Chapter 63 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Discern and maintain peace and serenity
In your own mind before attempting
To brandish it upon another’s.

* * * *
Is there anything more dangerous
Than a hypocrite blind to his hypocrisy?

* * * *
Belief is the result of the desire or more
And the fear that some authority
Can deny you access.

* * * *
Never completely trust someone
Who has the power to destroy.
It may someday weave you
Into its passionate vortex

* * * *
God’s plan?
You call this fine mess a plan?

* * * *
The vastness is masked by ignorance.

* * * *
In all most the most adamant ignorance,
Any delusion eventually wears thin.

* * * *
One thing leads to another one way or another.

* * * *
Only manifestation can feel a craving to know,
To hope, to seek, to pray, to perform so many motions
In order to achieve the salvation of a mystery
Which can never be lost or destroyed
But through the illusionary mists
Of contrived interpretations.

* * * *
If you cannot comprehend, understand,
Know, embrace and release every potential
Of creation, duration and destruction,
Then have you entirely seen
Your ultimate reality?

* * * *
The shogun wins the worthiest garden
By respecting the gardener and his calling.

* * * *
Sit still or move voraciously,
It all passes the same,
But for the mind’s ceaseless craving.

* * * *
Heaven has always been on earth.
It is only the mind’s blindness
To the greatest reality
Which sets hell in motion.

* * * *
The hierarchies of the mind
Exist only in time.

* * * *
The origin of all language
Are the slangs of individual creation.

* * * *
Every particle of dust is the infinite story.

* * * *
If you do not stop to ponder their meaning within,
The impact of these words will end up
Being very repetitive.

* * * *
You will discern the one
When the many are no longer needed
To sustain the imagined.

* * * *
The tranquility of the moment is cultivated within.
It requires a mind free of outward influence
In ground detached from appearances.
It is the drumming whose rhythm
Aligns with the indivisible.

* * * *
These words are not new to the world,
Merely unheard by the majority.

* * * *
What a paranoid species we are
That we so carelessly kill all creatures
Who even remotely threaten our existence
Or are useless to its continuation.

* * * *
But for your own patterned ruling,
You have no obligation to do anything
As it has been done before.

* * * *
All is one, all is truth, all is way.
It is the versions which create dogma.

* * * *
The outer state is a reflection of the inner one.

* * * *
As the mind-body moves, so does the universal one.

* * * *
Where does the balloon go after the pop?

* * * *
It’s a god eat god world.

* * * *
Are guilt, fear, rage and any other passion
Things you are convinced or forced to feel?

* * * *
Once you accept any politically correct mode of thinking,
You are accepting an array of assumptions founded upon illusion.

* * * *
How often do you wake up wondering
What stupidities you will to endure this day?

* * * *
Why should you be expected to take care of someone
Who lacks the self-respect to take care of themselves?

* * * *
Abiding grace comes with complete surrender.

* * * *
Why let anyone or anything
Ruin even a moment?

* * * *
Light manifests all forms,
All states of time and space,
All aberrations of consciousness.
There is no end to what it will create,
No innovation which it will not consume.
You are witness to its immeasurable vision,
Alone in a vast universe unveiled by the divinity
Of the solitary will dancing at the core of every light.

* * * *
Why should you feel even remotely responsible
For the inevitable downfall of blind ignorance?

* * * *
When you were dreamtime’s beginning,
You partook fully childhood’s reverie.
When you outgrew those pursuits,
You took on an adult’s dream.
What then happens when
You put aside entirely
Time’s mirage?

* * * *
We have pummeled this world and its many life forms.
How long will we drive everything into the ropes
Before the ring breaks down completely?

* * * *
In spite of the seeming endlessness
Of the manifest sensory experiencing,
The essence of all is one vast similarity.

* * * *
Constant second-guessing is self-defeating
Especially when it is over egoistic concerns.

* * * *
Fathom the mystery as it is devised to be fathomed.

* * * *
All the measuring only creates more fragmentation.

* * * *
The philosopher discerns the non-existence of existence
Yet attains a relative mastery of its many illusions.

* * * *
What do you want?
Again and again the question,
What do you want?

* * * *
Integration is that point of oblivion
In which you no longer exist in separation.
You cannot know truth for that implies separation.
You can only surrender to the beingness,
Meld into the intuitive oneness
At the core of eternity’s
Manifest unfolding.

* * * *
History is no longer written
Solely by the victorious.
Its lessons are seen
In a relative light.

* * * *
Whichever way you turn,
However far you travel,
Whatever speed you move,
Eternal life unfolds instantaneously.

* * * *
Education’s unwritten goal
Is to create a docile working force
Who will voluntarily sustain a community
Which has little concern for the individual welfare.

* * * *
You are doing what it is your fate to do.

* * * *
Everything we have done to control nature
Only magnifies the boomerang’s comeback.

* * * *
It is complete surrender
To the struggle of existence
Which makes it effortless.

* * * *
How challenging for the known
Not to be destroyed by the wave
Of their own crushing mythologies.

* * * *
How can you hold consciousness against itself?

* * * *
Humanity is quickly becoming a waste of existence.

* * * *
Here you are.
Make the best of it.

* * * *
What gives you any reason
To believe humanity as a whole
Will change the tack it has maintained
Since the beginning of its theatric inception?

* * * *
The true Immortal you is not bound
By the vain infidelities of mortality.

* * * *
Justice is a function of might’s ethos.

* * * *
Why are we so loath to admit to ourselves
That we must be godness manifest?
That there really is only one perspective.

* * * *
The currents of creation,
Of history and its unfolding future,
Is a grand immaculate, dynamic dreaming
Playing out in an immeasurable garden of mystery
Witnessed in countless ways by every conceivable life form
In every now the mirage of space and time will allow.

* * * *
Evolution and creation are synonymous.

* * * *
Wisdom is just well-worn pathlessness.

* * * *
You are that which needs never sleep,
Needs never dream, needs never awaken,
Yet sleeps, dreams and awakens anew
Throughout eternity in every guise.

* * * *
Does any have any choice
But to play the role dealt?

* * * *
Without ignorance and delusion,
Wisdom and insight would not spawn.

* * * *
There is only one eternal life,
No matter how many are played.

* * * *
Birth and death are ultimately
Very much the same reality.

* * * *
Watching the many activists
Is like watching a cancer trying
To change its fundamental nature.
How arduous for them to comprehend
How powerful inaction can be.

* * * *
It is the politicians, priests and money-changers
Who are truly naive and foolish, truly imprisoned,
By the incessant worship of the false gods of vanity.

* * * *
The underlying assumption of so many
Is that humanity should continue as it is.

* * * *
Karma is only as real as you make it.

* * * *
Sometimes a very painful belly flop
Is a needed point in the learning curve.

* * * *
How much suffering and angst
Is simply oxygen deprivation?

* * * *
Stay ahead of history.

* * * *
If they will not wake up,
Let them eat their bullets.

* * * *
There is a language for every set.

* * * *
Justice is the outcome of might’s choices.

* * * *
Don’t let knowledge overwhelm insight.

* * * *
These many thoughts are not comforting for most.
In their denial the undiscerning become more adamant,
More unwilling to fathom that all conclusions, all assumptions
Have foothold only in the impersonal quicksand of eternity’s abyss.

* * * *
Death resolves all dilemmas.

* * * *
Peace is not something forced.
It is the surrender to the true nature
Prior to all variations of persona.

* * * *
We have journeyed a long way from Kansas.
Look’s like we’re going to eat all the cake.

* * * *
Life has written these thoughts.
It will teach you everything
You are ready to know.

* * * *
Bend the world to your will?

* * * *
You will take many breaths today,
All one at a time.

* * * *
Thought is a flash of energy
Patterned into consciousness.

* * * *
The real purpose of life is beyond living.
Who’s home?

* * * *
There are many openings in the game of life,
But by the end the choices are very narrow.

* * * *
The depth and breadth of infinity are within.

* * * *
Thought breeds quickly in time.

* * * *
Are you your thoughts,
Or the beingness
From which they arise?

* * * *
The building blocks of existence
Can be conceptualized in countless ways,
Yet the patterns are ever woven of the same essence.

* * * *
What satisfaction there is in doing something well.
The art of living is its own craftsmanship.

* * * *
How many mistakes you have probably made
And never known.

* * * *
Mind is the seeker, knower, creator
And creation of all patterns.

* * * *
There can be big money in being insane in this world.

* * * *
It is really all happening for the first time.

* * * *
To thine own enemy, be true.

* * * *
An infant is without pattern.
The winds of life sculpt pattern.
Knowledge is the grouping of pattern.
Understanding is the grasping of pattern.
Wisdom is the command of pattern.
Liberation is prior to pattern.
The return to essence.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved