Chapter 98 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Always ironic that so many who least understand
Have co-opted so adamantly the wisdom
To which they are least suited.
Conclusions barricade the seeing.

* * * *
Isn’t it all just miscellaneous hodge and podge?

* * * *
Some people wake up early, some late.
Some sleep through the whole show.

* * * *
“Women don’t have the same vexing control over me
As they did when I was so much younger,”
He said as he craned his neck
For another view.

* * * *
Is there anything untouched by paradox?

* * * *
Can most eyes remain closed
When there is a light show at play?

* * * *
Go to the kernel of everything observed.

* * * *
It never happened.

* * * *
You really think you can change yourself?

* * * *
How blind so many are to their aloneness
That they passionately avoid, deny or destroy
Any contaminant which might expose their eyes
To the ultimate reality from which all springs.

* * * *
Some doors open easily,
Some stick, some will not budge.
Fate is as fate does.

* * * *
And to think the she, too,
Will someday be a hag.

* * * *
What a cruel god visits this play.

* * * *
These words are yet another wander to Self-discovery.

* * * *
It is the farm boy in you
That seeds the flower
To the same end.

* * * *
Allow the world its diversity.
Moderation and economy in all things.
Be and allow is the highest law.

* * * *
Passionately wave any flag
And you’ll no doubt ferret
Many more than a few
Willing to die for it.

* * * *
Funny how you always wake up
In a new time and space.

* * * *
So many ways to abuse,
So many ways to be abused.

* * * *
So many surreal romantic notions.

* * * *
Life must die for life to continue.

* * * *
A god so petty
As the one so many create
Is no god for you.

* * * *
The ruby slippers
Are Dorothy’s bodhi tree.

* * * *
Is the issue recycling or consumption?

* * * *
What price will you pay for your desire?

* * * *
Whose news?

* * * *
Forgive them,
They know not what they do.

* * * *
Heaven and hells
Are for minds attached to their bodies.

* * * *
There are many antichrists,
But they are no what you think.

* * * *
And all the lemming scientists
Measuring a way, trying to confirm
Whether or not a cliff lies ahead.

* * * *
Life and death are not really.

* * * *
Let someone else have your fifteen minutes.

* * * *
Why would any god bother saving
Anyone incapable of saving themselves?

* * * *
Are like and dislike any more
Than simple correlations to levels
Of pleasure and comfort?

* * * *
Most of your life,
If not all of it,
Is beyond your control.

* * * *
What do you see with your peripheral vision?

* * * *
How we relish our glories.

* * * *
Does all this talk about freedom
Apply to anyone else?

* * * *
A conspiracy of one.

* * * *
Resistance diminishes the opportunity for joy.

* * * *
The need to pee is not an illusion.

* * * *
Cute is only fur deep.

* * * *
Pay attention to the hub.

* * * *
Every moment its own beginning, its own end.

* * * *
What is it you think you’re holding onto?

* * * *
Place it all within a grain of sand.

* * * *
Seeds planted,
Dormant till winter’s passing.

* * * *
Pleasure is only pleasurable
When it is not correlated
To the resulting pain.

* * * *
Handle it with reverence
As you destroy it.

* * * *
As far as timelines go,
The human species is apportioned
A scratch at best.

* * * *
Why would god choose
A bunch of losers?

* * * *
You would have more regret
Killing a rattlesnake or a black widow.

* * * *
Like every other beast on the planet,
We have our instinctual dance,
Our genetic undercurrent.
Complex as it seems
It is very simple
At the primal level.

* * * *
So many things you have done,
So many, many, many more it is not
Your destiny to ever even contemplate.

* * * *
Options are as options is.

* * * *
We are the flowering of free will.

* * * *
You are the mix of god and man.

* * * *
Get beyond political correctness.

* * * *
She, too, is an illusion.

* * * *
Memories echo around an otherwise empty cavity.

* * * *
You’re only the star in you show.

* * * *
The need to control others
Is a sign of great insecurity.

* * * *
If you have a soul,
Why wouldn’t everything else?

* * * *
Alas, your poor guardian angel.

* * * *
Your are the vanity, kid.

* * * *
If you are the primal essence,
What can harm you?

* * * *
It is called many names,
Yet in reality it has none.

* * * *
Words have so little meaning,
Yet they are the means
By which all attachments form.

* * * *
What unwritten contracts between the sexes.

* * * *
What fine madness this all is.

* * * *
Consciousness is a temporary marvel,
Life a temporary dream,
Eternity a fact crossing all seams.

* * * *
Join hearts across all divides.

* * * *
Why compromise with a lesser view.

* * * *
God forbid, but you are the hero/heroine.

* * * *
Earth, water, wind and fire.
All swirl together into the third eye.

* * * *
What a siren!
Oh lord, tie me to the mast
And torture me more.

* * * *
Once you taste fearlessness,
Can you abide its source any further?

* * * *
What joy moves you?

* * * *
Give your opponents a chance or so
To change their mind.

* * * *
What scope rationalization can cross.

* * * *
You must enjoy hell,
lest you would not remain.

* * * *
Feel the fire and ice of your torture chamber.

* * * *
Truth is a heady drink.
Not everyone covets such a fine wine.

* * * *
Project unfold one step at a time.

* * * *
Humility is a gift.

* * * *
So many ways to say one,
To exercise its countless forms.

* * * *
What inspires so many
To inflict such agony upon others?
What a wicked, naughty, petty god we can be.

* * * *
Every single moment,
From an infinite set of data,
You select your universe.

* * * *
Yeah, mamma!

* * * *
A teaching obviously lower than most.

* * * *
It’s a DNA thing.

* * * *
But for the words,
You are so easily forgotten.

* * * *
Why expect more than life offers?

* * * *
Ooh, what a bother a body can be.

* * * *
Sure, sure, you’re supposed to care,
But sometimes you don’t.

* * * *
Why take death seriously?
Or life for that matter?

* * * *
How foreign everything can seem.

* * * *
Your specialty is unknown.

* * * *
How excruciating this dream world can be.

* * * *
There is always something to do.

* * * *
When was time invented?
When did it become real?

* * * *
Humanity’s biggest delusion
Is that we can outdo our nature.

* * * *
Why shouldn’t what happens to everyone else
Happen to you?

* * * *
So many things to wonder about.
All to the same conclusion.

* * * *
Drifting along, not deeds to do,
No promises to keep.

* * * *
Embrace the what is of reality,
And no harm can befall you.

* * * *
Does any other seed sustain
The unwarranted sense of separation
We human beings have managed?

* * * *
Uncarved blocks contain every possibility.

* * * *
Plant a large pile of shit in that beautiful garden
To remind yourself what those flowers come from.

* * * *
History shows us anything can be forgotten.

* * * *
Fairer sex?
Gee willikers, is that what they call an oxymoron?

* * * *
My oh my, you do love to yap.

* * * *
Just another set of seeds
Born of Mother Earth’s garden.
Perhaps the cleverest so far,
But just as mortal as any.

* * * *
How attached you are to your resume.

* * * *
Good and evil are an illusion whose
Hypnotic hold is vivid imagination.

* * * *
Who would really want to leave this garden forever
For what might well be an infinite journey
Into the ultimate aloneness?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved