Sweet breath, the truest companion,
For without it, you are surely not.
* * * *
What works for one
Will never work for all.
It is the reality of diversity.
* * * *
A successful corporation often loses its flag,
Religion, and other geographical traces.
* * * *
The grace of peace lies in the tolerance,
Acceptance, and embrace of all things.
* * * *
Amazing what packaging can do to the wavering mind.
* * * *
Too many expectations tend to sour an outlook.
* * * *
Every niche has its day.
* * * *
Ethics is the luxury of those who are not hungry.
* * * *
So much easier to give into the divisiveness
Of anger, hate and revenge
Than empathy, wisdom and unity.
* * * *
Looking awful hard for nothing.
* * * *
Let it be now.
* * * *
So much attachment to an imaginary existence.
* * * *
There is nothing that is not you.
* * * *
So love it or leave it.
* * * *
Belief is merely a mix of speculation and hope.
It is not the knowingness of the absoluteness.
* * * *
How does evolution play its Self out
But through the randomness of genetic mutation?
Every life form is but a whimsical outcome of a ceaseless throw of the dice
Playing out since the eternal genesis of time and space.
Each of us is but a momentary figment
In the casino of godness.
* * * *
There may well be an infinity of sides to any given question.
* * * *
Age tends to make
The mindless cruelty of youth
Either less enticing or more calculating.
* * * *
It is what it is.
What you believe it be
Is absolutely inconsequential.
* * * *
The propaganda spouted
From any rigid point of view
Should always be questioned.
* * * *
One need not know
A great deal about history
To see the direction it is headed.
* * * *
Wisdom is merely having enough distilled experience
To see the possible consequences of any given action.
* * * *
All consciousness
Is a but a conversation
With one’s Self.
* * * *
Wisdom is not a competition.
* * * *
You may be surrounded at your deathbed
By family, friends, acquaintances and strangers,
But, nonetheless, will die as you lived, very much alone.
* * * *
Self-appointed glory is the delusion of any narcissist.
* * * *
In the sea of relativity,
There are no laws
But those concocted by men.
* * * *
Much easier to remember the truth than a pack of lies.
* * * *
Unrequited love is the best.
* * * *
A frame reference so all-inclusive
As to make any boundary or difference
All but meaningless.
* * * *
All the world is indeed a stage,
But not everyone can get a lead part.
A great deal of support is required for the stars
To play out their vanity for our amusement and chagrin.
* * * *
Hey, what do you expect from hairless monkeys?
* * * *
History just sort of evaporates in the nowness.
* * * *
Content to be alone.
* * * *
A touch of vanity in everything you do.
* * * *
Nothing given,
Nothing taken away.
* * * *
What is this pressure you feel
To participate in the way you do?
Where did it come from?
When did it begin?
* * * *
Another impulsive act
That conveys you through
So many days, so many nights.
* * * *
Nothing to do but breath easy.
* * * *
All belief is inconsequential.
* * * *
Alice’s meander through the madness of Wonderland
Is really not all that different than your own trek.
Everyone is traveling an imagined dream.
* * * *
Don’t get stuck on the ladder.
* * * *
The true nature of humility is so simple
As to be nearly impossible
For the arrogant mind to discern.
* * * *
The elements of nature do not ponder continuity.
Earth, wind, water and fire are the changing mix
In which all dreams of consciousness are played.
* * * *
What an infinite space, the heart.
* * * *
So challenging
To set aside oneself
For the greater good of all.
* * * *
Embrace the nothingness residing in everything.
* * * *
No one will ever explain completely or accurately
How the history of the universe, the world, the human species,
Or any individual came to be at this moment in time.
It is all the speculation of ignorance
Pretending to know.
* * * *
We can all be very sweet
Until self-righteousness
Gets the better of us.
* * * *
The seers set their course beyond cradle and grave,
But they are a scarce and scattered lot,
And the world wags on.
* * * *
The many claims of personal existence
Weigh heavily against the possibility
That consciousness will ever resolve
Its seemingly countless vain differences.
* * * *
Challenging to not become
Enslaved by your creations.
* * * *
The baubles of the mind crash upon the shores of time.
* * * *
The fruits of this day’s world
Are the sediment of tomorrow’s.
* * * *
The big bang creates,
The big crunch crunches,
Simultaneously every moment.
* * * *
So much purpose in life
Is merely incessant vanity and pride
Played out for one self-absorbed cause or another.
* * * *
Memories are all you have.
* * * *
Respect your Self enough
To forgo the duality.
* * * *
Nothing truly exists.
* * * *
Your breath is the solar wind.
* * * *
Your origin is the field
In which you will play and toil
For the duration of your allotted time.
* * * *
You cling to things that have no support
But through the illusion of the sensory play.
* * * *
The mind is more than a storehouse
Of memories with which one identifies.
* * * *
How often the high and low roads merge.
* * * *
Do not let the opportunity of a lifetime pass you by.
Investigate your existence as thoroughly
As mind and body will allow.
There is nothing to be discerned.
* * * *
Hell is a fragmented mind,
Heaven a quiet heart.
* * * *
Service to others is the highest order.
* * * *
Awakening is a never-ending process.
* * * *
How many layers there are
In the armor of identification.
* * * *
It’s relatively easy to be in love with youth and beauty,
But when the delusion fades is the truth of the telling.
* * * *
At the core of the onion,
Truth is revealed as nothing.
* * * *
All the posing mainly fools yourself.
* * * *
If you could do anything without concern
Of any consequence, what would you do?
The answer reflects the core of your character.
* * * *
To be at home
With being very alone
Is to be at peace
With your Soul.
* * * *
Most challenging not to fall asleep.
* * * *
Belief is an excuse to stop inquiring.
* * * *
For those drawn to the immortal feast,
Bypassing the limitations of others
Is a grinding daily challenge.
* * * *
Arrogance is a fool’s blindness.
* * * *
Will does not rule the natural order.
* * * *
Pain teaches the limits of the mortal game.
* * * *
Death is but a snuffed flame.
* * * *
Many have these thoughts and more,
But it is an odd calling to jot them down.
* * * *
Even the mightiest must eventually fall.
* * * *
The folly of organized religion
Is the epitome of human vanity.
* * * *
Godness is a force,
Nothing personal but you.
* * * *
History is a many-layered onion.
* * * *
What sense is there going into a box
To worship a figment of imagination?
* * * *
Much easier to settle for fantasy
Than it is to discern the truth.
* * * *
If you look for pain, you’ll likely find it.
* * * *
Deal with a problem when it is insignificant,
And it quickly becomes a fading memory.
* * * *
Good and evil exist in only in consciousness.
* * * *
How amazing to realize that you have formulated
Every portion and particle of your eternal universe
Through an imaginary mind inspired by the senses.
* * * *
If there is no other,
What other side can exist?
* * * *
Taking the first breath begins the last.
How many steps in a lifetime
To reach the last?
* * * *
Every beginning has an end,
And every end a beginning.
But what of that before all beginnings
After all endings, and the sliver of what is between?
* * * *
From understanding comes wisdom.
From wisdom comes nothingness.
* * * *
How can there be another one?
* * * *
What do enlightenment and liberation mean?
If you were truly free,
Would you even ask such a silly question?
* * * *
It is separation that creates
All the angst within and without.
There is no need to journey.
Merely let the walls fall.
* * * *
When have you ever
Been attached to any form
But through form itself?
* * * *
The purpose of any dream
Lies within the sphere
Of its own design.
* * * *
The only real losers are the ones
Who miss the opportunity to witness
That they are godness manifest
Wandering in time and space.
* * * *
Try as you might,
You cannot help anybody
Who will not raise their own mind.
* * * *
The dream seems so grand and infinite,
Yet without you here to witness it,
How would it ever be?
* * * *
The many eyes of godness
Are upon you, and yours upon them.
Myriad witnesses birthed of the same oneness.
* * * *
What is not subjective?
What is not relative?
* * * *
Those who seek wisdom get nothing for all their effort.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved