The Return to Wonder - Chapter 253


A historian, when there are few left to contemplate the question,
Might declare in some who knows how far or not far future,
"With the ascent of any species, a fall is inevitable.
What elements play a part, however, are uniquely based
On the inestimable permutations of space-time that are involved.
Humankind’s situation is all the more intriguing because so many decisions
Are consciously, intentionally, rather than instinctually, fashioned.”
After all, at some point in the cursory play of space-time,
When there are none remaining to ponder
And record their conclusions,
Where history ends can only be speculated.

* * * *
A mad vision must play out to its mad conclusion.

* * * *
If you really want to get a sense of what is coming,
Find a really strong fan, and throw some shit into it.

* * * *
Future generations will wander
A mutilated, depleted, polluted, abyss of world.
So sad that we have so indifferently modified their inheritance.

* * * *
Ironic madness toughens the skin.

* * * *
Yet another research project to tell us what we already know.

* * * *
It is an unfortunate fact that most of us all too often learn at the expense of others.

* * * *
All diversity ever totals into one indivisibility; there is no maybe about it.

* * * *
You may be a human being by design, but if it is your time to awaken,
The indivisible nature will sculpt a much more expansive inner vision.

* * * *
Most of us probably deceive ourselves far more than we do the many others.

* * * *
It will not be the cheerleaders
Whose positive thinking will get humankind
Out of its ceaseless preoccupation with limited thinking.

* * * *
Humankind daily allows tribal histories to color its thinking.
Maybe it is time to take a very long, solitary walkabout
To observe for your Self what is really going on.

* * * *
Relatively few seem to realize or care about the unfolding future
That unrestrained breeding practices have already set in motion.

* * * *
Why beat yourself over the head when the endgame is obvious.
It is all really quite hopeless in an amazingly wondrous sort of way.

* * * *
Curious how the carefree liberty of one man becomes torturous captivity for another.

* * * *
There is almost always some sort of price to pay for the excesses of hedonism.

* * * *
The vulnerability of childhood is challenging to resuscitate.

* * * *
Time for a long walkabout.

* * * *
We really should be humble in light of the fact that our earliest ancestors were slime.

* * * *
Morality, if there is such a thing, is not discerned in books or buildings.
It is insight and empathy and compassion written in the heart of the mind.

* * * *
What matters is what you discern with your own awareness, your own insight.
Set aside all the mechanical conditioning, all the habitual triviality.
Observe for your Self what is real, and what is not.

* * * *
We are all liars, cheats, thieves, and murderers; to what degree is the only question.

* * * *
A quiet revolution is long overdue.

* * * *
Repeating what everyone else tells you is not independent, critical thinking.

* * * *
Once a revolutionary, always a revolutionary.

* * * *
Doubt until there is no more to doubt.

* * * *
Any given moment is as fresh, pure, uncorrupted, as you allow it to be.

* * * *
More than enough stories have been written; time to live now.

* * * *
Is space-time moving forward, backward, up, down, or is it even moving at all?

* * * *
Plead ignorance; it is far closer to the truth than any fritter of imagination ever can be.

* * * *
Just be you; that is enough.

* * * *
Divinity is not out there in some far distant, future place,
But right here, right now, in the depths of pure awareness.

* * * *
The dissolution of consciousness is but a breath away.

* * * *
Piles and piles of gold, counted again and again, ever again.

* * * *
Ain't no one here by that name, Occifer.

* * * *
Time to declare.

* * * *
Be friends, whenever allowed.

* * * *
Who is it does anything, really?

* * * *
Connect to this or that group if so-inclined,
But be watchful that you not add your ego
Too completely into the collective synergy.

* * * *
You are as alien to other creatures as they are to you.

* * * *
If you can see across the expanses of time and space,
You will perhaps also discern that you are ever one with it.

* * * *
Six-plus billion delusionary human beings do not for truth make.

* * * *
You may be repulsive and deplorable, yet you ever remain that which is absolute.
Do not be encased by the many assumptions that endlessly attempt to shape you.

* * * *
So many look to the lights of others rather than discern their own.

* * * *
The ostrich crams its head into the sand
And pretends the world passing by
Is whatever it wants it to be.

* * * *
Old soul, young soul, it is really all the same Soul.

* * * *
Until you look beyond your own genetic lineage
And the many geographical assumptions
By which you have been molded,
You will be blind to reality.

* * * *
Whether you did something once,
Twice, thrice, or times beyond counting,
Your imaginary quantification of its transience
Is ever bound by the delusion of illusion.

* * * *
We all buy into so much conditioned nonsense.

* * * *
Another day of chameleon make-believe; try not to take it personally.

* * * *
More progress, whatever that is.

* * * *
Idolatry is idolatry.
No matter the form,
No matter the concept,
No matter the vain intent,
All idolatry is blaspheme.

* * * *
Time to raise the bar.

* * * *
Another vain exploit attempting to somehow dwarf time and space.

* * * *
To stand out in another's imagination is more than a little meaningless, is it not?

* * * *
Nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, the unholy alliance.

* * * *
Reality is seamless.
There is no separation whatsoever.
Only consciousness creates the pretense of duality.
Eden is as much present as it has ever been,
But you must awaken to comprehend
Curious that you would care about
What even a stranger you will never meet
Would think of you and your legacy.

* * * *
That it is everything, everywhere.

* * * *
Silly, is it not?

* * * *
Amazing what a handful of senses, and a spark of imagination can come up with.

* * * *
So many sleepwalkers.

* * * *
Transcend your itty-bitty, infinitesimal self.

* * * *
What's a shrew to do when her golden pussy starts smelling like rotting fish?
What's a nincompoop to do when his rocky cock can no longer rise to the occasion?
Alas, life is only fair a short while.

* * * *
Truth cannot, need not be proselytized.
Reality is not dependent on whether or not
The crowd loves or hates the messenger.

* * * *
Time to take out the trash.

* * * *
Infinity, whatever that is.

* * * *
This now or that, all the same, all the same.

* * * *
Yours for the taking, if you must.

* * * *
Are you a human … being?

* * * *
Human beings are merely animals with consciousness
Imagining they are for some reason chosen by a deity for greater glory.
Certainly a peerless species, but in reality nothing more or less, than any other life form.

* * * *
Just another mysterious grain of sand on a beach with neither beginning nor end.

* * * *
Democracy, a nice fairy tale, a good excuse to shop.

* * * *
Words can only conceptualize reality.
They can never attain anything more.
'Tis, indeed, the pitiful state of duality.

* * * *
A thug is a thug, no matter the kingly title.

* * * *
If there is perchance some sort of superior being, some deity on high,
Surely it is bound by its own set of limitations and capacities,
Playing out in the same holographic mystery as you.

* * * *
It might not be king of the road, but a Volkswagon will get you there.

* * * *
I, me, you, he, she, they, them, we, us … all the same indivisibility, no matter the dream.

* * * *
Never wise to put money on a horse on its way from green pastures to eternity's glue factory.

* * * *
At a certain point, you may perchance realize
That what you did or did not do with your existence
Is less important than the awareness with which you did it.

* * * *
From afar, anonymous; up close, ironic.

* * * *
Life is a saunter through dreamtime.

* * * *
It will not put the fire out, but it might help quench a few parched throats.

* * * *
Space-time passes on and on and on, an unceasing canvas upon which existence,
With all its births, passing seasons, and inevitable departures,
Play over and over and over and over.

* * * *
Same body parts, but is it not rather curious
How aspects as simple as proportion and skin tone and hair color,
Ignite or quench, feed or famish the given appetite.

* * * *
It does not take much of a natural "disaster"
To make any of humanity's creations
Look pretty darned insignificant.
Ants tempt the gods with their anthills.

* * * *
Dear Diary: What a life it's been.

* * * *
In an ever-churning cosmos, no mountain stands forever.
Even the deepest ocean beds can rise to the greatest heights.

* * * *
Either everything is, nothing is, or they both are, sort of.

* * * *
For heaven to manifest upon earth, it must be discerned, and cultivated, within.

* * * *
The sane are fools, and the fools, sane, but who's who, and what's what?

* * * *
Can truth be conveyed to any whose restricted imagination
Rules out any insight into the simplicity prior to consciousness?

* * * *
There is no changing destiny into something it already is.

* * * *
Doubt is the rarest of commodities.

​* * * *​
How poor the rich who still crave more, more, more, ever more.

* * * *
The end of the story is the end of history.

* * * *
The consuming mind is an insatiable thing without the tether of awareness.

* * * *
History: read it and weep.

* * * *
Prescriptions tend to get forgotten in one haze or another.

* * * *
There is nothing to discover.

* * * *
The eggshell of conditioning is but an imaginary shell.

* * * *
Are you insane, or jsut not playing the game?

* * * *
Why resist the immutable?

* * * *
Far easier to idolize someone else’s Self than it is to discern your own.

* * * *
You, scientist.

* * * *
Every student gleans something different from any given teacher.

* * * *
The web of futility is a many-spidered thing.

* * * *
You woke up again this morning; your story continues.

* * * *
It is all in your head.

* * * *
You do because you can, and you can because you do.

* * * *
What are you trying to prove? And to who?

* * * *
Planned obsolescence is the cancer of modern man.

* * * *
The everything, the nothing.

* * * *
Imagination is all, all is imagination.

* * * *
The empty of full; the full of empty.

* * * *
You cannot win an argument against ignorance.

* * * *
Imagination is a quantum magic carpet ride through awareness.

* * * *
Who are the wealthiest but those indifferent to wealth.

* * * *
How can the cosmos the eyes perceive and mind conceives ever be real?

* * * *
Relatively easy to win an argument if there is no one to argue with.

* * * *
Only the delusion inspired by DNA would find a newborn adorable.

* * * *
The joy of existence them details are not.

* * * *
For those who truly seek that which is roots out that which is not.

* * * *
What goes up must come down is a statistical certainty.
No edifice – tower or mountain or universe – stands forever. 

* * * * * * * * * *

The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved