Chapter 127 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


The myriad creations of mind will scar Eden for eons to come.
Imagine the skeletal remains of cities across the world,
In which our descendants will someday wander.
What will they think of all our amusements?

* * * *
Another fateful decision.

* * * *
The lure of romantic notion is a promise time drowns.

* * * *
Thank god you weren’t born into that life.

* * * *
It is value which creates all suffering.

* * * *
If you haven’t already figured it out,
Governments, businesses and the like
Are only concerned about your usefulness.
Talk of your welfare can end quite quickly
Once your productivity begins to falter.

* * * *
Want an answer?
Ask Vanity.

* * * *
Why do some so enjoy inflicting pain upon others?

* * * *
Even the greatest human artists
Will never rival the wonders
Created by the elements.

* * * *
How can anyone not discern the human drama
Is chock full of instinctual patterns of an animal nature?

* * * *
What an incredible set of coincidences
Have gone into creating this moment.

* * * *
Imagine what it was to be one
Of the first creators of language.

* * * *
You will find the answer that suits your nature.

* * * *
No matter how well they market the lie,
It will ever be the nature of corporate enterprises
To care much less about your wellbeing
Than what is in your wallet.

* * * *
How quickly the generations
Lose their self-sufficiency.
Specialization will have
Its share of limitations
In the time to come.

* * * *
Become the baebe’s smile.

* * * *
Even if Jesus were to come back,
The Christians would probably kill him
Because he wouldn’t be saying
What they were expecting.

* * * *
What does the biblical assertion
“The meek will inherit the earth” really mean?
Probably something about mass graves,
Sharecropping, or hiding in the hills.
The bold will always dominate
The innocent only hoping to survive.

* * * *
Believe it or not, a lot of other people are suffering here, too.
In fact, some endure a lot worse fates than you,
So please, quit the whining.

* * * *
Any up and coming generation
Will putter out their lives as they see fit.
None will survive that much longer
Or shorter than any time does,
No matter the character
Of their choices.

* * * *
The human species
Is not going to change anytime soon.
Get over it.

* * * *
A collision with a huge comet might well be merciful.

* * * *
Know how to moderate your pleasures.

* * * *
How often envy brings down success.

* * * *
Friends are great,
But even a worthy opponent
Helps pass the time.

* * * *
No use worrying about the future.
It will do what futures always do.

* * * *
How intensely grotesque
The human body can become
Without all the vain ornamentation.
How fortunate animals with fur coats are
To be able to conceal the form flesh can take.

* * * *
Think of your body as a field day
For some form of death.

* * * *
Lust is most enticing
When the form and flesh
Are young and still deceiving.

* * * *
So easy to become a target for someone.

* * * *
To tempt fate is to take on a very worthy opponent.

* * * *
With or without a container,
When have you not been?

* * * *
Forever being what it is and is not,
How can godness not be patient enough
To mold and experience every infinite possibility?

* * * *
Desire is the harbinger of fear.

* * * *
Image lock is a held breath.

* * * *
You got a name?
Well, keep it to yourself.

* * * *
How will you appear to the young when you are old?

* * * *
Imagine yourself in a permanent state of deja vu.

* * * *
True virtual reality is indestructible.

* * * *
The media love to fan the public frenzy.

* * * *
Perhaps the devil is your savior.

* * * *
Cultivate your courage to face this existence squarely.

* * * *
The relentless quest for numbers is a murky swamp
Which contributes little to the balance
Life requires to survive.

* * * *
It’s your level of ignorance which rates you and your world.

* * * *
Political correctness permeates every part and particle of the conscious play,
Even those deluding themselves and the world that they are above it all.
It’s a group thing that happens whenever two or more get together.

* * * *
No artist’s work is always great.

* * * *
Godness is not limited to the forms
Prescribed by your limited imagination.

* * * *
You only postpone the inevitable.

* * * *
Why do they call it love?
Does that mean love will kill you?
How unromantic.

* * * *
How can you teach what you don’t know?

* * * *
Desire breeds fear in that held breath.

* * * *
It’s what you don’t see that can be
The greatest cause for concern.

* * * *
If you can imagine it, it needn’t be done.

* * * *
No matter what happens to humanity
The course of Eden will not run quite the same
For some time after our extinction.

* * * *
You’ll probably be back.
Hell’s too much fun.

* * * *
You are alone together
To gather the harvest you sew.

* * * *
Now that’s hell.

* * * *
Spiritual experiences seem to come to those craving them,
Those who believe them for some reason important,
Those who need signs of one sort or another,
Those who don’t realize the whole
Damn thing is spiritual.

* * * *
Vanity, vanity.
That’s all it is.

* * * *
Ignorance does not have to be the norm.
Superstition does not have to be accepted.
Foolishness does not have to be tolerated.

* * * *
The Great Oz, Mother Nature, will know what to do.

* * * *
What wordsmiths we have become.
So much history to play with.

* * * *
A vast secret open to all.

* * * *
Hello, little god.

* * * *
Tolerate the differences as best ye may.

* * * *
Ideas are all the malarkey of the ignorance
Upon which imagination is fabricated.

* * * *
Those who want the most
Tend to step on those who don’t.
Which have the most fear?

* * * *
Are the parts of your body any different
Than the galaxies and nebulas of any universe?
Illusory, but still there none the less.

* * * *
This is the everyman’s buddha

* * * *
Good comes from bad, and bad from good.
Where’s the dividing line so many keep pointing to?

* * * *
Total attention is giving yourself

* * * *
If who knows how many of your ancestors hadn’t murdered,
Tortured, kidnapped, raped, plundered, lied, and cheated,
You wouldn’t be here to be so freely outraged by such things.

* * * *
The reason so few grasp this mystery is that more
Finite patterns are easier for the limited mind to focus on.
Baseball, booze, babes, cigarettes, money;
Now those you can count on.

* * * *
What a unique point in human history we are traveling.
You will play whatever your history draws out of you.

* * * *
How relatively few human beings can ascertain
A broader perspective at this point in time’s passing.
Will they ever?  Who knows?  Who cares?

* * * *
Well, at least you got yours.

* * * *
In these thoughts are a vision of how it seems,
And how it might be if it is the human fate
To generate a different paradigm
In some distant future
For a brief time.

* * * *
Who knows how you many yet choose to play it out?

* * * *
Mystics see what is really going on.
A burden in its own right,
One to shed.

* * * *
Music has to be shared now,
Because it can only be read later.

* * * *
Do you wonder if this has all happened before?

* * * *
We dominate so harshly.
No mercy, baby.

* * * *
There really is no other way it could be, is there?

* * * *
Again and again I’ll say it,
You are so predictable.

* * * *
Meditation is nowing, gracefully.

* * * *
You are so tainted by your judgments.

* * * *
So much compromising.

* * * *
You are not wrong about all this.

* * * *
God may be very patient,
But Mother Nature can be a demon
If you don’t abide by her rules.

* * * *
Dear God, I do enjoy writing these little ditties.
Your little creation amuses me so, and I cannot help
But feel gratitude to have been chosen
For the role of diligent scribe.

* * * *
Secret agent man.

* * * *
You are a bug crusher till the bug’s crushed out of you.

* * * *
Can you love unconditionally?

* * * *
So many you cannot even remember.

* * * *
It’s okay to be soft and supple
Even if it is so challenging.

* * * *
Politics is the art of getting along,
Even if you have to kill a few
Along your merry way.

* * * *
You have absolutely no loyalty,
But can often be depended on.

* * * *
So many thoughts lost for the want of a pen,
The lack of a scrap of to write on, or the
Instability of a spacious mind.

* * * *
It’s proportion which fuels our lust.

* * * *
You seek so many distractions to pass your time.

* * * *
You waste your love on ideals.

* * * *
Amazing the parts some must play.

* * * *
The show must go on.

* * * *
Who to believe this time.

* * * *
What an actor you are.

* * * *
What silly shows you play out
For those fifteen minutes of fame.

* * * *
Whether it be heaven or hell,
The more is now.

* * * *
Why do I bother doing this
But for my own vanity.

* * * *
You will someday return to the ground
From which all life springs,
And will resume that
Which nature has always been.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved