Once you look seriously at all the religions and philosophies across this spinning dream,
You realize none is the exclusive purveyor of truth, that none really knows anything,
That all only assert assumptions born of given geographies, of given cultures,
That all are founded on vain and fallacious, often calculated collusions.
* * * *
The commonality of all religions is that they are fueled by the idolatry of personalities.
Call them gods, messiahs, prophets, saints, seers, martyrs, ad infinitum,
It is ever the same avoidance of one's own inner vision,
The same evasion of direct relationship
With the same indivisibility very much within all.
* * * *
When it comes to computers, best to always save, always back up,
Because out there, a power outage, an electromagnetic pulse,
Or an up-and-coming hacker, may be headed your way,
Paranoia, in moderation, may not be a bad thing.
* * * *
What need for false fabrications of mind once snared by the clarity of awareness.
* * * *
At some unraveling set of moments in the likely not too distant future-past,
The generalists, those who can plant a seed, sail a boat, and wield a sword,
Will again rise to the vanguard, and in the given dystopia, perhaps survive.
* * * *
A harsh future in the human paradigm
Is not all that hard to reasonably discern
For anyone who has a finger on the pulse.
* * * *
Secret societies and cults are just other vain ways of passing time.
Imaginary paths to mind-gorp wonders more likely than not
Entirely missing the real point by at least a lifetime.
* * * *
It is never-ending irony and paradox that all this technology,
Despite its being conceived to connect and build a better world,
Seems have quickly cultivated one with greater division and discord.
* * * *
A world of cow pens and fish farms and pulp forests is not much of a world.
* * * *
The ambitious drag along those who are easily hypnotized by delusions of grandeur.
* * * *
Consistency is for neophytes.
* * * *
How is it we are so pathetically blind to the reality creating our every breath?
* * * *
What burdening and binding tyranny blood ties all too often manifest.
* * * *
If you cannot do what is smart, at least do what is right; or is it the other way around?
* * * *
The propaganda of fear wears innumerable masks in every venue of imagination.
* * * *
If you think there are way too many potholes right now,
Imagine what it will be like in another few decades,
Much less the end of the twenty-first century.
* * * *
The first man-made plastic was patented by Alexander Parkes in England in 1856.
How humankind will persevere as oil availability declines will be a very real challenge
For those raised on the udder of consumption in a globalized, increasingly uncivil world.
* * * *
Curious how truth is able to contort in whatever whimsical fashion imagination concocts.
* * * *
By the end of the 21st Century, the civilized world that entered into it,
Will more than likely be a very different one, assuming it even exists.
* * * *
After the Great Fall, a fair-to-middling portion
Of what is considered so important in our given window
Will more than likely become a little superfluous, a little gratuitous,
In light of the striving it may well take merely to survive.
* * * *
The myriad things we in our time believe so important,
The future may not understand, and may well condemn.
* * * *
The horror! The horror!
* * * *
Every life must be endured in its own unique way.
* * * *
Meet your newly-arrived cousin,
That minute swirl of freshly-minted lint
Reposing anonymously on the bathroom floor.
* * * *
Adapt and overcome.
* * * *
Earth abides, but will we?
* * * *
The innocence of youth cannot help but be squandered lightly.
* * * *
Who knows what goes on in any given mind.
Sometimes the door is opened with a few friendly words,
And the exchange becomes a pleasurable dance.
Other times, the portal is hastily closed,
Never to be unbolted again.
* * * *
Gravity and other natural laws of this world
Temporarily fool the many creatures great to small
Into believing up is up, down is down, right is right, left is left,
And other such ultimately unwarranted assumptions.
* * * *
Words, words, words, on and on they go, until silence they in some do gradually sow.
* * * *
New age, old age, it really all the same in any age.
* * * *
Give anyone too much power, fame, wealth,
And a demon they may well be tempted to be.
* * * *
The awakening written of herein is not about waking to breakfast and a day of work,
But about the mind aware of the awareness in a fashion relatively few entertain.
* * * *
What absurdity will be endured this day.
* * * *
Just monkeys with highfalutin ways.
* * * *
Minds gone wild.
* * * *
Time is in reality little more than a temporary weaving of neurological thunder.
* * * *
Ultimately, everything is an assumption; attach your Self to as few of them as possible.
* * * *
If you discern the impersonal; there is nothing to take personally.
* * * *
Immersed again in your own private well of misery,
As if it is really all that different than any other’s.
* * * *
Two legs, opposable thumbs, and a frontal lobe do not for a human being make.
* * * *
All thought is imagination.
Be wary lest you ever believe it real,
For none of it truly is, ever was, or will ever be.
* * * *
Prepare your children well in every feasible way you possibly can,
For their future will more than likely be much harsher than your own.
* * * *
Delusion creates collusion; collusion molds delusion.
* * * *
Howsoever anything is named,
The word has never, can never, will never,
Be the thing itself.
* * * *
You are a function of life's desire for continuity.
* * * *
The many pretenses of civilization set aside, is there any denying that human beings
Are likely the most dangerous, the most violent species ever born of this garden world?
* * * *
Imagine never again imagining,
Never again existing in any manifest form.
Imagine dissolving, returning to the primordial oblivion,
Unencumbered by any self-absorbed thoughts,
Immersed in the indivisible totality.
* * * *
It is often with great struggle that most seekers give over to the aloneness within.
Such suffering, such anguish, such trepidation, the resistance to reality does imagine.
* * * *
The tasty morsel has little or no choice in which mouth it will become tasty.
* * * *
No grades are awarded in the quest to become
As true to Self as is humanly possible.
It is sum-zero immeasurable.
* * * *
Why does Self go through all this?
Perhaps to explore, perhaps to be entertained.
Perhaps for no reason at all.
* * * *
What is knowledge but imagination slathered with reason.
* * * *
Curious how what so many call love extends only to me and mine.
And then only for as long as it is pleasurable or convenient or expedient.
* * * *
No silence in that corner.
* * * *
The world is your child; your time its inheritance.
* * * *
Easter Island redux on a planetary scale.
* * * *
Arguing which religious delusion is true is nth degree absurdity.
* * * *
The cacophony of the human swarm is just short of deafening.
* * * *
The first portion of life is spent gorging.
What remains is emptying out,
Especially the bullshit.
* * * *
As if your opinion on anything really matters to anyone.
* * * *
Anyone who plays middleman in the so-called spiritual quest,
Anyone who sets up a tollbooth between anyone and the absolute,
Is a charlatan whose fate should at some point include tar and feathers.
* * * *
You may not ultimately be the body and mind,
But this old meat machine does allow you
To witness the mystery for a brief while.
* * * *
Sweep away the cobwebs of time.
Expand into the vastness of the quanta within,
The source of all awareness of this illusory manifest creation.
* * * *
All those little neurons just plugging away
In their little nuclear fusion storm.
Ain't it a wondrous thing.
* * * *
A mind devoid of boundaries is liberated from birth and death.
* * * *
It gradually reaches a point where you do not want to bother
Holding onto, clinging to, any one, any thing, any time, any place,
Yet still you act out, play out, the behaviors, the habits, the addictions,
Of the existence, of the genetic lottery, into which you were cast.
* * * *
A little moderation goes a long way.
* * * *
Thank god for clothing and all the other coverings.
It would be really frightening having to watch
A bunch of ugly, fat, unhealthy people
Wander though a supermarket.
At least animals have fur.
* * * *
True nature has nothing to do
With the limitations of the mind-body vehicle.
Ultimate reality is in no way bound by arbitrary personality,
Nor any other creation of manifest time and space.
* * * *
What an absorbing distraction sexuality's weaving does play.
* * * *
A Christmas tree is dying to come home with you.
* * * *
To believe your dust superior to any other's dust
Is a definitive indication of your divisive delusion.
* * * *
Anyone can become a demon
Whose delusion fathoms themselves superior
In any way to any other.
* * * *
Your determination to be absolutely free is more than a little challenging
As long as you are attached to this meat-mind machine
Surrounded by a universe of delusion.
* * * *
Though tactics, strategy is achieved.
Through strategy, tactics are discerned.
From seeds, vast forests blanket mountains.
From ordinary beginnings, great ends materialize.
* * * *
All are you, bound by every imaginable limitation.
* * * *
All are given the opportunity to discern a greater vision; curious how few are inclined.
* * * *
Some days a demon, others an angel; such a mystery this mind-bound theater.
* * * *
We have multiplied without the wisdom to live sanely.
We are like hungry rats packed into cages,
Fruit flies swarming in a bell jar,
Bacteria in a petri dish.
The result is all but inevitable.
All that remains is for the horror to unfold.
* * * *
Do nothing and nothing will do nothing to you.
* * * *
How many ways there are to cut the eternal pie.
* * * *
Pain is the teacher, but what have you learned?
* * * *
Patterns all, puppets all.
* * * *
Something for everyone.
* * * *
It is what it is.
* * * *
A quantum dream no matter how many dimensions.
* * * *
Distractions only distract; they do not make you any less alone.
* * * *
Is there anything more enjoyable than gratuitous anything?
* * * *
Existence is the imagined time between indifferent sleep.
* * * *
Watch the judgment.
* * * *
Like nobody has done or said it before.
* * * *
The Reaper is always hovering just a breath away.
* * * *
To wrap your mind around the mystery, you must unwrap your mind.
* * * *
Speculation is the root of all inanity.
* * * *
There is no becoming, there is only being.
* * * *
History is testament to hell on earth.
* * * *
No need to fear what you really truly are and are not: just be it.
* * * *
Redemption for what, pray tell?
* * * *
Shallow breathing; don’t do it.
* * * *
Only the living dead have risen.
* * * *
Imbibe the chaos and all its order.
* * * *
Here you are right here right now: Redeem your Self.
* * * *
History will consume you if you let it.
* * * *
Who is ever really ready for their last day?
* * * *
Truer than true … Say what?
* * * *
Strike hard, strike fast, strike true.
* * * *
It is not win or lose, it is win or learn.
* * * *
No matter what you believe, it is all speculation.
* * * *
Process is life; arrival, death.
* * * *
It is only flesh and bones; rise above it.
* * * *
No individual or group changes the course of history.
All merely play out their relatively insignificant part
In its already-written-in the-sands-of-time chronicle.
* * * *
It is sickness and injury and aging and dying and death
That bring about awareness of one’s own mortality.
The very young ever take so much for granted
Until the finite nature inevitably introduces their innocence
To the price every life must pay or the opportunity to dream the dream.
* * * *
Dear Progeny: Sorry there is not much of an inheritance, but we had a really great time.
You can probably read about it, and maybe even watch some of the videos,
If that sort of technology is still available in your window of time.
If not, well, just know we love you and wish you the best. Take care.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved