Chapter 143 - The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)


Can you exist in this sensory world without wanting anything from it?
Can you dabble in its reality and still peer into the unknown
Without suffering intensely from the carnal reality?
Must you always be completely detached
To walk serenely in time and space?
Questions to which only you
Can discern answers.

* * * *
Look across the river and see your Self
Looking back from the other side.

* * * *
As honest as it gets.

* * * *
Mystical union.

* * * *
The vanity of reason.

* * * *
Pride will one day ebb out with that last breath.

* * * *
Surrender and the silence just sort of takes over.

* * * *
All names eventually wash away in the sand.

* * * *
Jesus hung with the street folk
Because the disenfranchised souls
Were the only ones who could hear him.

* * * *
You are immortal, but not in form.

* * * *
The unexpected is generally hard to predict.

* * * *

* * * *
Waste of time?
How can you ever waste
Something that does not exist?

* * * *
Life is the mirage of a deceptive reality.

* * * *
Abide the limits until all limits end.

* * * *
If you only idealize totality,
You have not become it.

* * * *
Oh, how budding egos do savage their world.

* * * *
The field of consciousness is crowded
With an infinity of names inspired by a world
Full of divisive mythologies, all equally meaningless
To the absolute nature from which it is birthed.

* * * *
Why all this psychological violence?
This drive to hurt one another?
To destroy all opposition?
This competitive drive
Which has created
So much confusion.

* * * *
And when the mind ends as you know it,
What becomes of the craving?

* * * *
One thousand, three thousand years hence,
Will they still be vainly waiting for some messiah?
Will superstitious poppycock still rule consciousness?

* * * *
The rules by which Mother Nature operates
Are simple, straight-forward, and unchanging.
The finite mind may pretend it is supreme,
But that is only the ultimate delusion.

* * * *
The god most worship seems to be
As vain, petty, and blood-thirsty as they.

* * * *
The essence you are is untouched
By the human dream’s brief passing.

* * * *
Detached witness prior to all constraints.

* * * *
The bliss of Eden is still very much present
Except in minds crowded with busy self-importance.
The beast in its instinctual base will never
Create the inane dualistic notions
Humanity has trumpeted
Again and again
Into the silence of eternity.

* * * *
Even a cockroach has got Soul.

* * * *
From small to large and large to small,
That which never sleeps sees it all.

* * * *
Don’t take it so personal.

* * * *
Have you seen your face yet?
Do you think you ever will?

* * * *
Whether you wake up or not
Is really your own affair.

* * * *
Where else can history exist but your mind?

* * * *
What it is, it is not.

* * * *
The mind is a receiver.
The reception within the no-mind
Is clear beyond all form.

* * * *
So many believe eternity a product of time,
When in fact the unborn has absolutely
No relationship to it whatsoever.

* * * *
Can’t argue fate.

* * * *
Who can do more than speculate
Why some are bestowed this eternal insight
While so many are born to seek out only manifest theatre.
What an enigma this weaving of heaven and earth.
These words are dedicated to those few
Who are fated to discrimination
Of the highest order.

* * * *
People are like collections of music.
Some you enjoy listening to over and over,
While others you hear once and never want to again.

* * * *
From the concept zero, all others come.

* * * *
Where would humanity be
If not for paper, printing press,
And all the subsequent technology?

* * * *
Filled with ego the mind is like a muddy river.

* * * *
Seems likely that someday
Humanity will return to its aboriginal roots.
Mother Nature will not likely tolerate this arrogance forever.

* * * *
What is the body but a vat of chemical stew
Playing out the permutations of its seed origin.

* * * *
What misery the mind
Bound to the manifest dream
Does weave.

* * * *
Another reminder to not get caught up
Believing analogies, symbols, rituals, archetypes, tradition
Or anything else concocted by the mind
To be eternally real.

* * * *
We are really just playing out the paradigm invoked
By natural selection prior to the froth of civilization.

* * * *
Find your home in the homeless nature
Of whatever context you abide.

* * * *
Whether you cater or resist
The veiled universe of the senses,
You are ever mired in the duality of illusion.

* * * *
Can’t win for losing.

* * * *
Whether conscious of it or not,
We are all equal witnesses to the mystery.

* * * *
No way out, sorry.

* * * *
Desire is sort of an act of self-absorbed torture.

* * * *
The creatures who abide humanity
Are able to adapt to the mind’s linear mode.

* * * *
Where is good and evil located in an atom?

* * * *
Does the boat recall its wake or the train the rail?

* * * *
Why does humanity,
Individually or collectively,
Give the past so much weight?

* * * *
In the personal sense, you are responsible for the world you create.
In the impersonal sense it is but a spontaneous undertaking
For which you have no responsibility whatsoever.
Which way you see it depends entirely
On your desire to participate.

* * * *
All concepts are born of time.
Not one exists eternally.

* * * *
Creation is dust playing out every form imaginable
In the interminable reality in which Maya rules.

* * * *
Build whatever monolith you will,
Sooner or later the demolition experts:
Wind, water, earth, and fire will ground it back
Into the eternal maelstrom.

* * * *
You are not responsible
For the propaganda of time
Which you are fed from day one,
Only that which you choose to swallow.

* * * *
How can any vow hold up to time?

* * * *
There can be peace in violence and violence in peace.
Appearances are not always what they seem.

* * * *
Like all opinions and thoughts
These too are just more dust.

* * * *
Hmmm…What was I going to say?
Oh yeah, forget it.

* * * *
Is news anything more
Than another level of gossip?

* * * *
Funny how you can stare something obvious
Right in the face and never see it.

* * * *
When you give over to death
The dream continues on without you,
But your temporal part disappears, forever lost
In Maya’s ever-kaleidoscoping  rainbow.

* * * *
Nosey minds want to know.

* * * *
Pagans seem to be those
Who disagree with the labels,
Not necessarily the definitions.

* * * *
There really is not much point to judging another.
No one can really help but play out the part
Time and space have created for them.

* * * *
Always be sure to read the small print before you sign.

* * * *
Read enough history to discern it does not truly exist
But for the imaginative collusion of those who cling to time.

* * * *
Laugh or cry, yell or sigh, it all passes the same.

* * * *
We are all just chemical entities
Hallucinating our individual delusions.

* * * *
Travel whatever time or space you will,
Inhabit whatever form pleases your vanity,
Receive whatever signals manifestation allows,
It is ever the same one playing out diversity.

* * * *
Who do you feel sorry for
But a figment of imagination?

* * * *
Were you really granted much choice
In the persona time and space
Molded you to perform?

* * * *
I am That I Am.
Your are That I Am.
There is no other.

* * * *
Organized religions across the world
Have marketed the one god concept well,
But forgot to include themselves in the process.

* * * *
History is a debt for which the future pays in many ways.

* * * *
You see what you have agreed to see.

* * * *
The Beast destroys life.

* * * *
When you stop trying to hold onto time,
Eternity blossoms in consciousness.

* * * *
Concepts weave the veil of illusion.

* * * *
The bad guys only lose in the movies.

* * * *
Here you are caught in time
Which only exists because of a body,
Which changes in so many ways every moment,
Eventually wearing out and falling off
No matter how you treat it.

* * * *
How preoccupied with our bodies we become.
Birthed of the choiceless serenity of untrammeled awareness,
We relinquish that uncarved bliss for the tortures
Inflicted by the senses and mind.

* * * *
Because free will is a lie.

* * * *
In a time long, long ago, far, far away,
You were so easily convinced that you existed.
All in a dream, all in a dream, the loading had begun…

* * * *
You forget and then you remember,
And from then on you work on
Remembering to forget.

* * * *
Merge into the freedom
In which all truly reside.

* * * *
Do the senses function as the mind wills,
Or does the mind function as the senses will,
Or is there any separation between the two?

* * * *
Space, the final frontier.

* * * *
You will not understand death until you are ready to die.

* * * *
Is there anything more humbling
Than having your rear cleaned by another?

* * * *
You so badly want your trip validated,
Yet is it anymore legitimate
Than anyone else’s?

* * * *
Whatever ever you say, Your Vanity.

* * * *
Just because it appears real has never,
Will never, can never make it so.

* * * *
The truly logical mind cannot be bound by its logic.
All rational thinking is founded upon intuition,
The key to eternal life, the key home.

* * * *
Eternal life is when the body cedes
Its individuality to its timeless origin.

* * * *
There are three essential ways
To play out the manifest dreamtime.
There are those who give, those who take,
And those of whom many others must take care.
Everyone does a good share of each,
But most will be weighted
One way or another.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Stillness Before Time (Compendium)
© Michael J. Holshouser 2009
World Rights Reserved