Your body and persona are doomed; you are but a slab of meat in another’s belly.
It is only the awareness that indivisibly dwells in all things that perseveres.
The other is merely theater, an array of distracting bells and whistles.
You are the awareness, in which all manifestation is created,
The awareness, in which all stages are assembled,
The awareness, in which all plays are played.
The awareness, in which all dreams are dreamed.
* * * *
Any given point of this dreaming of awareness you call your life
Is only connected by the reincarnation of imagination.
The neuron trail of the brain deceives us all.
Every moment is a new and ever-changing beginning
If you are able and willing to detach from those so many memories.
* * * *
To be content, to be serene, to free one’s Self
From the endless wavering of the mind
Is a moment-to-moment challenge.
* * * *
History often seems to confuse or bother or bore the restless multitudes.
* * * *
Imagine the unfathomable universe,
With all those countless galaxies, dwarf stars, nebulas, quasars, black holes,
Orbiting in your mind.
* * * *
Are they still huddled about their little piles of books and tapes,
Waiting for the masses to come worship their appointed savior?
* * * *
Truth reflects though the paradox of space and time.
* * * *
The agricultural and industrial and technological revolutions
Have built the winding stairway to the great fall humankind must inevitably make
If it is ever to fully discern its humble role in this eternal mystery.
* * * *
Meditation is the means through which timeless sovereignty is recovered.
Immersed in innumerable complexities and gimmicks and absurdities,
The essential point remains the same: In abeyance, tread softly.
* * * *
Despite all pretensions of being something greater ordained by some on-high deity,
Nothing in the entire human paradigm since its migration from the jungles of long ago.
Has been anything more than imagination playing out one vain brouhaha after another.
* * * *
What a foolish, absurd game we play.
* * * *
No matter how much we may disparage and revile each other,
The reality is that we are all quantum cousins cloaked in diversity.
* * * *
The less you believe, the less you attach, the less the world impacts your day.
* * * *
Anything can be usurped.
* * * *
So many unspeakable horrors we inflict upon ourselves,
And all the blameless creatures of this amazing world.
* * * *
Claim nothing.
* * * *
No matter how you cloak it, no matter how you perfume it, shit stinks.
* * * *
Death is really the least bothersome aspect of this hubbub.
* * * *
For a raging fire, firefighters create a back burn.
With the raging insanity of ignorance, the strategic principle remains the same.
Such is the intangible role of mystics and philosophers.
* * * *
Hell is a harsh marketplace.
* * * *
A philosopher!
What a useless calling.
What would your mother say?
Oops, she did, oh, sorry.
* * * *
Not too many people want to hear that this may be all there is.
* * * *
Playing all our peculiar little parts as if they are so significant,
As dulling as it eventually gets, makes for ceaseless absurdity.
* * * *
More grist for the money-changers.
* * * *
Only those caught in the web of imagination’s delusion
Would ever assert that they are the same persona their entire life.
None of those memories have ever been the real you.
The eternal awareness may seem the same,
But that is about it for continuity.
* * * *
To see this clearly is to become as a child, immaculately innocent.
All regret, all guilt, all dread, all concern for karmic notion drop away,
And only the presence, the lucidity of timeless awareness remains.
* * * *
Your actual life resume is much more than a page or so,
And among other things includes the title “Galactic Engineer.”
* * * *
Anonymity within is the clearest order consciousness can attain.
* * * *
The Bible, originally spoken and transcribed in Aramaic,
Then to Greek to Latin to English and Other
A very tricky thing, translation.
Never quite the same
As originally said or written,
No matter how scholarly the intention.
* * * *
So was it love one another, or love one in another?
* * * *
Travel across the world, across the cosmos, or to a nearby field,
From beginning to end, it is really all the same quantum mystery.
* * * *
A prescription for what ails you.
* * * *
The human drama is in reality nothing more than a collusion of imagination.
* * * *
A garden without a guardian quickly falls into disrepair and dysfunction.
* * * *
Even a so-called Supreme Being,
If there is such a magnificent piece of work,
Is but a part of the same quantum indivisibility as you.
* * * *
The butterfly wing casts a small ripple into the wind.
The stonemason’s pick vibrates through the mountain.
History is given slight nudges by the whispers of sages.
* * * *
Drink and be merry while ye may, my friends,
For the darkness will, indeed, grow much darker.
* * * *
What is this drive so many human beings have to be noticed and accepted by others?
* * * *
We are all the only indivisibility there is.
Nothing to be bigheaded about.
Quite humbling, actually.
* * * *
Think for yourself, else someone else will be quite happy to do it for you.
* * * *
Good and evil are imaginary concepts born of consciousness.
Deities and demons are expedient means for ignorance
To evade the ultimate reality that it is really all you.
Truth requires capacity relatively few harbor.
* * * *
It is unending irony and paradox how rationality can be so easily suspended
In the glaringly unambiguous illumination of scientifically corroborated actualities.
The twists and turns that delusion is capable of manifesting are well beyond number.
* * * *
We are all mutts of the same origin.
* * * *
Whether or not you see the essence of what is written in these pages,
Will, in large part, depend how attached you are to any given mindset.
* * * *
Resolve easily garnered is as easily misplaced.
* * * *
Another crest-jewel of human idolatry.
* * * *
The great equalizer is bound to no form or concept.
* * * *
All religions are cults until enough are sufficiently deluded to grant them legitimacy.
* * * *
These are reflections, not commandments.
* * * *
Perhaps what we as a species are so blind to today
Will be as blatantly obvious in some distant morrow.
* * * *
The Way, by any other name, ever remains the same.
* * * *
Hypocrisy is a trait seeming innate in all human beings.
Hypocrisy is a trait seeming innate in all human beings.
* * * *
All minds are bent and twisted in the prelude to time.
The original nature, which is empty and pure,
Is shaped by nature and nurture
Into an imaginary role.
All you, by so many names.
* * * *
Forget who you think you are; be what you really are.
* * * *
Idolatry is such an enticing, comfortable, mesmerizing delusion.
How much easier it is for ignorance in all its murky ways
To wrap itself around superstition and platitude
Than the effort of perpetual inquiry.
* * * *
So obvious as to be cleverly hidden to all but the most discerning.
* * * *
Without all your imaginary, vain assumptions,
Who-what-where-when-why-how would you be?
* * * *
Forever moot, the mystery dreamily unfolds.
* * * *
All is relative, the source of all, whatever it is named, is absolute.
* * * *
Memory is such an unlikely thing.
A collection of perceptions, vaguer by the year,
All inevitably forgotten as the synapses one by one collapse,
And dreamtime evaporates into eternity’s vastness.
* * * *
The Soul is just one big nada.
* * * *
Humanity's fall will most likely be a long, drawn out, agonizingly painful whimper.
* * * *
Dang, you lost track of your Self again.
* * * *
It would be easy to laugh at the absurdity if the tears didn't get in the way.
* * * *
Give up all that swirling, vexing passion
For deep, overriding, unassailable inner serenity.
The simple quietude of contentment is well worth the trade.
* * * *
Just another middleman begging for quarters.
* * * *
Martyrdom is the ultimate vanity, self-absorption to the nth degree.
* * * *
… wake up … go to sleep … wake up … go to sleep … wake up …
* * * *
Ever-present, we doggedly burden ourselves
Through our imaginary attachments to time and space.
How little effort it takes to be a rock, a tree, a cloud, or a drop of water.
* * * *
All that pain, nothing gained.
* * * *
Awareness need not be canonized in any way.
Anyone attempting to do so should be ignored.
* * * *
Losing sight of nature’s guiding hand is a sure road to perdition.
* * * *
War is glorious until you see the face of the guy next to you turn into goo.
* * * *
Every moment an opportunity for ephemeral reflection.
* * * *
When the vein dries up, where do all the ticks go?
* * * *
Serenity is the avenue to joy.
* * * *
Cloud Nine is in the no-man’s land between heart and mind.
* * * *
Different perceptions of the same thing does not mean it is not the same thing.
* * * *
God is quanta, god is cosmos.
God is nothing, god is everything.
Amazing grace.
* * * *
Maybe the next guy.
* * * *
Wanting nothing from any other is the path to serenity.
A perception of the indivisibility prior to all dualistic notions.
* * * *
Funny how existence alters when you discern that more you did not really want.
* * * *
What are all those memories but a long, dreamy sameness.
What is the play of consciousness but an inexplicable illusion.
* * * *
None of us can have it our way all the time.
If only … is a prelude as vast as any universe.
* * * *
The difference between here and there is but a limited perception.
* * * *
Sublime and absurd wander hand-in-hand.
* * * *
The mind is as vast and immutable as the cosmos it contains.
* * * *
Must be someone else’s fantasy.
* * * *
From in to out, and out to in, the immutability of Soul is eternally indivisible.
* * * *
What is so obvious now would not have been back then,
As will like likely be true some future-past in the yet again.
* * * *
Wisdom is connecting the dots.
* * * *
… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah … ad infinitum …
* * * *
Gaia is a dream world of eternity.
* * * *
Your true nature is emptiness.
* * * *
You are but a brief mortal dream of the immortality of eternity.
* * * *
You cannot know truth; you can only be it.
* * * *
Hell is in the details, and history is creator of its future-past.
* * * *
A worthy windmill if you enjoy futility.
* * * *
Harder to let go than it is to hold on, until its not.
* * * *
Less is the new more.
* * * *
Nothing is, nothing is not.
* * * *
In the whole mind, awareness is all, thunder perfect.
* * * *
Nobody knows nothing but what they imagine so.
* * * *
More parts, more bother.
* * * *
Different ways of looking only create more differences.
* * * *
The judge is his own executioner.
* * * *
You do not exist in the way you think.
* * * *
To thine own Self be true.
* * * *
The mind stilled by full attention merges into eternity.
* * * *
Vanity tolerates no rival.
* * * *
Yes, there is eternal life, but it is nothing you think.
* * * *
Who was that masked man?
* * * *
Is it “I Am” or “Am I?”
* * * *
You ain't seen nothing yet.
* * * *
The inherent violence of greed never bodes well for the meek.
* * * *
Of the unknown, nothing can be known.
* * * *
The man behind the curtain cannot save you.
* * * *
It be good policy, if you are of independent mind,
To back away from anyone who wants to lead you.
* * * *
Yet another magical moment drifting into memory.
Time to clean your bowl, do your laundry,
Blow your nose, wipe your ass, et cetera, ad infinitum.
The dream keeps flowing and flowing and flowing, on and on and on.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes from the Unknown
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved