Chapter 30 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


To survive in this world, this manifest creation,
You have been a student of political expediency.
It is never easy to fearlessly speak your truth.

* * * *
What is it that has drawn you once again into manifest form
That is worth all the suffering, and the mirage of death.

* * * *
Treat your fellow life forms with the same respect
As you yourself no doubt always appreciate.

* * * *
When Jesus supposedly said
He was the way, the truth, and the life,
He hopefully implied you are as well.

* * * *
Your prejudices are markers of ignorance.

* * * *
We are all cousins of the same origin.

* * * *
Can you look without desire
At that you want most?

* * * *
In the most absolute sense,
All are immaculately conceived,
Cousins of the same origin.

* * * *
The dust of eternity runs in your veins.

* * * *
Who cares how many lives you have had,
Or who you may have been?
All were probably only a bit less vain.

* * * *
That moment scientists call the big bang
Is the same creation you experience with any insight.
You are the dream of godness in manifest form.

* * * *
The effortlessness of absoluteness hidden behind all veils
Empowers the tools which work to awaken your sovereignty.

* * * *
These words speak to every man, woman and child
Of all persuasions, colors, races, creeds and nationalities.
You all suffer needlessly of your own choosing.
It is a direction you are not forced to take.
Of the many less painful possibilities
We have chosen this expression.

* * * *
That you believe yourself a personal identity
Is the collusion of ignorance.

* * * *
The language and mythos you subscribe to
Is being used here as a tool, a fulcrum,
To destroy you as a separate identity.

* * * *
You are immortal.
Your apparent mortality
Is the veneer of duality's illusion.

* * * *
Be as a guest in your own house.

* * * *
Surrender the fruit of knowledge
And your invitation to eternity is assured.

* * * *
All covenants to Mayic gods are ultimately broken.
You are absoluteness, nothing more, nothing less.

* * * *
The gathering of tokens of wisdom is generally necessary.
Few are born into this world already enlightened.

* * * *
Your separation from absoluteness in any arena of the light show
Is the concoction of vain identification with one limitation or another.

* * * *
Nothing you have ever done will send you to hell
Without your own creative consent.

* * * *
The point of this experiment
Is to see harmony exercised in manifest form,
And what disharmony each will go through to reach that point in time.

* * * *
We all carry a cross of suffering in one form or another.
When will you put yours down?

* * * *
Smile at the thought that you are divine.
That you are the angel you always imagined,
The one watching over you.

* * * *
Why some suffer more than others is often obvious.

* * * *
What you think about most each day
Will tell you why you are here.

* * * *
Give your best shot at waking up.
You will be very happy about it.

* * * *
It does little good to stare at the bare wall
Once you have discovered your eternal nature.
God realization is too good a vintage
Not to want to buy your friends a round.

* * * *
How can you not be exhausted lying to yourself?
How can you not be tired of playing games
You long ago stopped believing in?

* * * *
Banish all self-deception that you are anything
But the unmanifest manifest in conscious form.
You are not an isolated, separate, personal identity.

* * * *
Each of us seeks a resolution of spirit and form.
The immortal nature is strong within all.

* * * *
From the loins of your parents
Your mind-body vessel was born.
Honor it with courtesy and restraint.

* * * *
The time of organized religion is ending.
You must till your own soil.

* * * *
Those discovering original nature die to their sin
And absolve others of theirs.

* * * *
Mystics who write thoughts like these
Are like spies hidden in the works
To find those who are ready
And plant seeds in those who are not.

* * * *
Trinities and other religious analogies
Are fabricated components attempting to describe
An unmanifest nature void of all division.

* * * *
You are unity born into original separation.
It is up to you to discover that you are astray
And through inquiry within find your way home.

* * * *
Looking back, you will find it easy to wonder
Why all the suffering was so necessary
For you to see what is now so clear.

* * * *
We are all the suns of man and godness.

* * * *
All manifestation is worm's meat
And the worm is you.

* * * *
Look closely,
The shackles are not locked.

* * * *
Do what you need to do
Until you no longer need to.

* * * *
You may as well give up

* * * *
Why do you  vainly worship
Those who are long since dust?

* * * *
Mortality, is it worth the price of admission?

* * * *
You may appear to have drifted away,
But not so far that you cannot find your way home.

* * * *
Ignore the sensory play, let go all conceptual thinking, still the mind,
Unify with the mystery you are, have ever been, will ever be.
Consciously manifest eternity in every moment possible.

* * * *
Great teachers were simply manifest vessels of the unmanifest.
To vainly worship them as personalities misses the point
That their identities were no longer important.

* * * *
What else is there to really do
But to know without doubt that you are
That which you have always most feared being.

* * * *
Believing someone else's divinity and not your own,
What is the point?

* * * *
The trickster is a sly old curmudgeon
And you fell for the storyline as you always have.
Who else could any of it be but you?

* * * *
Who dares throw the first stone?
All reside in lives of glass.

* * * *
Watch the vanity of others.
See your own.

* * * *
The coating of civility
Over your elemental nature
Is an amusing touch.

* * * *
Answer all your questions
Until there are none left.

* * * *
Find those who are ripe, ready to fall.
Listen closely to the teaching they offer.

* * * *
Must there be such chaos that manifest consciousness
Is forced to face extinction or awaken?

* * * *
Do you realize that all those bits of untainted affection,
That goodness you exude toward others at various times
Is the way you could be every moment of your life?

* * * *
Enjoy the pleasure of your loins as you will,
But take responsibility for life whose entry you bring.

* * * *
You are every wave crashing on every grain of sand
In all corners of the infinite realm of godness.

* * * *
Because you do not realize your absoluteness
Does not make you any less so.

* * * *
The life etched in your face and body
Reflects your inner awareness.

* * * *
There is no caste system in heaven's way.
Beggars and billionaires, saints and sinners,
Are all from beginning to end equally clay.

* * * *
Identity is a tenacious delusion.

* * * *
You must look inward to see
What there really is to see.

* * * *
Disown dogmatic reasoning.
There is no law but your own.

* * * *
Why do you choose leaders who have no wisdom,
Whose havoc is destroying the garden?

* * * *
Limits woven in your patterning will manifest
Until you discover your unlimited nature.

* * * *
Dreams are the restlessness of irreconcilable desire.
Absoluteness requires no resolution.

* * * *
An actor sheds his character when the play is over.
What would happen if he did it in the middle of the show?
What would happen if the entire cast did?

* * * *
Trust your Self.
You would not lie about this.
These thoughts are from you to you.
One day, through you, earth will join heaven.

* * * *
There is no need to suffer unrequited love.
You are the beloved.

* * * *
Your home is wherever you are.

* * * *
You are that you are.

* * * *
Your death now
Eases the pain of your birth.

* * * *
Smug piety lacks real religion.

* * * *
There is no image or form
Which does not contain absoluteness.
View all as equally divine.

* * * *
The greed of little self
Is an amazing thing to witness.
The only result is suffering all around,
Yet so few learn the lesson.

* * * *
Hell and heaven are not places,
But qualities of consciousness in awareness
Born either of ignorance or knowing.

* * * *
Whining and bemoaning your fate will not win eternity.
Only a strong heart and mind earns the fare.

* * * *
How serene it is to release that burdensome identity.
Its falseness drowns you in ignorance.

* * * *
You must be a warrior
To meet god as an equal.

* * * *
There is no copyright on wisdom.

* * * *
Be as godness manifest in the world.

* * * *
Travel the cord to the wall socket
And peer in.

* * * *
Check out any big bang.
God is not a wimp.

* * * *
The lover you take tonight
Is worm's meat in some tomorrow.

* * * *
Your perfection is in your intention.

* * * *
Ultimately, in this manifest journey,
It is the union of heart and mind.

* * * *
To own this is to be among the wealthiest
The world has ever known.

* * * *
The ravenous desire to own material things,
To experience endless pleasure,
Is an arid path.

* * * *
The lie of collusion is confusing and exhausting
For many born with the potential for realization.

* * * *
Take off your mask and play your Self.
Take a break from all that unnecessary suffering.

* * * *
The way many practice piety
Is a show for everyone else to see,
When there really is no one else to see.

* * * *
Know that you are a valued player in the dance.
You are playing your chosen role well.

* * * *
Why you would choose to hurt another
Is interesting, is it not?

* * * *
What a choreographer you are.

* * * *
Want nothing bad enough,
And you shall surely find it.

* * * *
It is merely a quickly passing, touchy-feely,
Three-dimensional, dreamy mirage.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Why are you attached to anything it offers?

* * * *
It is your garden world.
You created it, and now you may
Take care of it, or destroy it.
The question is really
Whether or not
You want to continue
This manifest dreamtime.

* * * *
The dream of creation is all happening right here-now,
And the you that you are, have always been, and will ever be,
Ever aware, ever still, ever at peace, ever blissfully one.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved