpose?
Wise up.
* * * *
The imperialism of consumption.
* * * *
Truth is the same for all.
It is consciousness that skews reality
In every direction imaginable.
* * * *
The clock hands tick away the moment.
The calendar date changes daily.
The seasons cycle yearly.
But here I Am.
* * * *
Perhaps the greatest component
In the unwritten art of living
Is the ability to always be ready
To let go everything you know or own.
* * * *
Human being is just another concept,
A label no different than any other.
* * * *
What can an uncarved block know?
* * * *
You have conditioned yourself.
The challenge for those who would be free
Is to unbind the mind constricted by its own imagination.
* * * *
Cram in as much experience as you can,
Still time passes, memories fade, and life ebbs
Into the oblivion from which all springs forth.
* * * *
What a set of boundaries language creates within you.
All imaginary, of course, but as constricting as any rope.
* * * *
When your last breath wheezes out,
Where will all that set of memories,
All that knowledge, all those skills,
Where in the vastness will it all go?
* * * *
The stillness before time
Is the only here and now.
* * * *
A little Self promotion.
* * * *
To believe humanity is the highest life form
Is an arrogance of infinitely finite proportion.
* * * *
If you live to be 80 years of age,
You will have over 29,000 days and nights
To spin upon the wheel of mystery.
* * * *
All consciousness is entirely relative.
No dream is subject to any law but one.
* * * *
The nearest any can ever get to the present flowing
Is when mind ceases existing in space-time as separate identity,
And there is but the fearless elixir of the awareness prior to consciousness.
* * * *
Desire is a burning hunger,
Which drives the undiscerning
Into the insatiable madness
Of endless consumption.
* * * *
You must find your own redemption.
All the vain religions of this world or any other
Are of little use to the earnest seeker.
* * * *
In time there is gain and loss, turmoil and heartache.
But in awareness the unborn has no need of manifest tenure.
The wealthy are impoverished, the famous unknown,
The powerful weak, the living dead.
* * * *
Until sound birthed knowledge,
This little blue and green sphere
Was an absolute mystery.
* * * *
In the beginning was the word,
And the word was god.
* * * *
How remarkably unfortunate
That education as we practice it
Fosters so little real freedom.
* * * *
Because ignorance
Has an infinite capacity
To twist everything touched
Into unrecognizable monstrosity,
The scribe cannot be held responsible
For the misinterpretation, misuse,
Or abuse of these thoughts.
* * * *
Much easier to accept and believe what you are told.
To question deeply is to doubt everything,
And few have the inclination
To journey that far.
* * * *
The tiniest particle of an atom
Is a universe unto its Self.
* * * *
The fragmented mind sees only duality,
The indivisible only absolute unity.
Division within creates division without.
* * * *
You give into Maya in so many ways
Until every temptation posed
No longer does.
* * * *
The chains of imagination
Are not easily broken.
* * * *
Is anyone who they think they are?
* * * *
To know as much
As when you were born
Is the peace for which you long.
* * * *
From chaos, consciousness weaves a universe.
* * * *
All law is a concoction of mortal limitation.
* * * *
One day you will forget it all…
* * * *
The absolute seamlessness of all
Only becomes disjointed
In consciousness.
* * * *
Who are you?
Who am I?
Who is anyone?
Who is everyone?
* * * *
Time to empty the garbage.
* * * *
Contemplate the depth of aloneness.
* * * *
The difference between the believer and the non-believer
Is that the latter doubts everything, and the former nothing.
* * * *
Questions of a thousand dreams,
What to do with what you see.
* * * *
It’s a god eat god universe,
A man eat man world,
And you just another delicacy.
* * * *
So ironic that the most obvious
Is the most arduous to discern.
* * * *
Your separate flow from time and space into the allness
Becomes a singular movement defying all description.
* * * *
What can you really teach anyone who isn’t interested?
What can you tell anyone who already knows everything?
A rock’s return to the sea is a sluggish journey.
* * * *
Be wary of the experts blinded by all their knowing.
* * * *
No one can own you
But through your own choice
To surrender sovereignty.
* * * *
True law is without choice.
It is the natural flowing,
The right living of least resistance.
* * * *
Consciousness is just another passing fad.
* * * *
Eden is not a merely a resource,
It is a wondrous, evolving mystery
Confined only by limited vision.
* * * *
All your fantasies are imagined, insatiable and temporal.
A feast of imagination in which all travel, eternally alone.
* * * *
First and last,
Unimportant to the mind
Undivided by ceaseless concoctions
Of competitive notion.
* * * *
Even given time, relatively few
Will discern a larger vision.
The binds of mindset are too strong
To allow independence to all but those chosen.
* * * *
Passion is the barbed wire
Circling the mind’s self-made prison
In which individuality is walled.
* * * *
Stay infinite.
* * * *
The striving to become something
Is an assumption open to inquiry.
* * * *
Every concept ever wielded
Is subject to interpretation
Until interpretation’s end.
* * * *
A mind at peace with itself
Does not create undue strife.
* * * *
The joke, my friend, is on you.
* * * *
Be wary, odds are
Maya knows you far better
Than you know your Self.
* * * *
When the past
No longer infringes
Upon the timeless,
That is liberation.
* * * *
Any given group, no matter the size,
Conditions within all its members a fear
Of being out of alignment with its mindset.
* * * *
None know me but the rare few
Who are articulate within themselves.
I am the journeyman come home,
Beckoning you do the same.
* * * *
A madness exceedingly Self-contained.
* * * *
What place attachment in paradise?
* * * *
Life is a marathon.
Few can sprint for long
Without injuring themselves.
* * * *
Godness created man and woman,
And they in turn created god
In their own image.
* * * *
Fate is meted out in so many ways.
* * * *
What can any really do to punish you
Any more than you already have yourself,
Probably times beyond counting.
Why do so many engineer
Such pain within?
* * * *
Pretty darned incredible
How many universes there are
Roaming around just on this little sphere.
* * * *
What has sold you on the benefit of a personal existence?
* * * *
So much effort to learn such a simple lesson.
* * * *
Humankind has far exceeded
The population boundaries
That it would naturally sustain.
Our loins have got the better of us,
And some future will forfeit a harsh price.
That the parents of its invention will never see.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved