Chapter 110 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Take responsibility for your behavior.

* * * *
If you argue over any religion,
You’ve missed the whole point.

* * * *
Three is usually a crowd.

* * * *
The entire human drama
Is a synergistic collusion
Of capacity and limitation.

* * * *
Suicide is really just saying to consciousness,
“I don’t think so.”

* * * *
Where will all that pride go
When there’s no body
To contain it?

* * * *
The relativity of war and peace.

* * * *
Don’t be holding your breath
That anything’s gonna change
Into some nirvanic paradigm
Anytime soon or even ever.

* * * *
Don’t expect that life will ever be
Any more than what it can be.

* * * *
Just because it hasn’t happened
Doesn’t mean it won’t.

* * * *
Some are more adaptable to change than others.

* * * *
What you have chosen to do
Is what you are already doing.
Is this really what you wanted?

* * * *
Is there an answer to a pattern,
Or merely a predictable outcome?

* * * *
What does everything have in common?

* * * *
Keep coming back to the origin.
It is the mother of endurance.

* * * *
It was your fate to explore the world
In every way imagination wandered.

* * * *
The stillness lights the compass
To the unfathomable journey home.

* * * *
Have and have-nots,
Predators and prey,
Herders and herded.

* * * *
To abandon ship is to face
The peril of a merciless sea.

* * * *
A child solves a puzzle easily
Because s/he is not yet bound
By the constraints of experience.
The mind is as fresh as the problem.

* * * *
Civilization is not always civilized.

* * * *
Immortality playing out mortality
Can be very plainly at the time.

* * * *
Don’t get fooled again.

* * * *
Explore the fear of not-being.

* * * *
If at all possible, bypass assholes.

* * * *
Stand above the crowd.

* * * *
The biggest delusion is that you are god.
The biggest delusion is that you are not god.

* * * *
You’re just getting too lazy for your own good.

* * * *
Paths beyond number.
Same number.

* * * *
The world is a comic tragedy for all,
A drama of imaginary proportion.

* * * *
How lonely when you’re not alone.

* * * *
Your suffering doesn’t bother me
Near as much as my own.

* * * *
All that dancing alone in each other’s presence.

* * * *

* * * *
How much bother we put
Into trying to save that
Which cannot be saved.

* * * *
The quarterback calls the play
Unless the coach sends one in.

* * * *
We must all succumb
To gravity’s insistence.

* * * *
Slowly, very slowly, we all
Melt back into Kansas.

* * * *
All creatures come and go.
Some die fast, some die slow.
Any way will do when its time to go.

* * * *
You cannot know That I Am,
You can only be it.

* * * *
You will be well on the way
When the world’s countless ills
No longer consume your attention.

* * * *
Interesting how dates and days of the week
And all the events designated in time
Shape one’s brief existence.

* * * *
How far will humanity’s
Manipulations of  stardust go?
All is conjecture at this time’s writing,
But history’s future will no doubt remember
Until comes the reckoning of all time’s forgetting.

* * * *
All I can say it that it made sense at the time.

* * * *
One of the worst fates is to be cast into a life
Which memory cannot or will not forget.

* * * *
These thoughts are reflections,
Not necessarily truth,
Though some may hint of it.

* * * *
This a field guide to the play of consciousness,
Anthropological notes of sorts,
To tide you over
Until something better comes along.

* * * *
Oooga Booga.

* * * *
A good friend slips someone a plastic bag and a rubber band,
If things should go sour, and something quicker isn’t at hand.

* * * *
Can you live a spiritual existence,
A day-to-day awareness of the oneness,
Without imposing your egotism upon another?

* * * *
Is food a means or and end?

* * * *
Group dynamic is a multi-faceted synergy.
How many variables in any social equation.

* * * *
Why do we give so much power to nerds and jocks?

* * * *
Children are too busy living
To bother about philosophy.

* * * *
We’re all on a Titanic of our own making,
Adrift in a vast ocean of ignorance.
And the lifeboats are leaking.

* * * *
Is money the root of all evil,
Or is it the mind which cannot moderate
The weight of its imaginary value?

* * * *
Who would seek that fate?
* * * *
Why is it so many oppressed people
So often end up suppressing others
As soon as they get a little position?

* * * *
Every concept expands your frame of reference,
But in the end what good will all that filler be?

* * * *
All this information
And who can even begin
To keep up with more
Than a pinch of it?
Ignorance overwhelms
Even the greatest intelligence.

* * * *
Drama’s drama no matter the drama.

* * * *
Message machines
Are the best answer
To unsolicited callers.
Screen ‘em, Dano.

* * * *
What in god’s name besides sex
Does a younger woman
Have in common
With an older man,
Or an older woman
With a younger man?

* * * *
Once you see past the nature of concepts,
What is there to fear or want?

* * * *
What a game of imagery
Job interviews are.

* * * *
How many ways and means,
Both subtle and blatant, to idolatry.
Perhaps everything is idolatrous.

* * * *
Life is much more of a bother than death will ever be.

* * * *
Your immortality is the primal essence.
Mortality is the delusion of form.
Oneness is the only reality.
All is the delusion of light and dark.
Be serene in the still point of awareness,
In the knowing that birth and death
Are the play of consciousness.
Nothing more, nothing less.

* * * *
These thoughts are for those
Who survive the wall.

* * * *
The secret of life is attitude.

* * * *
If you weren’t so accustomed to encountering them,
If you weren’t of such similar genetic material,
A public assembly of your fellow primates
Might well scare the hell out of you.
We are aliens, too, you know.
What’s the difference
Between you
And a microbe?
Check the mirror, baby.

* * * *
The truth perceived is not the truth.

* * * *
Humanity has a lot more in common
With cockroaches than most
Would probably care to believe.

* * * *
Much easier
To recall the truth
Than a web of deceptions.

* * * *
How the data is read by the senses
Creates the paradigm of illusion.

* * * *
The physics will hold up
Wherever the vehicle can travel.

* * * *
Very difficult for a tree
To part from its roots.

* * * *
A disciplined people inevitably decline
As decadence feeds off the excesses.

* * * *
Why go where you are unwelcome?
Why not travel where laughter greets you?
Why not lend smiles to those needing them most?

* * * *
You never know how ignorance will challenge you.

* * * *
Any good book
Can stand several readings
To fully fathom the author’s intentions.

* * * *
How is it we imagine any concept,
Any artificial intelligence
Can ever gain a life of its own?

* * * *
Dead horses don’t wake to beatings.

* * * *
The powerful, rich and famous
Are often not as fascinating
As they’d have us believe.

* * * *
We are all hypnotized by our own desire
To believe there must be more than we can see
With the mind and senses of which all dreams are made.

* * * *
Avoid giving anything out of obligation.
Give simply because you want to.

* * * *
Your fate is written in time.
You will laugh, you will suffer.
You will be injured, you will be sick.
You will know great pleasures.
You will age, you will die.
But in all that it is,
Will you have truly lived?

* * * *
The best labor force is a voluntary one.
Allow them trinkets and toys, and let them
Delude themselves that they are free.

* * * *
There’s no place else you’ve got to be.

* * * *
Breathe in the moment.

* * * *
Revel in the mud of time.

* * * *
There is nothing you cannot be,
There is nothing you cannot play out,
In the wander of your day-to-day imagination.

* * * *
It’s really about those
Who hate the world
And those who love it.

* * * *
The worst is that feeling there’s
Some other place you oughta be.

* * * *
How can you be nothing
Until you tire of being something?

* * * *
Wear your gray well.

* * * *
So many ways to look at it all.

* * * *
This blob of protoplasm has no name.

* * * *
Image nation.

* * * *
There is no man-made law
Which cannot be stretched or broken.
Only the natural laws born of quantum mechanics
Are absolute and inexplicably unalterable.

* * * *
Are you talking to yourself,
Another individual, a group,
The world, maya, or god?

* * * *
Those who know find their kind
Through a sharing of mind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved