Chapter 114 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


You will never find sanctuary in any form,
Yet without form there would be no creation,
No theater for godness to sculpture imagination.

* * * *
Groupthink is just shared delusion.

* * * *
There is no place to go you are not already.

* * * *
Even freedom is illusion.
What is integrated, non-dualistic,
Non-resistant, uninhibited consciousness?

* * * *
Duality can only pretend to terminate you.
Immortality is not known for dying easily.

* * * *
Knowledge may be unlimited,
But it requires time to learn.

* * * *
Revolutions are merely disagreements
Over whose law should rule the masses.

* * * *
It is the seed of pride which sows hell.

* * * *
To be free of death,
You must die to time.

* * * *
Even ignorance is truth.

* * * *
Dualistic notions are just the
Capricious winds of the mind.

* * * *
More is rarely enough for many.

* * * *
One man’s glory is another’s farce.

* * * *
Every head spinning the same vanity
Over and over and over and over....

* * * *
When you are your own law,
You travel the field spontaneously
In whatever way your disposition wills.
Lordy, the mystery-given blueprint
Of your mortal manifest vehicle
Sure can take you for a ride.

* * * *
So many creatures must fear us
And our mutated ways.

* * * *
Struggle as you might to cleave
To people, places, things and ideas,
You cannot, never have, and never will,
No matter how tempting the mirage.

* * * *
Why do people bring into life,
Lives for which they have
No caring intention?

* * * *
The other wanders the senses into no-otherness.

* * * *
No concept is real but through delusion.
All knowledge is the play of ignorance.

* * * *
Attention washes the mind free.

* * * *
Is history any more
Than personal vanity
On a larger scale?

* * * *
Right action seeks no rewards.

* * * *
What’s the point of anything but process?

* * * *
Though you may see across eternity,
You must still deal with assholes,
Including, unfortunately, your own.

* * * *
Can you look and see and not see at the same time?

* * * *
Within all things is the great maker,
Detached creator, witness to all yet none.

* * * *
Somehow  it still manages to work.

* * * *
Why hedge your bets?
There is no security
In this mortal lottery.

* * * *
It’s ironic how well greed works.

* * * *
The lowly water drop
Erodes mountains
And fills oceans.

* * * *
The meek will inherit the earth
If they hide well enough
From the bold.

* * * *
Any words are meaningless without intent.
Always give more weight to actions and deeds.

* * * *
Thought there are many apparent imperfections,
The theater rides upon absolute perfection.

* * * *
Fear only impede the action now requires.

* * * *
Godness begins and ends within you,
The witnessing, born of limitation
Yet infinity all the while.

* * * *
Time and space are the constraints of the mind.

* * * *
What difference between gold and sand?
A state of ignorance.

* * * *
Delusion requires hope to sustain the mirage.

* * * *
You may prefer the nice folk,
But assholes are truth, too.

* * * *
The ship’s bow chopping
Through the waters of time,
Is non-existent.

* * * *
Some roles are definitely
More interesting than others.

* * * *
Where do you really think you go,
But where you came from
In the first place?

* * * *
Be the surrender that knows no bounds.

* * * *
Imagine your Self
A clear glass of water
Submerged in an ocean of it.

* * * *
Who can explain the unexplainable?
Who needs to?

* * * *
All trials are created
By the resistance of pride.

* * * *
Aren’t the dregs always the last to go?

* * * *
No one can lead you
To where only you can go.

* * * *
Gee, you are you

* * * *
You are an atomic generator
Generating a sensory universe.

* * * *
Just as no one task begins
Without a moment of initiation,
None ends without the intent of completion.

* * * *
When you are ready, you will
Forsake the world you imagine.

* * * *
What can be proved
But through your own insight?

* * * *
Do you think the ancients attempted as we do
To be so vainly perfect, so politically correct?

* * * *
Some things are best forgotten quickly.

* * * *
Do you think we have always been so stupid?

* * * *
How much of your vain existence has been spent
Rationalizing your personal idiosyncrasies
To yourself in the guise of others?

* * * *
To take human history
And project it into the future
Is not a pretty sight.

* * * *
When you were a child,
You didn’t give diddly-squat
What anyone thought, and rules
Were not near the weight they are now.
How naturally sovereign you were
Till the lie began to tie knots
In its subtle weaving.

* * * *
As a newborn you were all potentials,
The eternal faceless nature, mysteriously perfect,
Totally vulnerable to the world into which you had sprung,
Cast from oneness into separation, into a timebound fate yet to unfold,
A fate both cruel and kind, merciless and compassionate in an infinity of flavors.
An uncarved immortal innocently thrust into the struggle of life and death,
In which your choice in the matter remains at best idle speculation.

* * * *
God’s will seems to be quite whimsical.
Which football team do you think
He will choose this year?

* * * *
The only thing that is born and dies is illusion.

* * * *
Will humanity’s fall be accepted gracefully,
Or punctuated with arrogant denial?

* * * *
Can consciousness born of separation
Ever do anything but cave in upon itself?

* * * *
Wandering in your bubble of perception,
All that is out of sight is out of mind.

* * * *
We argue incessantly over words,
Legalistic jargon, pride-filled vain reasonings
And claims which have no lasting duration
But through continuity of imagination.

* * * *
Your self-imagery binds you in time.

* * * *
The way is blind but for your
Manifest vision of its mystery.

* * * *
Do you buy into anything for long?

* * * *
Here you are biding your time quietly
In the soliloquy of this moment’s passing
Until the inevitable need for action requires
You to move on to another part of the set.

* * * *
Judge not another lest you be judged
With equal or more harshness.

* * * *
Godness abounds in all eyes
To the blind who come into sight.

* * * *
You have created and destroyed
In every mortal manner imaginable
That which has ever been your Self.
You are the sojourner of all illusions,
Lord of all the five senses fabricate,
Witness to a dream whose origin
None but you can discern.

* * * *
Who knows what you will do after time ends.

* * * *
The way is so simple,
Only the blind cannot see.

* * * *
You are the totality, the origin of all origins,
The means of all means, the end of all ends,
Creator and destroyer of eternity’s rainbow.

* * * *
Within is the spigot to eternal life,
The salvation of all origins in time.

* * * *
In the same way you cannot see your face,
You will never see what is behind it as well.

* * * *
Have you ever really belonged to this world
Of vanity, passion, glory and false wealth?

* * * *
Each day you survive to brave another.
To what end only false prophets assume.

* * * *
Eden is still thriving,
But do you have
The eye to see it?

* * * *
When you die a few people will miss you
Until they, too, inevitably take the big leap.

* * * *
Some people see a large, healthy tree
And need to sculpt it into some other form
Or use it for some critical utilitarian purpose.
Few seem content to leave it to its own destiny,
A block of potential uncarved by the human mind.

* * * *
Make ends meet.

* * * *
Who, what, where, when, why and how
Could you be if you were not that?

* * * *
The demons and angels you long for
Will find their way into your dream.

* * * *
Wherever thoughts dwell
Are the surest markers
Of your heaven or hell.

* * * *
Those many skeletons in your closet
May be among your greatest teachers.

* * * *
Argue whatever differences you wish
As passionately as a splintered mind allows,
There are truly none outside imagination’s realm.

* * * *
Follow your nature and it
Will lead you to a conclusion.

* * * *
We all harvest conclusions
Which give us a great sense
Of security and/or insecurity,
Whichever the case may be.

* * * *
Rebirth into the Holy Spirit is so often
Used for personal aggrandizement.

* * * *
All are equal in the ultimate sense,
But in the savage garden of good and evil,
Some become more equal than others.

* * * *
Eternity will wash away all remnants
Of humanities countless vanities.

* * * *
Take the cracker and crumble it into dust.
Let no collusion stand.

* * * *
Are you godness, yet?

* * * *
You may reject these thoughts,
But is your vision of reality
Any more rational?

* * * *
The trick is not letting your creation overrun you.

* * * *
Is it I am, therefore you are
Or you are, therefore I am?
Or perhaps a portion of both,
Or maybe even neither?

* * * *
Godness is life’s most inebriating purpose.

* * * *
The inhabitants of any Sodom
Adhere to their delusive ignorance
Even in the face of the surest destruction.

* * * *
The fiercest battles of good and evil
Are imagined by all parties concerned.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved