Chapter 102 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Those who rise to the top of one heap or another
Usually kissed at least one ass very earnestly.

* * * *
All self-imagery is delusional.

* * * *
Are you sure you haven’t lived this moment before?
Are you sure you are living it now?

* * * *
Find peace in the sovereignty of aloneness.

* * * *
That little spot of warmth
Whittles a small, brief niche
Between cold sheets.

* * * *
Yes, I may well be
Wrong about all this,
But then, so might you.
In fact, we may all be.
The joke’s on all of us.

* * * *
Can an infinite riddle ever be solved?

* * * *
Seeing is enough.

* * * *
Ain’t New Agey enough for ya, eh?

* * * *
How easy to resent the body-mind
For its limitation, frailty and submission
To sickness, injury, aging, dying
And other whims of time.

* * * *
It will find its own audience.

* * * *
The mind-body is forged in time,
Its many notions blending to its relativity.

* * * *
Pleasure can cut very deep.

* * * *
Humanity’s time
Began with brawn.
Will it end with brain?

* * * *
Whatever happens
After this body falls away
Ain’t gonna mean diddly-squat
To this temporal witness.
It’s been an amusing reverie,
But not worth much more bother.

* * * *
The way to disentangle a knot
Is to discern its infinite reality.

* * * *
Honesty may not always be the best policy.

* * * *
Mirages fade into reality.

* * * *
Every trade has its tricks.

* * * *
All the things you want
That you do not even begin to need.

* * * *
You want meaning and purpose,
Yet cannot discern it through any thought.

* * * *
The law of nature shall prevail.

* * * *
Best laid plans are fluid, open to changing circumstance.

* * * *
The real mystery, the real question,
Is why you keep doing all this to yourself.

* * * *
One asshole or another
Usually ends up thinking
S/he runs the show.

* * * *
So many worlds you’ll never see.

* * * *
This is what happens when we open up to the bullshit.

* * * *
People get really confronted by blood issues.

* * * *
I really don’t give a gnat’s ass about what humanity does with this.
These thoughts are just a bunch of observations, field notes
For my own inane, therapeutic, irascible amusement.
A body of arrogance written till this body
Exhales its last tired breath.

* * * *
It’s always been about might makes right.
Energy systems vying for temporary position,
Any given plot as vainly meaningless as any other.

* * * *
These thoughts are for people who do riddles.

* * * *
Dear God, are you having a great time?
Fuck you.

* * * *
Sure, we’ll all be happy
To haul up another stone
For your pyramid to vanity.

* * * *
There’s a little more.

* * * *
Anybody you open up to, any door you open,
Creates an exchange, an evolution of consciousness.
Drops falling, rippling out in an imaginary pond.

* * * *
The common nature of our essential skeleton.

* * * *
Followers can be great puppeteers.

* * * *
What matters, really?

* * * *
The wider net catches more fish.

* * * *
Ignorance plods toward its inevitable ends
Through its endlessly predictable means.

* * * *
On the calendar, any event seems so far away,
Yet each moment it acquires heightened anticipation
Until finally its wave crests, as all time does, into memory.

* * * *
You’re the product of an education.

* * * *
What makes human beings believe
They are any better or different
Than any other cancer,
Bacteria, virus or killer bee?

* * * *
What an incredibly warped emphasis
Sexuality has attained in the human psyche.

* * * *
Security is as probable as accurately predicting
Exactly what will happen the next moment.

* * * *
Succumb to one delusion or another,
It is all the same.

* * * *
So many believe their privileged existence is a right.

* * * *
Isn’t it interesting how we seem to need
So-called experts to corroborate the obvious?

* * * *
Symbolic after the fact.

* * * *
So many things to do for things.

* * * *
The tomorrows of today
Will ever be the today of tomorrow.
Time is the play of mind.

* * * *
So ignorant of our ignorance.

* * * *
Angst is what happens
When you hold on too tightly
To any thought.

* * * *
What will the survivors of today
Think tomorrow?

* * * *
One wonders if scientists and mathematicians
Truly understand what the word infinity means.

* * * *
One day love just ambled into being.

* * * *
You are the scene, and the scene is you.

* * * *
Just another big-little headline.
A few letters upon the sands of time’s
Wave-beaten, ever-present shore.

* * * *
Remain still, uncommitted to any name.

* * * *
Kill or be killed.
What difference but a few more breaths,
A few more transient, random thoughts.

* * * *
Too shy to do more,
Too bold to do less.

* * * *
Is it what you have or don’t have
Which weights your day’s passing?

* * * *
Duress awakens the survivor
And dampens the wonder.

* * * *
Do you cut your losses quickly,
Or wait until the anchored rope
Quietly fastens around an ankle
And drags you into infinite depths?
Uncoiled rope finds mischievous ends.

* * * *
Mythology is the play of a busy mind.

* * * *
Money comes and goes
No different than anything else
But though the mind’s transmutation.

* * * *
Value is relative to circumstance.

* * * *
Is there any greater waste of time
Than reasoning with a fool?

* * * *
Adopt a larger vision.

* * * *
The sum is often greater than its parts.

* * * *
So much invested in nerve impulses.

* * * *
Please don’t make this into another form of idolatry.

* * * *
Fragmentation only fragments further and further.
Adopting a holistic view require great indifference.

* * * *
Why this incredible desire to be entertained.

* * * *
You are a piece of infinity.

* * * *
Stop trying to solve it.
It is insoluble.
Be still.

* * * *
What a world we leave our descendants.

* * * *
You think you know so much already.

* * * *
Separate the legend from anyone
And they’re probably not all that different.
Pedestals are such illusory creations.

* * * *
Some feel such a need to pretend
They are more important than others.

* * * *
Fascinating how so many utterly savage conquerors
Get such good reviews when histories are written
By those who their passing favorably inclines.

* * * *
Maybe there is a god,
And maybe there never was.
Either way each must still endure
To whatever potential capable.

* * * *
Inheriting a look can be something of a curse.

* * * *
Imagine where even just one different turn
Might have directed the river of your life.

* * * *
Ahh, the art of puttering.

* * * *
Priorities change like an unfaithful wind.

* * * *
What a gift the release from time.

* * * *
The more they try to rationalize it,
The more deluded any religion sounds.

* * * *
Respectability is overrated.

* * * *
And what does a pat on the head
From god matter, anyway?

* * * *
God is free, but the copies will cost you?

* * * *
Don’t let any demon ruin your day.

* * * *
Give yourself at least a few moments
To occasionally be relatively carefree.

* * * *
Science holds back the walls of reality.

* * * *
History is just a few neurons from evaporation.

* * * *
It will find you when you seek it.

* * * *
Clear your mind of mortal spawn.

* * * *
Torn, you pull every way.
Can you have the cake and eat it, too?

* * * *
It’s as simple as breathing.

* * * *
How inept all explanation.

* * * *
Any motive to measure is suspect.

* * * *
Those who want so much often get it
Because so few stand in their way.

* * * *
Holyfuckingshit, Batman.

* * * *
To expect gratitude is to be disappointed.

* * * *
Life is learning to use the body-mind,
And then having to eventually let it all go.

* * * *
The penis leads many down the path of regret.

* * * *
Nothing like plucking victory from certain loss.

* * * *
Material insecurity.

* * * *
Another useless measurement.

* * * *
Some are born thinking they are leaders,
And then there are those who should be.

* * * *
Most, if not all, think and believe
What makes them feel most comfortable.
Truth has little to do with anything.

* * * *
Leftovers can be pretty chilly.

* * * *
Wealth is a process of detachment.

* * * *
How delusional any self-importance.

* * * *
Perhaps you hoped, or even expected,
That It would, could be any different?

* * * *
Another gruesome lesson.

* * * *
The still mind, the aware mind is a seamless eternal portal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved