Chapter 96 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


No matter how huge your universe,
It remains limited by your imagination.

* * * *
You will never get it if you try too hard.

* * * *
Tell the chief what he needs to know,
Then let him/her call the play.

* * * *
History is such an illusion.

* * * *
What part does wisdom have in this wretched play?

* * * *
One get so tired of being poked and prodded
By the limitations of bureaucratic whimsy.

* * * *
How presumptuous to think these thoughts
Will have any real impact on the human drama.

* * * *
We are far too gullible and narrow-minded
For there to be any meaningful change.

* * * *
Until spell-check, I thought I could spell.
Fortunately, I haven’t got the software
To break my grammatical delusion.

* * * *
What can you expect from a small-time theater?

* * * *
How many are cast into roles
We would likely not have predicted.

* * * *
We all offer something,
Meaningless as it may seem.

* * * *
Go beyond the laws of this vain existence.

* * * *
Loving yourself is a great challenge for so many.
We take self-loathing to such great heights.

* * * *
Surrender to the unconditional friend and lover within.

* * * *
The me, myself and I is such a limited view.

* * * *
Drift on.

* * * *
Take the pain.
A difficult gift, but a gift nonetheless.
Without it you would not be mortal.

* * * *
Genocide isn’t just about killing off human beings.

* * * *
Passion in battle loses many a war.

* * * *
All enemies are imagined.

* * * *
Do you shape history, or it you?

* * * *
How incredible to love and be loved unconditionally.

* * * *
Live without reservation, unrepentant.

* * * *
But who’s common sense rules?

* * * *
You are in for big trouble
When you allow procedure
To outweigh common sense.

* * * *
Capacity is grounded by limitation.

* * * *
Conscience can be a bother.

* * * *
Breathe through it.

* * * *
Already it’s done.

* * * *
They will do what they will.

* * * *
What would be the point
Of sending Mammon off this planet?

* * * *
What do you do with an opponent
Bent on harming or destroying you?

* * * *
Technology creates countless new vocabularies.

* * * *
Stark and raving mad.

* * * *
Some of us have had
Quite enough of this tomfoolery,
I assure you.

* * * *
Obligations are entirely subjective.
You are not required to do or be anything.

* * * *
People who steeple their paws
Show their lack of discrimination.

* * * *
Your image of me is not my problem.

* * * *
We’d all make different choices
About who would get a ticket
To our concentration camps.

* * * *
Merit finds its own way.

* * * *
If you want nothing from me,
I will give you everything.

* * * *
If you don’t like something being done to you,
Why do it to another?

* * * *
Things change into new things again and again.

* * * *
You want so much that it cannot offer that much.

* * * *
There are ugly Americans,
And there are ugly English,
And there are ugly Germans,
And there are ugly Egyptians,
And there are ugly Japanese,
And there are ugly Nigerians,
And there are ugly Mexicans,
And there are ugly Greeks,
And on and on.

* * * *
Who isn’t ugly some of the time?

* * * *
Can you see what you do not know?

* * * *
Isn’t it remarkable how one moment
Turns into the next?

* * * *
Superficial probably works for you most the time.

* * * *
How differently all our mind sees the universe.

* * * *
Whose life are you living anyway?
May as well enjoy it.

* * * *
What lottery will you win today?

* * * *
Where is that?

* * * *
You hold onto your pain as if it’s really important.

* * * *
So many trying to convince you their way is right
When, really, one way is as good as another.

* * * *
Is what you fear not remembering
Really that important?

* * * *
How challenging not to be stuck in time.

* * * *
You do what you have little choice but to do.

* * * *
If you want nothing, the pain becomes irrelevant.

* * * *
We are stuffed-up on so much bullshit.

* * * *
I operate on a need to know basis,
And I don’t.

* * * *
Aging is a process
Of paying attention
To different things.

* * * *
Some things are so blatant
They can’t be seen.

* * * *
Is birth always so painful?

* * * *
Imagine what it’s like to be something different.
Every form plays outs its designated role.

* * * *
What is there to be afraid of, really,
That is not a concoction of imagination?

* * * *
Give it some thought.

* * * *
From some vast fountain these many thoughts come,
Each one spontaneous, randomly accessed
From the day-to-day observations
Of a rather ordinary life.

* * * *
Love is a word defined by you.

* * * *
How ruthless the world is to women.
What matter how unattractive the drone.

* * * *
Humanity’s ultimate lack of cooperation
Will likely prove its ultimate undoing.

* * * *
What makes you really think anyone else
Knows any more than you about truth?

* * * *
The body is a means for consciousness
To contemplate its mysterious origin.

* * * *
Some will probably always feel the need
To have things explained to them by others.

* * * *
Some forms are more pleasing to the senses,
But they most likely won’t all be unless
You perceive them all as gold.

* * * *
You have no choice but to play out the body.
Impressed by a birth you did not choose,
You have elected to stay on voluntarily.
You could slit your throat anytime,
Though who can really know
Where that might lead?

* * * *
All experts are suspect.

* * * *
Romance can be fun,
But how often is it
More fantasy than fact?

* * * *
Whether a toe or a distant galaxy,
Sometimes it all seems so far away.
All the same, all the same, all the same.

* * * *
Any society whose leaders
Can be bought and sold
Is fated to decline and ruin.

* * * *
Is the issue whether you can do it,
Or whether you want to?

* * * *
What is the point of fearing
You will not live a long life?

* * * *
Looking for a reason to die?

* * * *
Sometimes it takes awhile to catch
How twisted someone else has become.

* * * *
How weighted thought is.

* * * *
Become your ideal,
Or don’t bother having any.

* * * *
What does it really matter
If you don’t see, touch, taste,
Hear, speak or think of it?

* * * *
Of drops the ocean is made.

* * * *
So what if you’re not served first,
Or even if you’re last.

* * * *
Be free of all authority,
Especially god’s.

* * * *
Each seed discovers life anew
Within the confines of its potential in time.

* * * *
Feel like it’s all a bother sometimes.

* * * *
Eternity is the forever in you.

* * * *
This view allows every possibility.
And those whose destiny it is
Will not settle for less.

* * * *
Discern the kernel from the chaff.

* * * *
Take on whatever identity you please,
You will ever be the same you.

* * * *
Attached to form,
Your attempts to reconcile duality
Only fragment you further.

* * * *
Who knows what another
Will read into these thoughts?
How is it possible to ever know
How another’s mind will turn?

* * * *
If it bothers you so much,
Just ignore it.

* * * *
When is enough enough?

* * * *
How long is forever?

* * * *
Why apologize for seeing it
The way you see it?

* * * *
Strange what worshipers of Mammon will do.

* * * *
What an amazing thing to be alive,
And to be a human being
Able to write about it.

* * * *
Godness will see
Whatever it wants to see.

* * * *
Oh yawn.

* * * *
How can someone who never learned to play
Learn that which comes so easily to those who did?

* * * *
Peace is in the eye of the beholder.

* * * *
Anyone with scientific inclination just naturally
Scrutinize the many nuances and vagaries
Of whatever they happen to be doing.

* * * *
How artful we can be
At rationalizing our actions.

* * * *
Life is a big game of tag.

* * * *
The fulcrum of any law is cooperation.

* * * *
The universe does not care long, if at all, for your appearance.

* * * *
Bouquets promise something,
But what is clear only to lovers.

* * * *
Read closely that you might discern
The unseen of each letter’s turn.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved